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Everything posted by Kohdi

  1. I've been experiencing some persistent crashes with my main character, and the only cause I can find is the "large file size bug" which slowly turns areas of the game into crash pits. I am willing to start a new character, but I'd like to keep my hard-earned skills and perks from the previous character. I've already crunched the numbers (as in, all the skills have their desired values set) but my question is whether there is a console command to add unassigned perks like you receive when levelling up. I really don't want to go through the bother of finding every desired perk's code (I've done several already), so if there's some way to just add a bunch of "perk points" for me to pick and choose visually, that would be ideal. I appreciate any and all replies, especially those that help! ;) EDIT - Well, nevermind. i eventually brute-forced through all the perks. It's funny how you take walking from Helgen to Whiterun for granted when it doesn't crash every 50 feet.
  2. There are some good ideas coming out here, I just wanted to take a quick chance to plug the Sourceforge page, linked in the OP. We could use some active new faces around there. ;)
  3. Perfect, thank you again. Case closed, I suppose!
  4. Ah, deceptively simple. ;) Thank you. As for the Blades ID, again, any help is welcome.
  5. Hello all, simply put, I'm looking for the right console command to remove the Blades faction from Argis the Bulwark, the Markarth housecarl. I've looked through the lists of commands and the closest I found was an "addfaction", which of course is the opposite of what I'm trying to do. Thanks for any help or pointers! (also, if anyone has the Blades faction code or a way to find it, I'd be much obliged)
  6. Very well written, OP. That's an uncommon virtue, especially regarding sex. As for my view, I think it will be inevitable, just as all the varieties of nude mods already showing up. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, in fact, I think it's those mods that can help spur a good mod author to make something unique. That's the kind of mod I would download, one that uses the best resources in combination with a deep and interesting story. Whether this is a story about a passionate romance or a brothel, well, that's the modder's choice. The first example that came to mind when talking about a believable and fluid companion isn't really a romance mod, but Ruined Tail's Tale. That was one of the first mods I ever downloaded, and I still think it was one of the best. You met out of necessity, gradually learned more about Ruin, experienced his fears and aspirations, then decided how to guide him until his inevitable conclusion. It was quick but thoroughly satisfying, the exact kind of relationship I think could be built into most of the NPC followers in Skyrim (and perhaps added characters as well). With the kind of specific and personal attention given to Ruin, it would probably be best to make each companion/romance a separate mod. Just some thoughts, I'm excited to see where Skyrim goes in this particular direction.
  7. This is a good point, it is important not to underestimate the hold which the Thalmor have over the Empire. However, if the Blades were to be discovered and agitated by the Thalmor alone, without Imperial knowledge or negotiation, it is possible that the Dominion would see fit to take care of the problem themselves instead of trying to force the already-delicate Empire to get involved. It almost seems like the Thalmor have a personal vendetta with the Blades (even greater than that for the Empire), and they only used the Empire to do their dirty work during the Concordat negotiations. Since the war for the Empire has pretty much been won, the Thalmor might be more likely to deal with the acute threats like the Blades without Imperial involvement.
  8. Well, I ended up just loading an older savegame (goodbye two levels, keening, and the dragonsmith perk...) after the crashes became unbearably frequent, and all appears to be well. I don't want to accuse any mod of anything, but I did notice that the save game was right before I began applying FXAA tweaks. It's entirely possible I screwed something up with that, just thought anyone with the same problem might like to know. It's nice to enjoy stable gameplay again.
  9. Thanks for all the replies, I think I've narrowed my causes down to two problems. The first problem happens when I first start Skyrim after a reboot, I use the SKSE launcher but if Steam isn't open yet (if I haven't yet connected to the internet, for example), Steam forces the regular executable to open, pushing SKSE to the side. If I don't catch this and re-start from the SKSE loader, the game will crash without fail 5-10 minutes later, most likely from a conflict going on with the missing scripts. The second problem sounds like the corrupted save game described by Kodiak412, my sister has started her own game and experiences none of the crashes I have on my saves. Going back to an earlier save is not an option I'd like to take, the progress I'd need to regain would be monumental. Nevertheless, it might be my only option. I'll try the "pcb" command, it will be annoying but not so much as constant crashing.
  10. Thank you for the advice, unfortunately it's all stuff that I regularly maintain. I would switch back to the first patch in a heartbeat, but I'm now reliant on SKSE which won't support the older versions. I'm almost certain it is the most recent patch causing the problems, however, so I guess I'll just have to try and find the conflicts, or wait for a fix from Bethesda.
