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About slappytheduck

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  1. @interfer0; good idea...although i don't like the shooting at ducks aspect of it( of course, QUACK!) @simplywayne90; no prob and thanks for the link! @TheRoc; thanks... i agree i think we need more critters...probably a time /size thing with the designers... I'd love to do this myself as I am a fine artist by profession and I think it would be a good project to learn how to make 3d objects/animations... anyone recommend a good freeware animation/render programs w/tutorials out there?
  2. the cow made it through the war so why not pigs? they are much tougher critters than the brahmin cow and will revert to a feral state readily. My thoughts on the matter are why not 6 leggged mutated pigs(that way you get 4 hams from a pig not 2...yum!)? Feral ones could be a real fight to kill too....and think of all the things you could craft from it... ham (yum) sausage, chops, lard for torillas, the pigpen could provide salt peter etc...anyone care to mod this? I think it might be fun. Also, Pecarinos are all over the Mojave desert so its already part of the ecology.
  3. Fogive me if this has been a topic before but, has anyone noticed that there's lots of flour and yeast in the game but no recipe for making bread? this would be a good food resource for hardcore players IMHO. Could someone mod this or maybe provide a link to a file if it's already out there? thanks
  4. is in the duck pond...quack!
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