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Everything posted by BadPenney

  1. So you are saying that the nuclear war caused part of the museum to collapse and trap the inhabitants but didn't destroy the glass roof? And that the inhabitants now have an entire ecosystem in the National Museum of History, advanced agriculture made possible by the Museum's vast stores of corn, and a herd of horses that are descended from the ones that were stabled in the Museum before the war; but that that they could not figure out how to escape the building? I could maybe suspend disbelief if the survivors were trapped in the basement of the building under tons of debris, living off algae, a colony of giant ants and cannibalism. Your scenario seems to stretch the plausability of an already implausible game beyond belief. What is the advantage to staging this all indoors at a museum instead of outdoors?
  2. I'm thinking ot the late, great painter Salvador Dali who was a surrealist but also a classically trained painter, when he said something to the effect that "You must learn all of the rules before you can properly break them." Learning how the GECK works is complicated enough. Setting out to make the GECK create a mod that works counter to the way that the game engine is designed to work before knowing how to make a mod that works with the game engine might be a maddening experience. There are commands that let you reset quests. There are also commands that let you additems to your inventory. I don't know why I would want to replay quests without creating a new character, or why I would download a mod to give me certain inbentory items, perks or character levels on one of my savegames when I can already do that with the console if I choose to do so. But it might be possible to automate the process.
  3. In the American Army they call them targets. You might be able to retexture someone's ninja mask to get that effect. Seems like I have seen those in posted pictures.
  4. If this is the place to put all bug reports for your mod then what is the comments section on your download page for? I like to see what bugs are reported for a mod before downloading, even if those reports are completely off base. Putting them in a disassociated thread might be more convenient for you but it will make them less available to users, making them both more difficult to post and harder to see.
  5. A heterosexual man who is confident in his sexuality neither becomes aroused nor embarrassed at the sight of male nudity, and doesn't need to publicly state the fact that he is not gay, especially when no one has asked, imho.
  6. You make an NPC in the Race that you want your player character to be. NPC creation allows you much finer controls on shape and coloration of the face and head than in game character creation does (though there is a mod that makes that process very similar http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6460 ). When you are satisfied with the look of your NPC then save it as a character facegen.
  7. groovy, I missed that one. Good luck with your project.
  8. As someone new to modding Fallout 3 and using this forum. the first thing that I would advise you to do is read. At the top of this page are pinned subjects that you skipped past that deal with all of the issues that you have asked about. Most everything that you will wonder about as you get started has already been asked about many times. Those sort of things are quite often placed in the FAQ thread. People who are new to the forum quite often ignore those posts up there and ask questions that have already been answered and ask for links to tutorials that have been clearly posted and ignore the thread that is titled "New to GECK & Modding? Look Here Please., Links, Links, Links..." Then learn to search. Keywords can lead you to many threads that are not listed up there but still may answer questions that you have. Doing these things will get you the majority of the answers that you need as a beginner and also avoid creating needlessly repetitive threads that only serve to fill up the Nexus' memory allocations. It also shows respect for the many people who have taken the time to create the tutorials and FAQs. If you search through the available resources, including Google and any other search engine that you might like to use, and still can't find an answer that satisfies you, then that is a good time to start a thread to get your questions resolved.
  9. If you set an assault alarm then you may get more than the one NPC attacking you. If you create a faction for your NPC and make him the only member of the faction, you could add a line to the result script of a line of dialogue that includes something like: SetEnemy NPCFaction PlayerFaction NPC.StartCombat Player That might get him to attack you.
  10. Not so much into Darth Maul and Star Wars in the Wasteland. Might be able to get into a HELLBOY character though. http://blogs.theage.com.au/schembri/hell3.jpg
  11. Having no low level processing checked off on your NPCs can give a bad effect. I've had to struggle with stalled AI packages too, and they are maddening. I have had some success adding scripts that force the NPCs to evalutate their AI packages on command. Placing an evp OnLoad script on them might help. If they are in an interior cell then a script that makes the effected NPCs evp when the player gets in the same cell might help too.
  12. Have you checked the patrol data for the xmarkers? If it is set to a large number then the NPC will stay at that location until that time is up. If you want them to reach the marker and then immediately move on, set the time to zero. Other possibilites are problems with your NavMesh or too tight a proximity requirement in the patrol AI package. If you have programmed the allowable distance to the marker to be zero, and then flag that the NPC must reach the location, there might be something preventing them from accepting that they have reached zero. Loosen up the proximity requirements a bit ( I usually use binary multiples like 16 or 32 out of habit ) so that they can call it close enough and move on.
  13. Maybe one reason for the inordinate modding of small guns is that they are something that people can actually buy, admire and fire, and then look at and measure to transfer into a 3D modelling program. Flamethrowers, stinger missiles and phased plasma rifles are harder to come by.
