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Everything posted by Birrii

  1. Omg! This is sooo amazing! xD


    I'll use this as a must-see guide :D

  2. Damn, that sucks :/

    By the way, you have a really nice siggy! ^^

    Did you make it yourself? :)

  3. Yeah, I've aleady checked out the anime ^^

    BUt not finished with it though.

    But I really pwn you, I'm on the 8th book of the manga series. Hihi xD

  4. Thank you so much for the raitng! :3

    You naughty little boy xD

  5. Birrii is just something hat suddenly came up in my mind. I was eating some random berries that day :3
  6. Hello!

    I sent you a message earlier, but I just realised that you didn't get it.

    I just wanted to say thank you for suggesting the manga Death Note. Death Note got me into Anime in general, so now I have a new interest, all thanks to you! ^^

    Thank you! :D

    L pwns Light :P

  7. Wee! :D

    I'll go watch it and give you my opinion! ^^

  8. Birriiplox and Birriipuprle! xD

    Hiihi, so.... random! xD

    I'll try too:

    Lee, the epic sock!

    Haha, me again with my bad sense of humor that I think is so extremely funny! xD

    Thank you, my hero! ^^

  9. WEEE! Thank you! :3


    I have seen Paprika, it was cool! ^^

  10. Hello, my epic dark knight! ^^

    Now that you're an anime fan, I would appreciate your help: I am looking for Psychological Thriller anime/manga.

    Any suggestions? :3

    Btw, have you seen Tokyo Godfathers? If so, did you like it? :)

  11. Hii! :3

    I'm great, waiting for the test results! They will be given on the same day as I have birthday though ;(

    Hope me luck! :D

    How about you? Still enjoying Olu Deniz? :D

    Btw, you should try Adana Kebab and Lahmajun (pronounced like this: Lachmadguun)

    Those things are really tasty! ^^

    Lahmajun is a very thin pizza, only better. You roll it and e

  12. Hello! I am looking for some specific anime: Psychological Thriller. Something like Death Note and School Days: Episode 12 (I cannot provide a link due to it's violence. Try searching for it on youtube, you'll find it) About some psychopath going around killing people. Something like Criminal Minds, only in manga/anime form. Something like the manga Goth. Any suggestions? :) It can be Manga and Anime. Thank you for reading this :)
  13. Omg, here we go again. Why should every movie have someone gay or black in a movie?! Just because there are no gay people in a movie it means the producers have something against homosexuals. Just because all the cast is white means thei're racists. Let the people who make this movie ALONE! It's their right to put in what they want in that movie. As long as they don't say anything bad about that ethnicity/sexual orientation, I don't consider it racist at all.
  14. Velkommen til Nexus! :D
  15. Hihi, thanks :3

    Queen over a whole world, damn! xD

    Yes, you are black knight by now! :D

    Weee, a roleplay x3333


  16. Omg, it looks so nice! ^^

    I would love to be there :D

    But sadly, I'm here, in this f-in snow. It's cold here :'(

    I'm so jealous of you >.<

  17. Hihi, weould be so cool to be there xD

    Alanya was a nice town, but there was nothing to do except for shopping and swimming :/

    No museums etc :/

    But enough ranting, because ranting sucks xD

    What have you been doing up there? Is the beach good? xD

  18. Cold xD

    I also got this HUGE collection with books from Norwegian literature xD

    Reading Hamsun nbow, because he's one of my favorite authors! ^^

    Do you know Hamsun? My favorite book must be "Hunger" (Sult in Norwegian :P)

  19. Me a queen?!

    EEEEE :D

    That would be so cool! ^^

    Sitting on a throne like that, and ruling over a country, damn! xD

  20. Avatar? Meeh, nice graphics, but silly plot. Typical American movie. I liked the new Sherlock Holmes better :/ This is the very first time I actually read about depression because of Avatar...
  21. Hey, I was just wondering from what Anime your personal photo comes from? Looks really nice ^^
  22. WEEE! :D

    Aww thank you :3

    You're so nice <333


    I did the same, you deserve it even more than me xD

  23. Haha lol! xD

    I was in Turkey last summer! xD

    I hope you'll like it though :)

    What town/city are you in? :D

    I was in Alanya. Very popular place for Norwegians, they even have menus in Norwegian lol xD

  24. F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea! F is for fire that burns down the whole town U is for uranium bombs N is for no survivors when you..... F is for frolicking through all the flowers U is for Ukelele N is for nose picking, sharing gum and sandlicking here with my best buddy Now it's your turn! ^^
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