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Everything posted by Masterofnet

  1. Has anyone ever used an Actor Dialog Event or Change Relationship Rank in the story manager to trigger a quest? I can not get either to work. I am able to trigger a quest with most of the other options.
  2. I am doing a mod where the player gets a special set of armor at the beginning of the game ( Helgen). The Quest will put the armor in a imperial chest if the player follows the imperial into the keep and on Gunjar if the player follows the stormcloak. So I started with the imperial. I am going with ( Actor Dialog Event ) in the Story Manager. If I run the Quests at start up they will put two sets of armor in the keep. I can not get the Story Manager to start the quest. This is what I have done. I made a new - Stacked Quest Node: T1HelgenKeepNode and attached the quest to the node. For Node Conditions I have GetInCell Cell 'HegenKeep01' == 1 Run on Player ----------------------------------------------------- GetQuestRunning Quest: 'MQ101 ==1 Run on Subject On the Quest I have it set Event Actor Dialog I will not work. and I can not understand why.
  3. GetOwningQuest().Stop() Won't compile This is what I have. ;Quest Completed Alias_TheArmor.GetRef().Disable() Alias_TheArmor.Clear() CompleteAllObjectives() Stop() And the complete box checked.
  4. Its a weapon or piece or armor that is crafted and used in a specific quest against a specific opponent. After the quest it should be treated like any quest item and discarded if the player chooses. Did you try to clear the alias and see if you could drop the item? I could be doing something wrong. Is there a reason we can not try forcing the alas in the Stage?
  5. The item will not drop out of inventory. Alias_TheArmor.Clear() Is there a reason we could not force the Alias in the Stage? With this code you can force the alias of a note if you ad the property to the quest script that you can drop after the quest. alias_Note.ForceRefTo(Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Note))(WICourier as WICourierScript).addAliasToContainer(alias_Note) The note is an alias and it able to be dropped after the quest ends.
  6. This code from Xander9009 ( with his modifications ) works. It registers the alias right out of the forge. But you can not drop the item when the quest ends. Maybe We are back to trying to force the Alias in the Stage. Or maybe this code can be fixed. Scriptname A1TQPlayerForceAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias Armor Property MyObject Auto ReferenceAlias Property RefAlias Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Utility.Wait(0.1) ObjectReference MyObjectRef = Game.GetPlayer().DropObject(MyObject) RefAlias.ForceRefTo(MyObjectRef) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(MyObjectRef, abSilent = True) A1TQCraft1.SetObjectivedisplayed(10) A1TQCraft1.SetStage(20) EndEvent Quest Property A1TQCraft1 Auto With this code you can force the alias of a note if you ad the property to the quest script that you can drop after the quest. alias_Note.ForceRefTo(Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Note))(WICourier as WICourierScript).addAliasToContainer(alias_Note)
  7. That is great. No the item would be unique. It could only be obtained through crafting and only once.
  8. This is the script. Added to the stage. alias_Dagger.ForceRefTo(Dagger) I have the dagger added to the script properties on the Quest Dagger - Weapon - DaggerID And I have the Dagger Alias - Empty This script will compile Alias_Note.ForceRefTo(GameGetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Note) But I does not work at all. On the crafted item or picked up. The errors in Post # 17 came from the exact script in Post # 11
  9. This script alias_Dagger.ForceRefTo(Dagger) Will not compile. Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "QF_A1TQCRT_02008976"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\QF_A1TQCRT_02008976.psc(20,13): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?) No output generated for QF_A1TQCRT_02008976, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on QF_A1TQCRT_02008976
  10. The Script from xander9009 would not compile Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "A1TQCRTPlayerScript"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\A1TQCRTPlayerScript.psc(11,40): no viable alternative at input 'akBaseItem' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\A1TQCRTPlayerScript.psc(11,61): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')' No output generated for A1TQCRTPlayerScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on A1TQCRTPlayerScript
  11. I tried to force the alias using this in the stage. Alias_Note.ForceRefTo(GameGetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Note) It did not work. I nay not be doing it properly. I installed the above code from Xander9009. It displays on screen. Yes the alias is blank.
