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Everything posted by BadPenney

  1. If you are not familiar with creating scripts, then Cipsis has an excellent tutorial for that. I believe there are links to that and others pinned at the top of the page. As for attaching the script to mines: once you have your object script saved, then edit the weapon under the object window ( i.e. WeapMineFrag ). The third box down from the upper left corner is SCRIPT. Select the name of your script to display there. Then all WeapMineFrags will run your script and alert you with whatever proximity alert sound that you have chosen. You can do the same thing with the other types of mines and traps as well.
  2. It might be simpler to write an object script attached to mines that plays a warning sound when you get within a certain range. if player.getdistance <= 32 playsound WatchOUT, sort of thing. That would not cause your own mines to be less effective against NPCs, and wouldn't sound off for them either. Not that they would take heed anyway.
  3. I run Vista and have no problems creating new dialogue. An XP emulator may not be the solution to your problem. I wonder if reinstalling the GECK would help.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I went ahead with the generate terrain meshes command under the World LOD menu. It took about 8 hours to finish, but it got rid of the blobs covering my new road. I hopped around a bit to different locations in the Wasteland and don't see any negative effects. I'm hoping that regenerating LOD for all of the Wasteland for my mod will not cause any compatibility problems. Does anyone know if this is an issue?
  5. I've lowered the terrain in a spot of the Wasteland world space to the point where a blurry lump with no collision data sticks out of the ground. I'm assuming that this is part of the LOD mesh for the area. Does anyone know how to edit this mesh so that it is out of sight?
  6. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/1103832-1243667472.jpg For fans of Mad Max, like me.
  7. If I remember correctly, there were mods in Oblivion that had readable books. Perhaps you could adapt some of the stories from those mods to fit the Fallout theme for your own books.
  8. I love making these little vids. Hope posting them is not annoying. It gives me a sense that I am making progress.
  9. Mad Max would be great! But could you keep it short and put lots of pictures in? Some of us have short attention.... hmm, forgot what I was saying.
  10. How about we change it to a picture of the 2277-era president, John Henry Eden? President of America, president... of your heart. http://www.ventanamonthly.com/media/14/p.jpg http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/1103832-1243395268.jpg A tribute to Mr. Malcolm McDowell (a.k.a. President John Henry Eden) from his scuffling days, at the Khan raider clubhouse.
  11. Half your luck, mate. :thumbsup: Since the Commonwealth is supposed to be so tech advanced ( the crew that can make android replicants like Harkness ) from now on if I add new tech into a mod I'm going to call it a Commonwealth item. That might mollify the people who complain about items that are unique and not 200+ years old.
  12. Another reason that BoS and Outcast NPCs are relatively easy to defeat ( as well as the majority of other opponents ) is that their level is capped. On a quick scan, I find that the highest level for generic BoS and Outcast is 11, some as low as 4. If you want more challenge from your opponents, maybe take off that cap and give them a PC Level Mult of 1. If you are level 20, so are they.
  13. If this is supposed to be a new WW2 style bunker then I suppose that it can appear clean. If it is supposed to be a real WW2 era bunker then yes, definitely rusty, paint flaked and dirty.
  14. Thanks. I'm encouraged by your comments. Still slogging through NPC dialogue...
  15. Looks great and mechanically sound.
  16. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/1103832-1243193441.jpg One of three parts of the ARPAT Battle Armor set quest reward. Provides sunglare reduction with slightly bluish,darkened view. Works on equip, but only in 1st person viewing mode during daylight hours in exterior cells, imagespace modifier is otherwise disabled and only provides a normal view. Provides +2 AR and +1 Perception.