  11. For any not following the Sourceforge discussions, I have updated the Blades Oath a bit as per critiques. I formatted this to be said around the board in front of Alduin's Wall, with the Grandmaster standing at the head and all the initiates facing the Wall. This version leans toward participation from everyone, with four speaking roles (plus the Grandmaster) and one verse where everyone joins in. Without further ado -
  12. Hey all, I've recently been having problems with CTDs. Fortunately they've been happening in a predictable manner, but unfortunately they happen at some very inopportune places. The first crash comes within ~10 minutes of starting the game for the first time after rebooting, and after that it doesn't happen again. I have traced the possible problem with this one to Steam, I use the SKSE loader and I figure Steam may be working in the background and conflicts with the already-running game. The other CTDs mainly happen when I enter a building (either right after the loading screen, or just after activating the door). The buildings seem random, ranging from Vlindrel Hall to Dushnik Yal. The last CTDs happen randomly in the wilds, but on re-starting the game, passing the same area causes an identical crash. This is especially annoying when you're following an NPC to a quest goal, yet there's an impenetrable crash barrier in the way. The only way I've found to get around it is to fast travel. I've tried unloading all my mods completely, I've checked and double-checked the two .ini files, I've reloaded old saves, but the crashes persist. I really hope someone may have an idea as to what's going on, it's become extremely frustrating. System Specs- Windows 7 Intel i5 2500k GTX 260 8GB RAM Settings as high as they'll go and then some, game runs smooth as butter (when it runs). Running SKSE, FXAA injector (minimal settings), Legendary Gauldur Amulet, Realistic Water Textures, and a few other texture mods, none of the big stuff like Tytanis. Thanks for any assistance!
  13. If we're looking for existing NPCs to fill our roles, it may be helpful to look further into the main questline, at least the parts involving Delphine and the Blades. I've been watching my sister replay the early parts, and I've noticed a few characters who could be useful. There is the keeper of the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood (I've lost his name), who appeared to know Delphine (at least worked for her), who could have some knowledge hidden away. There's also Malborn, Delphine's Wood Elf contact in Solitude. I don't know how deep their acquaintance goes, but that's what we're here for. There's also the unavoidable connection between Esbern and the Thieves' Guild in Riften, not necessarily Brynjolf but perhaps a minor member that we can build around (Rune, Sapphire, etc.). Some of these may be useful to us, if only because it's one less person to be made from scratch.
  14. I've gotta run, but I wanted to say that the sword is visibly equipped, though I didn't find anything in his room which gave clues as to his past.
  15. I just wanted to pop in for a second and retouch a matter mentioned a while ago. A man carrying a Blades katana was found at the Nightgate Inn, and I just saw him and can confirm that fact. His name is Fultheim, he's apparently a drunk resident of the inn (troubled past, perhaps?), and he is not a part of the Dark Brotherhood events there. He could be a great way to use random resources left in the game for a mod like this, perhaps he could fill the role of the old veteran. Just some food for thought.
  16. I'm glad the Oath was received well, I can make any revisions as necessary. As it is it might be too long for the game, but I feel like the games always sell their own lore too short. JibstaMan, that conversation sounds really good. I think you got the attitudes of Delphine and Esbern spot-on, especially when it came to convincing them one way or another. I think near the end when Esbern recommends Delphine takes a bit of time off, she might be hesitant at first, or reluctant to just step down for a while. It may be helpful to give her something to do in her downtime, though what that would be I'm not sure. She's a very driven person, I just think that getting her to calm down and think for a bit might take a bit more convincing.
  17. Sorry for the double post, but I finished the draft for a possible Blades oath. This would be addressed to either one initiate or a group, preferably the group as it is rather long. The terminology can be easily changed to accommodate multiple initiates, or to insert the character's name if desired.
  18. I'm not sure how Paarturnax would feel about the whole deal, but killing his "mortal" body and releasing his soul back into a spectral form could have a couple advantages, for both us (the Blades) and him. If he were a ghostly dragon there could be some strings tied to that, for example he may not be able to physically harm the living, or even have his shouts affect the mortal world. Going along with that, he would not be susceptible to weapons or violence of any kind, so he would become "invincible" in a way. He may see the justice in removing the possibility of future harm by removing his body, or he might take offense that we refuse to trust him. It's hard to say. He makes the comment himself that it is wise for the Blades not to trust another dovah, though he knows they are wrong. One of his comments that sticks with me is something like, "Is it better to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great sacrifice?" Just thoughts here, take them as you will.
  19. One idea that was mentioned a while back that sounded good was to have the option to kill Paarthurnax, thus resolving him of his past atrocities, but somehow releasing his soul in the form of a spectral dragon who could continue to jelp the Blades, if he is sincere. This might be a decent compromise to get Delphine (and Esbern) back on the Dragonborn's side, rather than presenting them with an ultimatum. As for the Blades oath, this is pretty intriguing, especially since we have no records of it. I may work up and example or two just to get the ideas flowing around, hopefully later today.
