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Everything posted by Cederien

  1. So my DL folder is on a network drive. Yesterday I needed to do some work on that and let one of the raids rebuild, during that time the download folder was not accessible (appearing empty due to being symlinked). I figured that would not be a major issue, I just wanted to play a game, not DL or install anything. Worked well enough. However, as of today the Download folder with its entire content is available again and Vortex became completely derailed. It starts with the innocent enough message "Some downloads were not finalized - Vortex may appear frozen for a moment while repairing this". If I click on repair, it appears he attempts to rehash each and every mod in the DL folder, taking about 2-3 minutes per mod. With over 9000 mods, that's 5+ days non-stop. What's worse in the meantime Vortex refuses most basic functions I can't deploy mods (and as a result can't change profiles either) I can't switch games, I can't show plugins... basically, yes true to the warning Vortex appears to be frozen, just it will be for days. Which is one long a... moment IMHO. If I just leave the message be or click it away, Vortex still remains frozen. Any suggestion how to get Vortex to play ball again (preferably without forgoing my DL's or allowing him 5+ days to himself)?
  2. Sorry, but no it is not a "cosmetic change", it is a usability issue. With large modlists you want to pay attention to LOOT messages. This "cosmetic change" makes that virtually impossible, as the important messages get drowned in a deluge of hundreds of useless and unimportant "No LOOT Metadata..." messages. If it's considered a good idea to show those, fine, but please give me an option to disable them. (A simple one, expecting me to manually assign well over 1400 mods to a category, one by one, is not a feasible solution.)
  3. Hello Sovrath, thanks for your insights, that's an interesting detail. If I understood you correctly, it might even be a mod that's textures/meshes only with no esp?
  4. So I've started encountering invisible collision objects. Mostly in Dragonsreach, the Blue Palace and notably the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun. While I've various overhauls for Dragonsreach and the Blue Palace, I don't have anything that really modifies the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun. A few mods touch it, yes, like Interesting NPC's, Immersive Wenches, Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul, Lux, etc. Nothing that really overhauls the place, though. The 'barriers' are unidirectional (one can pass freely through them from one direction, but not from the other) and don't show up in mesh view or with bshowmarkers active. They can't be targeted in the console, affect npc's and the player and can be bypassed with by disabling collisions (i.e. using tcl). I've tried disabling about all mods I've added since the last time I'm certain those things weren't in my game, to no avail. Might be some update, but even if I try to successively disable mods until they are gone, it gets ridiculous. In the end I was down to about 60 mods and after disabling SMIM of all things (and starting a new game after purging and redeploying) the barrier was finally gone. Sounds unlikely? It is and certainly enough after switching back to my regular profile, disabling SMIM, purging, deploying and starting a new game those invisible collision object were still there. So obviously not SMIM. I'm at a total loss here, no idea how to find the source and those things drive me positively nuts. Even if they don't impede game play that much.
  5. So what do I need to do to get rid of those "Download curated lists of mods easily, our "Collections" feature has entered Open Alpha." banners on every mod page (for Skyrim SE at least)? I don't eat at McDonalds, I prefer to cook my own food, same with my mod lists. So if people like to use them, fine, If that gets more people into modding, great. I'm not interested though and never will be. Meanwhile those banners on every page get annoying. Tried everything to switch them off, but no luck.
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