For me, this is not a good change. The lack of specific dates on mod publish and mod update are not good, they need to be there. The tiles are too large and clunky, there is way too much wasted space and the author's column is way too big. In all honesty, it l;ooks like a free TV app from 2020. If you cannot change the layout to shrink the entries or add more columns and thus more entries per page, you going backwards from the functionality we currently have. I mean, this iteration may look okay on a smart phione, but on a gaming monitor, which is the only way I interact with this website, it looks childish and oversimplified. Add useful information, like an actual description of what the heck the mod is and not so much on the pretty thumbnail, which, in case you haven't noticed, the best and most useful technical mods rarely have. Change is always part of the process, but let's move forwards, not backwards in clarity or usability. Thanks for showing me this, but I really do not find it an overall improvement. It find kind of frustrating to use.
Edit: My comment on descriptions not appearing was the user page I was on not the fault of the interface change.
I would like to add that the user avatar/thumbnail appears at the top of the page by itself which leaves a large gap of blank space. If I scroll down, it adjusts which is fine, but if I page down the first row is cut in half, I can see the second row fine, but the third row is cut in half. Could the user's avatar start flush with the first row and lose the huge swath of blank space? I realize the dream is 2 columns of ad space that was previously occupied by useful information, but couldn't you give one of those columns back to your product?