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  1. I actually figured out the copying part: 1. Create blank entry in array 2. Click and drag existing recipe to blank spot I'm not sure how to create one from scratch, but I suppose I could just use "Copy as new record into..." on an existing machine template to make a new manufacturing machine.
  2. I'm trying to figure out how to add recipes using FO4Edit, and I would like to copy individual recipes within the same array, since they are similar, and it would save a lot of time.
  3. There is a mod called Better Manufacturing (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26375) that adds a device called a Body Decomposer that breaks down corpses and returns items like Blood Packs and animal meats. However, while it already has Far Harbor and Nuka-World DLC as requirements, the Body Decomposer doesn't work on Far Harbor and Nuka-World creatures. From what I can tell, the Body Decomposer has two arrays that it uses; one that lists the type of creature, and the other that references the corresponding leveled list to return items from. I'm not sure how to quickly generate leveled lists for each Far Harbor and Nuka-World creature, and how to quickly add their type and corresponding leveled list to each type of Body Decomposer.
  4. I like to use the Body Composer from Better Manufacturing (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26375), but it doesn't seem to work with Far Harbor or Nuka-World creatures, and while I have an idea of what kind of patch would fix that (from what I can tell, it would require creating leveled lists for each new animal type, and tweaking two arrays in both versions of the Body Decomposer to incorporate those leveled lists with respect to each new animal type), I'm not sure, and I don't know the most efficient way of going about it. The mod requires both Far Harbor and Nuka-World, so it would be nice if the Body Decomposer worked with the creatures from both mods as well.
  5. That doesn't always work with mods that expand the size of settlements, and I can be forced out of workshop without any prior warning.
  6. I managed to get the Papyrus Compiler setup, although it was a mess to get the paths and files arranged properly. I basically managed to get the first idea working, and here is the scripting I used (I did base this off of other people's code, and I haven't fully tested it yet):
  7. I found it, and it is called Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg. The Creation Kit needs to be installed to access them, and it is in Base.zip.
  8. From what I could tell, Windows says my files were modified, but I couldn't find specific differences, and I used WinMerge to compare backups of the original files to what they were after installation.
  9. It was a scripting issue, and I managed to create a new .pex file I could use instead. Your advice did come in handy, so thank you.
  10. Could someone add, or has someone added something similar to, a version of "Conveyor Workshop Storage" from Manufacturing Extended (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15429) that auto-sells the items and puts the money value in the workshop instead? I'm not sure how to get the Creation Kit to work with my GOG copy of Fallout 4, Caprica doesn't seem compatible with FO4SE, so I'm not able to create the mod myself, so I'm passing along the idea. Another idea was to patch Automated Import and Export Manufacturing (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36563) so when the exporter sells items, it generates caps stashes with specific cap amounts instead of individual caps (which produces a number of issues).
  11. Is there a way to get the flags for Version I'm using the GOG version, set to pre-Next-Gen, and there doesn't seem to be a way for me to get the file with the flags in it. Edit: I was able to get it from the Creation Kit, and it seemed to work fine on my version, although I couldn't get the Creation Kit to work directly with my GOG version of Fallout 4. I was able to use FO4Edit still, and could use the Papyrus Compiler through console scripting.
  12. I'm looking to generate .pex files for mods, but I need the flags file for the Caprica compiler I'm using, and I can't find it.
  13. Is there a way to install it for the GOG version, especially for a pre-Next-Gen version (GOG has version control)?
  14. I did that, and it didn't seem to work. I've experimented a bit, and what you said does seem to work for ordinary containers, but not for special containers like Conveyor Storage. I don't know the scripts for opening and closing those kinds of containers, but they might have different method names, so I might have to change the scripts themselves to get them to work on Conveyor Storage objects.
  15. Drag/drop what, and how? I tried dragging and dropping the script part in FO4Edit, and it wouldn't let me.
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