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About nimbonius

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    United States
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    Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

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  1. http://images.sodahead.com/polls/002463387/4038656932_obama_victory_answer_1_xlarge.jpeg
  2. Where I'm from, this is exactly what people want haha This is why I avoid anchoring down to just one station. Hell, I wouldn't trust a "station" to begin with seeing as most networks are mainly for whats in their best interest whether its views, profit, or manipulation to acquire such things. But in an age of technology, where information can be presented by simply searching the web and opinions are so broad and diverse, well-- they don't quite stand a chance anymore :biggrin: I will admit, I do watch Fox News. But only to see Jon Stewart and Colbert tear 'em a new hole.
  3. Sooo.... How 'bout that 3rd Debate? :tongue: I'll say this about Obama (again just my opinion) - he's definitely a more responsible president (especially in contrast to the last administration, lol). I can't imagine Romney being such.
  4. Hi everyone. Just out of curiosity, what are peoples feelings on the second debate. I recall Romney saying something about himself being just like Bush, and Obama pointing out that Romney's plan was even worse. Just my opinion ( no offense intended), but Obama opened up a briefcase of ass-whoopin' :P
  5. This method works best for me, thanks Ghogiel ! I was wondering though-- is it alright if snapshot is used twice instead of cloning?
  6. For anyone having Morph issues (exploding vertices, crashes, invisible armors/bodies, Morph issues, etc.) Check Here. :thumbsup:
  7. Hi all, I have a 2 point question: If I use additional modifiers like Edit Poly , Skin Wrap, Morpher, ect -- Where does the Smooth Modifier go -- just under the "Skin" Modifier? And also, why just the "2" under smooth ? Sorry if the answer is obvious >.>
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