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  1. Good idea. I've got the Immersive Jewelry mod and it boasts 4200 variants of jewelry. And there is no place to display them.
  2. Agreed. This idea is just a compromise so that the game can still be playable in the water while keeping some kind of restriction on what you can swim with. Auto strip won't matter if it just gets lugged around in your inventory. That's why I was thinking that you'd have to leave your armor on the shore. Or if you chose to walk on the bottom and ran out of air, you could drop your armor on the bottom and swim to the surface. I had another thought about even if you were wearing non-metal items, they would absorb water so you'd feel that weight once you got out of the water. The clothes would get lighter over time as they dried out.
  3. Really, if you were wearing a suit of heavy armor, would you go anywhere near the water? Of course not! You'd sink like a rock. Suggestion: If you have heavy armor, you'll have to strip and leave your armor on the shore before getting in the water if you want to swim. Carrying heavy armor is no better than wearing heavy armor when it comes to swimming. If you want to keep your armor, you can always walk across the bottom of the river or ocean. If you are a water breather, take all day for the crossing. If not, the crossing better be short enough or take some potions with you. If you have the steed stone or a perk with leaves you unencumbered by heavy armor, the restriction on swimming is lifted.
  4. Sorry, didn't think there was a problem attaching the mod. I thought they might need it to reproduce the issue.
  5. I removed and deleted archive using Vortex, then I did "Install From File" with the renamed "Shalidors_Maze.7z" (underscores removed). Then I quit Vortex and restarted it and the mod was still there. Now the only question is: Will it still work? Well when I restarted Skyrim and tried to continue, it reported that the mod with underscores was gone and when I continued from there it gave me a CTD. When I started a new game, it did not CTD and I made a beeline to the maze and saw that the renamed mod worked just like the original. So I'm good to go. Thanks for your help.
  6. Thanks for your replies. I did suggest that to the mod author as a possible cause, but he doesn't use Vortex and I guess it is no problem for him.
  7. Oops sorry I see that it got posted already. I lost track of it. I hope somebody deletes this report.
  8. I got "Shalidor's Maze" mod from afkmods at url: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/files/file/2553-wip-shalidors-maze/ This is a great mod and I highly recommend it. But whenever I restart Vortex, this message box is displayed: And so I have to hit "Apply Changes" and when Vortex comes up, the mod is gone. I do another "Install From File" to bring it back in and all is good until the next restart of Vortex. I asked the mod author about this, but he says it is a Vortex bug and he will not pursue it because he does not use Vortex and doesn't support Vortex in any way. The other odd thing about this mod is that it shows up with the name of the zip file in Vortex instead of the mod title. This is a minor issue that I don't care about unless it is somehow related to the bigger problem of the mod disappearing on me. Any ideas?
  9. When I restart Vortex, a mod disappears and is flagged by Vortex. I obtained this mod from afkmods at this url: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/files/file/2553-wip-shalidors-maze/ I reported the issue to the mod author but he insists that it is a Vortex bug and he won't do anything about it. He says that I should report it here. My workaround is to add the mod back in every time using "Install from file" in Vortex after I hit "Apply Changes" in the above dialog box. I have attached the mod below for you to try. The other odd thing about this mod is that the title of it doesn't show up in Vortex; only the file name appears. Don't know if this is related to the disappearing mod issue or not. This mod is for Skyrim Special Edition.
  10. This occurs randomly but frequently. Some recent mod update has broken it. A very common one is going to any vendor and the choice for "What have you got for sale?" is gone. Another one is "Follow me, I need your help" from a potential follower. Save at that point, quit to desktop, then restart. Choices come back, at least until the next failure. Anybody got a clue about the cause?
  11. Can anybody help me figure out why this keeps crashing? I cannot control when game decides to do the decapitate kill move and I feel like I have to quick save before every battle. crash-2023-12-22-21-57-01.log
  12. I miss the Minimap mod in Skyrim LE. Nobody ever ported that over to SE/AE. It would put a little map up on the screen as a widget that would show all NPCs and highlight the enemies a different color.
  13. Recreate the battle of Kirk vs Gorn in Star Trek TOS. 1) Create scenery like the Vasquez Rocks where it was filmed. 2) Figure some way to trap the player in that area with the Gorn which you must defeat without weapons 3) Fashion a cannon like Kirk did by finding gunpowder ingredients, a projectile, and a bamboo section. 4) Decide whether to spare the Gorn or not. 5) Use a beefy Argonian for the Gorn.
  14. I FIXED IT!!! It seems like a web site bug. I had the Nexus web page zoomed up (Ctrl + mouse wheel) and at a certain zoom point the "Add to Vortex" button is moved around and then gets disabled. Once I zoomed back out, the button relocated to its original position and became enabled. Go figure.
  15. I see nobody else complaining about this, so there must be something wrong with my setup. On every collection, the "Add to Vortex" button is disabled. Not sure what to do to fix it.
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