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Everything posted by Rystne

  1. I got away with this in Whiterun once. I yielded and he was all "Rawr, pay up scum" and I was like, "B**** please, I'm Thane 'round these parts" and he apologized. : )
  2. It's so annoying going to a city, just minding my own business when some guard like 30ft. away says to me "What's the matter? Somebody stole your sweet roll?" and I'm like, "Dude, I'm not even near you..?" while simultaneous some random child runs past me and starts blurting out her life story, " I WORK WITH MY MOTHER SELLING FRUIT ON A STAND, IT'S HARD WORK BLAH BLAH.." This is stuff that would make sense if I walked up and looked at the NPC, but they're just screaming it at me while I'm running in their general vicinity. I end up having to weave around like a minefield if I don't want to get verbally assaulted every time I need to sell my junk. All it needs is a reduction on the range these events trigger and possibly a small delay. I feel like this should be a fairly easy tweak, no? They had this mod for oblivion, so I know it's possible.
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