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Nexus Mods Profile

About homaredou

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout3 , Tes:Oblivion
  • Favourite Game
    Bethseda.soft games
  1. Hi everyone. I have a simple and yet extremely annoying problem. When i don the clothes on the actor i got "THIS". Can anyone identify or perhaps solved this texture problem before? Many Thanks in advance. *********** Oopss!!! sorry i managed to fixed it. it was a wrong niftrisnip node name. renaming the string solves this issue. SOrry for the trouble.
  2. TO be honest i'm so pissed with the new design. The [search] are not as effective as before but most of all everything is completely vague compare to the previous... not to mention the image sliders. All text rich and hardly attractive. I'd say more, but i probably will get teh bann hammer for talking too much critics. Guess we'll just have to live with it. Edited: * Face palm.
  3. [PC hit voices] This voices occur when our character took damage by active means like take a hit from bandit, fall from great height damage or hit by an arrow. Yes, it's the 'groan'. For some reason it's not playable for PC with the exception to the enemies. No matter what races we are using vanilla or costume races. But in my previous game, This bug was fixed in mysterious way.. i don't even know what and which mod or patch that fix this bug from my game now i reinstalled it again with all data and previous setting purged. Maybe you guys know how to fix this voice bug, i could use a pointer? Many thanks in advance, it's mean a lot to me to fix this bug from my game.. :ohdear:
  4. I need help on editing subtitle dialog text. Especially Medic power armor computer voice. I have created a female voice version to replace vanilla mister gutsy. Example: (Upon finding and wearing M.P.A for the 1.st time) -Original- "Listen up, You goddamn puke. You are now wearing prototype medic power armor. you take care of me~! and i'll take care of you~!" Into "Please, take good care of me. - So i can be back to myself again". The while the sound works perfectly on the game, i'm clueless on editing the subtitle. PLEASE HELP~! :ohmy:
  5. Noob question, what are 'ticket's for?
  6. TO Dear Moderators. I have a question regarding banned and abandoned mod project on nexus. My previous ID was banned for a grave offense against Nexus rule and T.O.S . When i was banned i left an unfinished mod which is i'm not able to update it any longer.. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12684 (Of course, i wasn't banned because of this mod. i was banned for 'something' else.) :mellow: Now that 'New Vegas' is here. I have e-mails from my mod users, they ask me to migrate it to 'New Vegas server'. I also notice that, Nexus announcement regarding uploading fallout.3 files that only mod creator has full authorize to upload it and migrate their own works for F3.Vegas. I'm in an awkward position since i'm a banned author of a mod. What should i do? - how do i claim my work from an old account? - Please, don't suggest me to re-upload it on somewhere else. I know there are planet.fallout or other mod forum website. But i wish to keep the mod here on nexus. ----------------------------------- For what i did in the past. all i can say is "i'm terribly sorry for everything, i know it's not enough". With all due respect, I'm definitely not repeating it. ----------------------------------- Many thanks in advance for any replies.
  7. I notice i can't counter pickpocket or 'gift' items to NPC(s) on oblivion. I was wondering if it is possible. :mellow: i searched around for that kind of mod but fruitless as i'm clueless. Pls help. Many Thanks in advance for replies. Peace. ;D
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