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Everything posted by Neo1715

  1. It would be nice to not have to worry about hitting a guard on accident with a chain lightning spell (or another Midas magic chain spell) and having everyone turn on you. Could someone create a mod where the spell skips over friendly NPCs?
  2. I'm looking for a mod that disables fast travel, except when the player is on a mount, using the horse carriage, or a mod added mark/recall spell. All the disable fast travel mods I have tried do not allow horse fast travel and are just clear cut no fast travel allowed. If one of you modding gods could put this together for me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
  3. Since the redesign went into effect, my news RSS feed has stopped linking me to the news post. The latest files feed still works, though. I tried adding it again from the site but it gave me this message: XML Parsing Error: junk after document element Location: http://www.tesnexus.com/rss/news.php Line Number 2, Column 1:<b>Warning</b>: main(/home/tes/public_html/modules/members/reminder.php) [<a href='function.main'>function.main</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home/tes/public_html/includes/mysql.php</b> on line <b>104</b><br /> ^
  4. I know, but this doesn't stop adult only files from appearing, they're still there. And I would like to see the images from other mods so I know at least somewhat what I'm getting into before I click.
  5. I don't go around looking for all the nasty adult mods out there.. but I do like to watch the latest mods section and 90% of the time on page 1, there is an explicit title image for a mod. Even when adult content is blocked, this stuff is still thrown in my face. Could it be changed so that when adult only content is blocked in preferences, then any adult mod is completely hidden? Not just blocked from clicking on it. I'm not sure of all that goes on when a new file is added, but could it be changed so that when a new file is uploaded, the creator can flag their own file as adult so it is blocked immediately for those (such as myself) who do not wish to view such files? Thanks for reading :thumbsup:
  6. I've always thought the stock hairstyles in the game were boring and really just didn't look all that good. So, I decided to look for some new hairstyle mods for my male character, but all I could find were ones for females (or when I did find a male one, it looked like it came straight out of an anime series). I don't have any specific ideas for styles but I would really appreciate it if someone would create some cool new ones to replace the yucky vanilla hair. Thanks! :biggrin:
  7. Here's a better quality version of that image.. http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/1354/oblivion11024.jpg
  8. Hey there, Pronam is working on the Bane of Oblivion sword idea, but is having a little trouble on getting the modeling right. I have no clue how to do it, so could you help us out? Thanks http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=204110 Also, here's a better quality version of that picture, in case it helps http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/1354/oblivion11024.jpg
  9. I came across this image again the other day and noticed the sword the warrior (not the daedra) is wielding and thought it would be pretty cool to see in game. I'm lost when it comes to the CS, so I thought I'd just throw this idea out there. Maybe there could be a small quest where the player has to navigate a special Oblivion realm to rescue the warrior and have the "Bane of Oblivion" as a reward. I just thought this was a cool idea, but I have no experience in creating mods myself to create this. http://www.galbadiax.com/oblivion/wallpaper/oblivion-1-800.jpg Thanks for reading. :biggrin:
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