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Everything posted by Tyomanator

  1. It's like a change of interface from a Morrowind one to vanilla Oblivion's - somewhat more modern, much less useful.
  2. Well everyone likes what he likes :) . As for me, I like this kind of body; am tired of Exnem's silicone ;D. It's the matter of personal taste I think, there's nothing to discuss. Tessera's textures, however, are the best of all I tried - looks almost like real skin. No matches among any for Exnem and UFF I've seen before.
  3. Well, I've got them! And must say, Eshme's body with Tessera's textures looks really best of all body replacers - no equals, IMHO. All Tessera's textures for Eshme are back to life, thanks to russian gaming community. So whoever wants them - just ask me where to go. Or I can give a direct link here? I'm unsure about this, so I won't test my luck in being banned or not ;D . Comrade Buddah, you wished to have Tessera's works - please say something ;)
  4. If I'll find it - I'll post here a link, if you have nothing against it :)
  5. I know he's somewhat ... nervous, say... and was banned nearly from everywhere. But it doesn't make his textures for Eshme's body worser anyhow ;)). Well, if you as a site owner forbid uploading tessera's works here - there is no matter of discussion anymore. What about his permission to upload them - it's currently impossible to ask him. Anyway, nobody's going to say "It's my texturess, not Tessera's" - I'm just wanting this works not to be lost if Tessera won't come back.
  6. To my great confusion, Tessera had shut down his site (www.tessmage.com - now not working) just before I was ready to download his "MELF superskin package" and Raven savegame. His site was the only place where from it was possible to download this files. Now he claimed he quits modmaking, and I'm afraid it'll be impossible to find his exellent works soon. Could someone PLEASE upload this files (and maybe also other his mods for Oblivion, such as "Mystic Elf rewamp 2007" and "Tessera's customized mystic elf") to tesnexus or (if it os forbidden/impossible to upload this files here) - to some other place? I think, we must save Tessera's really wery good works, even if he leaves the modding scene...
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