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About Derkins

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Minecraft, Team Fortress 2
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  1. Haha yeah I aint so good at staying around forums these days. Though glad to see your still around and kickin!
  2. hey derkins :D ,wooo i see my last post from a year ago down there @_@
  3. I am not dead ^_^
  4. Nothing has helped at all I deleted everything off my PC to do with Fallout then reinstalled it and I am still getting the same error. Only a few certain mods work and others will crash FOMM. I couldn't even begin to Imagen why this is happening to fallout today. It happened along time ago but the issue seemed to begin with the new addon. Even thought its not clicked it still loads into the game. The same does not go for other mods though. Only mods which are clicked will load. I don't understand why this is happening at all. Please help!
  5. Hey guys Ive made my return to the forums and I NEED some help. I reinstalled FNV last night with all the DLCs. I am trying to load some mods but I am unable to. First I try with out any added help and do it just from the games launcher then I try with just FOMM then I installed NVSE. Still the mods would not load and I got this error "Something bad seems to have happened" with FOMM. I am trying this with Lings which will not load but Nevada skies Will load. Please help!!!
  6. thanks a lot for all the endorsment derkins :D,glad you like them all XD.
  7. Haha it happens man I got nothin better to do so im on this site
  8. I been AWOL like a mutha. lol
  9. Whaaaa? Idgaf about microsoft leaving but I am an Nvidia user. Not sure why you say they leaving the pC gaming what ever aint gona effect anything but it is. a lot of people but Nvida graphics card FOR their high end gaming systems and honstly Iv had both and I prefer Nvidia.....I dont know. Also Consoles beat PC gaming rigs purley based on price Vs performance. my 800 sumtin buck puter lags in FONV even before I put mods in the game distance killed my FPS. Just sayin
  10. I have no idea I am just bored outta mah witz
  11. Hahaha well with what I have seen posted up on the Nexus I think yours is the best I have seen and I check them all lol.
  12. thanks a lot derkins XD,glad you like it,lol and no :D there's still plenty other that far superior than me but they just rarely post a pic nowday.
  13. How doable is this? I wouldn’t even know but it would be awesome I think, If you could set up a camera down a hallway and pull out a small video monitor and watch what the video camera sees. I am just saying this because I like the idea of C4 but I never use it because I have to set it then trigger it and usually I am within the blast radius. So yeah I think if at all possible someone should try to make this mod. It would be amazingly fun to use and I would most defiantly download this said mod. If you are confused at all feel free to ask questions. Any takers?
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