  20. +1 for that idea, killing Paarthurnax was hard in itself, but to do it by hacking at his "wise old friend" face until he figured it out was not a very dignified challenge.
  21. Just wanted to pop in and say that when the Creation Kit comes out, I'll be working on porting my Anduril mod over from Oblivion. The textures and meshes are top-notch, plus I made sure that all the engravings were readable. You can find it through my profile if you're interested.
  22. I like this idea, though it may be good to build up the new Karthspire as more of a village or trading outpost than a player home/mansion. After all, we'll have the new quarters within the Temple. There was a comment a while back about re-routing the Khajiit caravans to visit the Karthspire as one of their regular stops, if that can be done I think it would add a lot to the realism. Also, an important note about potentially killing and resurrecting Paarturnax - the Blades would have to do it without the Dragonborn. The only way Alduin was able to bring back all of the minor dragons is because they were not killed by a Dragonborn, and as such still had their souls intact. If the Dragonborn were to kill Paarturnax his soul would be absorbed, and we could not use the "resurrection" shout on the bones. The mission of justice would need to fall to the mundane Blades if there was to be any hope of bringing Paarturnax back. Another note, I'll start working on some potential designs for the "grandmaster" armor or whatever we'll call it. I know it's not a huge part of the storyline, but it's something I love to do. ;) I'll post the textures here as they're finished to test them out in-game (like a private beta), but until the CK is out they'll need to be used as temporary replacements for the Blades armor.
  23. A very interesting point there, a quest in which Ohdaviing is used as a mount again to retrieve that staff and either lock it away or destroy it would have direct significance to the Blade's mission of keeping dragons at bay. If that portal were closed it would be a huge measure of safety to prevent, as you describe, a successor to Alduin.
  24. As for this, I don't think that the first-era dragonslayers were actually Tsaesci, the snakemen of Akavir. Remember the questline from Oblivion when Countess Carvain of Bruma asks you to retrieve the Draconian Madstone from Pale Pass (coincidentally, where the player begins the Skyrim game), and you find out that the invaders were not Tsaesci, but the long-gone Men of Akavir. This would make a bit more sense in terms of armor design at least, though I believe it is recorded elsewhere (as in, elsewhere in history) that the Tsaesci used katanas and such as their weapons. Along this line, a while ago I made a point to read the 2920 series of books (actually very well written), and I remember a passage when the Tsaesci potentate is discussing a gladiator battle with the emperor, and notes that his people have no use for heavy armor or shields, because it is best to not get hit at all. Not sure how much this relates to the Blades, but an interesting bit of lore to say the least. EDIT - I just read through the article linked above, and it sounds like there may be some indecision on whether the Tsaesci were actually shaped like snakes, or human-shaped and scaled perhaps like an Argonian, or even just a crafty race of men. I'll keep reading, the answer to this could be important later. ANOTHER EDIT - It is an interesting note that the Akaviri invaders, whatever their race, wore dragonscale armor, which has its style echoed in the modern Blades gear. In the fourth era, for the first time in thousands of years, we have access to actual dragon scales (and bones) once again, so this might be able to tie in interestingly with the "grandmaster" armor set. Perhaps new armor is smithed in the Akaviri style, or pieces of ancient armor are recovered and need dragon parts to be put back together, the possibilities are exciting. As for Delphine, she's sounding more and more like she just wants to use the dragons as a scapegoat for her (justified) frustration at the Thalmor. In all reality the dragons no longer pose a great threat, at least not like they did in the first era, so convincing her against the Paarthurnax vendetta will require digging deeper into her personal issues and background. One more point, and that is we need to have a plan for Esbern as well. He didn't really play a huge role in the questline, but as I recall he was an obsessive student of Blades lore in Cloud Ruler Temple. He may be able to serve as our archivist or librarian or whatever his title will be, and it might even be him that keys the player in to a secret locked vault of potential goodies within Sky Haven. He's a very quiet person, perhaps feeling distant from the world as a result of his studies, his hardships, and even his age, and it seems like he's willing to let Delphine make the big decisions, but I think he can be an asset to the reconstruction.
  25. I think I may sign on with that temporary leaderless state of the Blades (at least in the official sense), it really does make sense that three or four people could cooperate without a presiding officer. I also like Delphine's life-purpose-crisis, having thought of herself as the last Blade for so long, after all the death and destruction by the Thalmor, that would mess with anyone's head. Before I leave to take a math final (hoorah), one more fun tidbit of lore- In a cave around Lake Ilinalta (from what I remember), there is a forgotten shrine of Talos in a kind of open-air grotto (it's beautiful there). There you find the journal of Bolar, who thought himself the last Blade, as well as his katana, the Oathblade. He died defending the shrine from the Thalmor, but there's a lot of potential to expand on his story, both before and after death, if you get my meaning.
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