  12. I tried Using this in the stage. Alias_Armor.ForceRefTo(GameGetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Armor) It did not work when the item was crafted or manually placed in the cell. I may not be doing it right. Why is the game ignoring the force to alias when the item is crafted?? When I craft the item and I put script on it to set stage or display Objective it works fine. Then I go to the inventory and drop it. When I pick the same item off of the floor after manually placing it there. It triggers the stage and I can not drop it. Has no one else attempted to make a quest that involved crafting a item and had the same problem?? I tried the ( Script it working ) Script. It keep showing that text but continued to ignore the force to alias script. Yes the alias is empty. I works great when you pick up the item. Will not work when it is crafted. The Script is working text displays when the item is crafted. Regards Mastetofnet.
  13. It did not work. This is what I used: alias_ArmorNew.ForceRefTo(Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(ArmorNew)) I was able to get it compile but I does not work if the item is on the ground or crafted. Regards Materofnet
  14. This is very frustrating. I placed the item in the cell manually. Your ( Xander9009 ) script works great. The item is a quest I tem. When craft the same item at a forge the script is ignored?? Like I have said , if I put a script on the item to trigger an event like set stage or display objective it is not ignored. Why is it ignoring this script and IsharaMeradin's script. I did not make 2 posts because I did not find your Ishara's advice helpful. I do. I though that I posted this in the wrong place because all of the posts on the other topic were about mods people had downloaded. This is the first time I have posted here. Forcing the alias is the way to go in my opinion. However when crafted it does not work. I hope Ishara you stay with this. I am interested in finding out why this type of script is ignored with the item is crafted. This is what I have be dealing with for days. Regards Masterofnet
  15. Yes, My mistake I thought it was supposed to be default. Unfortunately it does not work. I craft the item and can drop it. I go and pick it up from a chest and I can not. If I craft the item after I have picked up the Item for the chest I can not drip it. Same item. I do not understand how this does not work. Why is the game ignoring this script? Regards Masterofnet
  16. How would the game know what Alias to fill? Wouldn't the script need to identify the alias? Like this script: Alias_Note.ForceRetTo(GameGetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Note) The note is script property Note - Book - ID of book. If I could put a script like this on an item it should work. In this case the not alias in empty accept for the is quest item box being checked. The script forces it. Regards Miasterofnet
  17. Is there a script that could put on an item that would force fill an Alias when the item is crafted. This should work. When I put script on a forged item to set stage or display objective it works. A Script to force fill an Alias should also work. Regards Masterofnet
  18. Yes I do need to get the game to fill the alias. I am familiar with forcing the a item to alias via the courier missions. However I am not sure how to script that on a item. That is the problem. When the item is crafted the game will not fill the alias. Example : I create and alias and craft and item at a forge. It will not fill the Alias. If I create and alias for an item and place it in a chest using an Alias and pick the item up and them craft the same item it will become a quest item. I would have 2 of the items in my inventory and not be able to drop either one. If the item is just crafted at a forge it can be dropped. Do you have any ideas on how to script the item itself to auto fill the alias? Regards Masterofnet
  19. Thank you for your interest. I tried to have a look at you web site but it was not available. Using this script : When the item is crafted at a forge the script it completely ignored. This is interesting. It does not ignore other scripts on items crafted from a forge. Why would it ignore this script? Using this Script. The item will not show up if placed in a chest via and alias. If you place it at a location it will show up and then not be accessible in the players inventory. Regards Masterofnet
  20. Does anyone know I how to make a crafted item (an item crafted at a crafting station) a quest item? Making the item an Alias and checking the quest item box will only work if you created a Ref Alias for the item and placed it in the environment. There has to be a simple script you can put on a item to make it a quest item but I can not find it. I have found script on how to drop a quest item, pick it back up, mark it as not a quest item. But I have not been able to find any script that you can put on a item to make it a quest object so it can't be dropped until the quest is over. Can anyone help? Regards Masterofnet.
  21. I have designed several quests that involve acquiring Ingredients and crafting a weapon to be used on a specific opponent. The problem is when I craft the weapon I can not get the game to view it as a quest item and it can be dropped. When you create an alias for an item using the quest aliases tab the game will only recognize the item as a quest item if you use a Ref Alias and place it in the environment. If you craft an item you have made and alias for and check the Quest Item box it will ignore it. I have not found any way to make a crafted item ( Am item you make at a forge ) a quest object so it can not be dropped from your inventory until the quest ends. There has to be a script you can put on the object itself to make it a quest object but I have not been able to find it. Can anyone help? Regards Masterofnet
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