  14. Ummmm..... guns. Warm little guns make me feel all hot and gooshy inside. Must have more! Fast little autos and a shotgun that pumps! Neat little pistols with which I can shoot rumps! Give me more guns, guns, GUNS!!!! ohh..sorry. :ermm:
  15. Try creating a dialogue AI Package. Check out one in the vanilla game. I used the Lucas Simms force greet set up for new arrivals in Megaton as a model. It involves a Package and a trigger box, but that sort of thing can be done without a trigger box as well.
  16. Just one thing... if this portion of the museum has been sealed off from the world since the war, where has the food come from that has kept this rather large group of people alive so long? Another inexhaustible supply of algae like they have in Little Lamplight? If that were the case, then it would seem like the people down in the damp maintenance tunnels would be the top dogs with the food and water.
  17. Yes, I agree that you would have to work closely with that author to pull this off, assuming that he would be amenable to the change in his already popular mod. GNR music in the vanilla game is limited to 20 songs, which might be why he chose blocks of 20, because they are scripted tp play at random but conditioned not to repeat immediately after playing. I'm guessing that he modified this set up to jump between lists of 20 so that he didn't have to completely rescript that method. Adding to the list of playable songs is complicated enough, but scripting so that a certain song from one of those lists will only play after it has been found by a player adds quite a degree of complexity to the process. It would completely alter his mod, which at this point makes all of the new songs available when they are downloaded. It would probably be much simpler to tell Three Dog "I found this jukebox with 20 new songs" and add to the available songlist that way then to try to add individual tracks. That way a flag could be added on discovering each cache of recordings that would enable it in the playlist instead of having them activated as soon as the list is installed. If he is not agreeable to your idea then you would need to find your own songs to adapt to FO3 and use them in the expanded list. That might not be a bad thing either. You could stick to the oldies and yet expand the music type. It might be nice to hear something other than big band. Maybe find some old Hank Williams songs, Miles Davis or Elvis Presley. Getting clearance to use those songs might be difficult though. But I like your idea.
  18. Travelling merchants don't really carry the stuff that they sell on their brahmin and store vendors don't keep their inventory in the cabinets that appear to hold the merchandise. Those are just links to where the real inventory is stored in an interior cell called "VendorChestsCell". Find that in the list of interior cells and view it. You will see a large group of containers that are labelled with the name of each vendor. If you check the filter box and type in "crow" next to it then the list will be narrowed down to "VendorChestCrowREF". You can add items to that, or better yet create a unique levelled list of items to place in it. Vendors will not sell any type of merchandise you place in their inventory that is not of a type checked off on their personal object window. If you look at Crow's AI Data you will see Armor, Alcohol, Stimpaks, Books and Miscellaneous. So if you place weapons in his inventory he will not offer them unless you check off Weapons in his AI Data.
  19. That is odd. With a default 10mm pistol I can fire as fast as I click my mouse button. Did you first try using unaltered 10mm pistol specs?
  20. So you meant that the game was dumbed down for the masses of games, not the unwashed masses of lesser mortals. Got it. Yes, that is apparent. I don't suppose you see that last bit as insulting either. I actually offered some friendly advice, because I DO know what happens to people who flame on this forum. But I will acquiese to your request and offer no further information. Have fun with your funny shaped dice and scratch paper.
  21. I think that he may have meant that your computer should be able to run the unmodded vanilla FO3 on high or ultrahigh in order to run this mod effectively. If your hardware is insufficient then you have problems that you can not resolve by tweaking load order and such. You have no way of knowing by the information the OP provided how your computer benchmarks against his.
  22. What precisely do you mean by "cutscene"? Do you mean a video, slides, dialogue? I don't know if it is possible to use AI Packages for the player character; seems that they are intended for NPCs. I have been able to use a moveto command during dialogue by placing the command in the result scripts portion of the quest, but it is a quick teleport rather than a casual stroll to predetermined location. I covered the jarring leap with an IMAD. If I wanted to show a first person view moving through a space without player intervention then I would probably create a bink movie for that purpose, but my knowledge is limited so there might be a better way.
  23. I found that when I tried to create new LOD for objects that I got error messages for missing .TSA files. I was able to overcome that by extracting .DDS files with the same filename and converting them to .TSA files with PhotoShop and placing those in appropriately named folders in my data directory. I had to make quite a few before the GECK was happy and made the object LODs. I had thought about uploading those .TSA files as a modder's resource, but I don't know if everyone is missing the same .TSA files. I have seen that some people have no problem at all with them.
  24. I might suggest that you avoid phrases like "dumbed down abit for the masses" as it makes it appear as if you think that you are better than the rest of us masses.
  25. Occam's Razor: The most obvious answer is usually the correct one. If the files were corrupt then you would not be the only one unable to use them. The problem probably lies on your end. You talk about hardware but don't mention software. Maybe you could try different decompression software than you are currently using.
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