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Posts posted by BadPenney

  1. this will make your spraypaint faded out in a realistic concrete-wear-and-tear fashion, making it look like its been there for a while, not just new and shiney and perfect and bright

    But it is new and shiny and bright. The place is an occupied raider club house. Not everything in the world has to be 200+ years old. A raider has to do something when he isn't raping, murdering and cannibalizing.

  2. I scavenged an object script from a Fallout Armoury and changed it a bit:


    scn 0001KhanEntryDoorAlarm


    short doOnce



    Begin GameMode


    if (doOnce == 0) && (player.GetInCell 0001KhanRaiderEntryRoom == 1)

    set doOnce to 1

    "0102C2F9".enable ; Klaxon Lens Activator

    "0102C2FA".enable ; Klaxon Glow Light Effect

    "0102C302".disable ;Nonfunctional Klaxon Lens




    Begin onTriggerEnter Player


    if (doOnce == 1)

    set doOnce to 0

    "0102C2FB".enable ; Klaxon Sound

    "0102C2F9".playgroup Left 0

    "0102C2FA".playgroup Left 0





    Then linked it to my main Quest script with a few lines, because the object script seemed to stop working when I left the cell that the reference object is in:



    ;Khan Door Alarm **********************************************************


    Begin GameMode


    if (player.GetInCell 0001KhanRaiderHQInterior == 1)

    "0102C2FD".disable ; Klaxon Alarm Trigger








    Begin GameMode


    if ( player.GetInWorldSpace Wasteland == 1 )





    if ( "0102C2FD".GetDisabled == 1 )

    "0102C2FD".enable ; Klaxon Alarm Trigger






    This triggers alarm lights and sounds when the player first enters an underground facility. When the player leaves the first interior cell and goes deeper into the facility the lights, sounds and trigger are disabled and a dummy klaxon lens is left in place of the active one. The trigger is reenabled only after you leave the facility completely, and will then retrigger the alarm lights and sounds upon re-entry.


    The script could have been made simpler by using enable parents, but I was on a roll this morning and didn't stop to do that.


    I like this better than hearing it nonstop each time I enter the guard room at the entrance while still inside the raider clubhouse ( conditional allies ). I like to think that the raider guards appreciate it too.


    It seems that when I use a reference term like "KlaxonAlarmTriggerREF" the script will often not work, whereas if I use its corresponding 8 digit hexidecimal number the script will always work for me, so that is what I do.

  3. Malcolm McDowell is the voice behind the ZAX computer we all know and love. He's also Sting after he traveled here from the future.

    He appears to have developed quite a strong American accent.


    That song is from Louis Armstrong. It was featured in Fallout 2. Not sure if it is in the GNR extended song selection mod. Hope so.

  4. How about we change it to a picture of the 2277-era president, John Henry Eden? President of America, president... of your heart.

    That looks like Malxolm McDowell, and he's a Brit. I thought President Eden was a computer...


    Sorry if you don't like Obama, but I thought it was ironic: HOPE pre-apocalypse. I did leave out the Obama Shelter, which is a large cardboard box.


    I actually don't think placing modern day references is immersion breaking, because "modern day" is long past and Obama or Bush are no less US history than Lincoln. Just my opinion.

    I have also retextured combat armor with an ARPAT design and a rifle and tagged it SCAR ( Special operations Combat Assault Rifle ) both modern day and both quest rewards. I am also incorporating raider graffiti that is more like the kind modern day gangbangers use. One of my reasons for creating this mod is to add some flavors that are NOT already in Fallout.



  5. First, i wanna say that this looks excellent and i cant wait to play it. I only have one reccomendation for you, I would look into the terms of use and copyrights for the GECK and FO3. using the voices from a previous game may be a serious copyriight infringment. there was an incident on the oblivion nexus with a mod that used textures and meshes from morrowind and it had to be pulled for legal reasons. i do hope im wrong about this, i would really like to play it.(even if u have to remove the voices, i am still looking forward to this)

    According to a response from Bethesda:

    If this is a fan project and not for profit, it should be fine

    If I misinterpreted that, then it may all end up in the bit bucket. However, since creating anything with the GECK is also an agreement that the product is the property of Bethesda, I felt that using voices from Fallout is much the same as Fallout 3. I am also using lots of dialogue from FO3. plus some non-game voices.


    I've not tried to recreate Shady Sands, it's true. It was just a launching point. Quests and some characters are inspired by those from Shady Sands, Junktown and the Hub, but not identical. I haven't tried to recreate the architecture either. My Shady Sands uses monorail cars from a train wreck as walls and the houses are all FO3. The town is shady because it is built beneath an old overpass and monorail track not far south of Oasis. The Khan raiders are based at the Montgomery Reservoir nearby.


    I'm expecting to be finished within the month barring unforeseen difficulties, and I hope you have a chance to play it. I've had a lot of fun building it. I've tried to stay true to the spirit of the Fallout series, but this is definitely an adult version. I enjoyed the raunchy bits of the earlier games, and tried to imagine how Quentin Tarantino would mod Fallout. Fair warning.

  6. Thought I'd show you guys what I've been working on. Three main quests and one mini are done, one more mini-quest to finish. I want to flesh out the npc population a bit and give more conversation dialogue to them. Then debug and try to get it FOMM and 1.5 compatible.


  7. If you need voice actors I would be willing to record some lines if you PM them to me. My recording tools are pretty basic, but I have SoundForge so I can give you back .MP3, .WAV or .OGG if you want. I create .LIP files with .WAVs and TES Construction Set.


    I'm a male native English speaker and ham actor. I also speak a smattering of Spanish, French, German, Russian, Japanese and Mandarin so I can throw in some accents if needed.

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