  17. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/1103832-1243059656.jpg Latest addition to my project are these Night Vision goggles. I stumbled across the mesh while looting the BSA and decided to incorporate them. Can't remember seeing them in vanilla Fallout, though they are supposed to be slaver equipment. Retextured them to appear more military issue. These goggles activate on equip and have a green tint to simulate similar modern day NV light enhancement goggles. They adjust brightness and contrast to adapt to different imagespaces and are disabled in exterior cells in daylight hours and within interior cells that need no additional illumination ( IMO ). The ARPAT armor was going to be a quest reward for the final of the 3 main quests, but since I now have the stealth power armor for that, these will be rewarded on completing the first quest. I'm finding that creating NPC to NPC dialogue is more complex than I imagined, but I am still making good progress with that. Working to cull out anything that is unnessary or repetitive to keep file size down. Am learning much during the process that causes me to return to earlier portions and streamline them. Having more fun with the GECK than I did with the game.
  18. If you edit a weapon from the object window, you will see the place to add scripts in the upper left hand corner of that items edit window. i.e. ______ID WeapChineseAssaultRifle ___Name Chinese Assault Rifle ___Script ________________ There is also an object effect box just below the script box where you could select a custom object effect that you could create as Skree000 has suggested.
  19. I saw this while trawling the GECK wiki, might be helpful to you:
  20. Maybe something like this? Begin OnHit player.pushActorAway Target 5 End Haven't tried it in this context, but in something similar. So it might work with some tweaking. Not sure. Of course you know that targets don't go flying when hit by bullets like they do in the movies. That would defy Newton's Laws: "For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction" etc. In general, the force of impact pushing away the target should be no more than the recoil of the weapon into it's operator. Targets tend to drop like a sack rather than fly away. Even explosive rounds penetrate and explode to shred tissue rather than push the target away from the direction of the weapon. But flying bodies are much more impressive!
  21. That's my first calling too. I got into tech because it pays better, and because I got tired of making junk mail that people look at for 3 seconds before throwing away. I love the retexturing stuff, but if a splash and daub codger like me can learn the scripting then I'm sure that you can. And it is satisfying in its own way. But of sumoftwosins will help you, then give it away. He must be nicer than me.
  22. By coding do you mean scripting? Yes, scripting and dialogue are laborious. I am wading through the process for my own mod right now. I spent most of yesterday creating dialogue for 2 NPCs that triggers when the player enters the same cell at a certain time of day. Entering the cell at different times get different dialogue, just for the sake of variety. AI packages, scripting and dialogue can be quite frustrating and I am learning much through trial and error. For instance, it seems to me that AI packages work more smoothly if stacked onto the NPC in order of execution rather than haphazardly. I like your idea about providing materials for the bunker's upgrades. You might check out the script for making ultrajet from sugar bombs that Murphy the ghoul uses in the Northwest Seneca Metro for ideas. I maybe more selfish than other modders, so I'm going to throw this back in your lap and challenge you to learn the skills necessary to pull this off; for two reasons. The first is because, like most active modders, I have a project of my own design to complete. The second reason is that you are a rework addict and will likely not be satisfied with the first, second or third efforts of someone who doesn't exactly share your vision of your own mod. You've gotten this far, you should be able to go all the way.
  23. The .lip file is the animation, sort of. If you look in FO3 voice directories you will see paired files like: 00ShadyNPC_00JayMama05_00039B25_1.lip 00ShadyNPC_00JayMama05_00039B25_1 The file that shows no extension (at least in my directories) is an .ogg file that contains the audio. The .lip file tells the facial mesh how to move to appear is if speaking the sounds in the audio. You can copy and place the pairs from FO3's sound.bsa, copy other ppl's files into your mod, or record your own if you can make the audio and lip.
  24. The GECK doesn't support lipsync of voices and from what I have heard there is no current plan to give the GECK lipsync ablilty. Cipscis is right about the Oblivion Construction Set. They were the precursor to the GECK which carries over much of the same functionality. The CS gives a work around for GECK's failing. I take the soundfiles I want to synch, convert them to wav files and use the CS to create .lip files. Then convert the .wav to an .ogg that Fallout uses, copy the .ogg and .lip to the appropriate Fallout 3 folder and use the GECK to link them to dialogue which works in F03. I keep 2-3 folders, the GECK, the CS, and SoundForge open to do it. It is a convoluted and inconvenient process but it works.
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