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Everything posted by Deleted1084753User

  1. Yep, I've heard lots of bad things about autosave already. Next time I install the game I'll be leaving autosave firmly switched off.
  2. Strange, I don't recall fights in the commons before, though I admit I don't actually visit the place that often, especially at high levels.
  3. Which version of notepad++ are you using? I couldn't get Cipscis' highlighter to work initially because it won't work on the installer version of the program. You need to grab the standalone version. Whether that has anything to do with it not working on Win7 though... no idea I'm afraid.
  4. I have to my own support to this question actually, if you're showing something off it should be in the best conditions possible ;p
  5. That's pretty nifty :) *starts thinking of ways to use the script...*
  6. Uninstall the game, this will leave all your custom settings intact (including your saves) as well as any mods you've installed. Now just cut the entire fallout 3 folder and paste it to the root of the drive (C:\Fallout 3 is a good bet), then just install the game again, but choose the custom option and select C:\Fallout 3 as the install directory; the game will install into that directory and leave all your custom mod content intact, and your saves will all still be there too (as the game doesn't delete your saves unless you tell it to, and they're stored in My Games in the My Documents folder, not the main game folder).
  7. Here you go: http://www.finhosting.fi/~fallout/cgi-bin/...B.pl?board=ar13 Tutorials are stickied at the top. As for your inventory thing, yeah it's possible, not too difficult either. Basically you'd just use YournpcREF.enqip/remove/add/equip to remove and add the different items and have them equipped. Best thing I can suggest is you go and download the Jessi companion from the Nexus downloads section, she does what you're after via menus where you can decide what to have her wear, just open up the .esps and have a look through her dialogue options for ideas how to do it. Automatically switching clothes at set points like entering water shouldn't be too difficult either, but if you get stuck just post here (Cipscis' thread would be a good place for quick scripting questions) and someone will probably be able to give you some pointers.
  8. On your second point, see my sig ;) Baelkin - uh, yes it does have auto-save.
  9. Another mod. More than likely Greener World.
  10. This sounds pretty awesome. Only thing I don't much like is the lighting in the arena itself though, it looks bland and flat. I guess that's so you can see properly but I'd take a little bit of ambience and a slightly harder time seeing my enemy than a washed out overbright scheme like this. Otherwise though, looking great, can't wait to try it out :D
  11. Ah, ok then, guess I'll go grab it from the nexus then :)
  12. Can you send the fix to me as well please? Been kinda busy last few days (job interviews and such) so haven't had a chance to play. Got some time this next week though so I'm going to get a bit of time in on the game after I'm done rebuilding my pc (cleaning, soundproofing, fun heh) and reinstalling windows. Cheers :)
  13. Sure, send it on over :) I haven't been playing much recently, this'll be a good excuse to open the game again.
  14. Yep, both also good ideas. I really need to get round to fixing those broken levels myself sometime actually.
  15. Items > LeveledItem. Look for the cond entries and open up the ones you want to edit (CondBoSArmourGun <- something like this). Remove all but one entry in the list, then set that one remaining entry to 100% health and level 1. All the lists that draw from these Cond lists to populate their own lists will use your 100% armour now. If you REALLY want to make them tough though, try looking at Object Effects and add a new one to the PowerArmour object effects for Damage Reduction so the armour absorbs more damage.
  16. Yep, I had to experiment a bit when I first got the game to find out what was causing that effect, seems Beth managed to introduce yet another bug heh. I believe it's possible to turn MS on directly via your hardware rather than relying on the game setting, though I haven't actually tried this myself yet.
  17. Looks like one or both of you are using transparency multisampling. You should really turn that off for better visuals, it's the reason for that horrible gridding effect on transparent stuff. Nothing to do with your problem here however, still useful to know though :)
  18. Use BABE A-Cup and then use GECK to scale the race down a little. That's what I did to get a more teenaged girl into the game. http://www.narcess.net/temp/ally_t.jpg Clothes removed for screenshot so you can see the body mesh obviously :) Ally (the girl on the left) is using a custom race called CaucasianTeen so I could give her a different body mesh to the default females. Of course, this makes little difference when she's dressed but I'm probably going to modifiy the outfit she wears to fit her build better at some point... at least, that's the theory, but since nifskope apparently hates me that's currently not happening heh.
  19. Ok, I'll wait to install it then, I've only got the DLCs and a few of my own mods I'm working on at the moment installed anyway so it's all good :)
  20. Seconding this request, I've seen a really nice font being used by someone in a screenshot and also haven't had any luck finding it.
  21. Dimonized Type 3 HD Cali body all the way :D Tried BABE but found it didn't look very good in-game compared to Type 3, and I prefer the normal maps used in Type 3 anyway, provides much nicer lighting overall on the body. Before that I was using Malo's body for the longest time. Only switched to Type 3 like a couple of days ago after browsing more or less the entire nexus for new stuff.
  22. Take a look at the megaton settlers? They just say a random phrase if you talk to them and don't open a dialogue.
  23. Got it :) Will test soon, currently in the process of reinstalling the game after patching to 1.5 to get the .exe, going back to 1.4 now so broken steel works without breaking my mods. Hoping the 1.5 exe on the 1.4 patch will allow the remap watertype function and tesla cannon to work. Yay for experiments.
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