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Everything posted by Hoppyhead

  1. I am suprised I have not found a Hellraiser Lament Configuration Puzzle box made for Fallout. I googled and searched and found nothing. I would love to have a Lament Configuration puzzle box as a Item for my character to carry around or just decorate a player home with. Anyone else agree? Any modders out there think the same? Perhaps it could have a negative effect on your character if holding it since it is like a cursed object. http://hellraiser.wikia.com/wiki/Lament_Configuration http://www.ardnut.co.uk/media/spartpressImages/hellraiser-puzzle-box-lament-configuration-1.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/079/a/2/Build_your_own_Hellraiser_Box_by_Gonchir.jpg http://img2.etsystatic.com/006/0/5139281/il_fullxfull.385738194_6ewr.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb972oh6Si1qdqp5uo1_500.jpg
  2. But can someone make it from scratch? I know there is a Army of 2 Mod for fallout 3 on the Nexus.
  3. Funny this thread exsists. I tend to play a psychopath most play throughs. I play a intelligent Psycho who also suffers from the Chronic Backstabbing Disorder. Once he gets what he wants from who ever that bennifits him he then turns on them and kills. I'll take your caps and get the perks I need, then I'll take your life. :P I don't think I can play a normal person if I tried XD
  4. I vote to do it. It would be realistic and make you really have to think hard about consequences for actions. These are what makes your mods and story lines so great. I support it.
  5. Has anyone made it where the dolls can be picked up and placed at your player home? I have been searching everywhere for a Mod that lets you get those Point Lookout Dolls to keep. Also would like the Doll Heads to decorate my player home with as well.
  6. Any Mod you make automatically turns to gold someguy. Reading this thread I can say it sure sounds like a lot of fun and can't wait until it is finished! The wild west theme of this fits perfect with the bounties Mods will be downloading it as soon as I am able to! Also would like to mention that I'm keeping my eye out for Fire Base Zulu as well! All of your Someguy series are my favorite Mods I have!
  7. I have a request for a few Alice in Wonderland items for Fallout New Vegas if anyone is kind enough to make them. I am requesting a American Mcgee's Alice dress from Madness Returns Wiki for those not familiar with American Mcgee's Alice: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice:_Madness_Returns Front of dress: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120316054538/americanmcgeesalice/images/5/51/Alice_render.png Back of dress: http://i968.photobucket.com/albums/ae164/dantheman192/Modpreview2.jpg A knife retexture of Alice's Vorpal Blade Wiki of Vorpal Blade: http://alice.wikia.com/wiki/Vorpal_Blade Vorpal Blade image: http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4879397333894550&pid=1.7&w=289&h=155&c=7&rs=1 Vorpal Blade: http://i317.photobucket.com/albums/mm374/mauther/games/knifednmdndsjodf_zpsddbf39f6.jpg And last but not least a Book Retexture of Alice in Wonderland from Batman Arkham City. I love the cover they made on Arkham City As seen here in the top left corner: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/030/8/f/bac_mad_hatter_by_razkurdt-d4o5il3.jpg It can be a special Prewar book does not have to be a skill book or anything. Just a cool collectable like the Paradise Lost but with out it being a skill book. The book on the Mad Hatters table in Batman Arkham City: http://soluce.jeuxactu.com/IMG/jpg/batman-arkham-city-c4.1.2-enigmes020.jpg If anyone makes these I will be so grateful. :biggrin:
  8. Nay, would ruin the story experience that Bounties brings.
  9. I support this idea, as a cat lover I would love to have a cute non mutated house cat in Fallout.
  10. As a cat lover I would love to see this! It's funny the other day I was wondering why I have never seen any cats in Fallout and decided to see if anyone else was thinking the same thing. After searching I came to this thread! I hope it is still being worked on.
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