I did tge same think, always went across to vilverin :L I think the skyrim equivelent may just be Bleak falls barrow its kind of infront of you, and if you look at it in the skyrim demo you can see a dragon on it from like a mile away :O
I dont think The Elder Scrolls series will ever need technology, appart from the Dwarvern ruins. Because it will never fit in, the elder scrolls is about losing yourself in a world compleetly unlike ours so i dont want technology in the series.
Don't worry, the 40 minute demo video will be out this week. What, like an official HD version? cause i hate the cam one, can hardly see the good bits about Skyrim.
i think its agood idea to remove them because there was no use in them, appart from making your character look stupid and run and jump like they had godly powers.