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Everything posted by bananakillerBRO

  1. scn Companion1Script short HasBeenHiredshort L38short DoOnce int CombatStyleRangedint CombatStyleMeleeint IsFollowingDefaultint IsFollowingLongint FollowerSwitchAggressiveint Waiting Begin GameModeIf (DoOnce != 1)Set HasBeenHired to 0Set L38 to 0Set CombatStyleRanged to 1Set CombatStyleMelee to 0Set IsFollowingDefault to 0Set IsFollowingLong to 0Set FollowerSwitchAggressive to 0Set Waiting to 0Set DoOnce to 1EndIfEnd
  2. So, the idle chatter, I'm not sure how I get this to work. I watched a Seddon tutorial and it says I need to use the "Getquestvariable" "Status". The problem is I didn't use Seddon's tutorial to program this companion, I used cgy95's, so instead of a "Status" I get two other options. "Do once" and "Is hireable". Which one of theses should I use, or will I have to re-script the entire companion?
  3. I'm trying to figure out how to have a door lock behind the player after they use it, so they can't use it again. How exactly do I do this?
  4. The voices files are now working properly Thanks, the both of you, I'll be sure to give you two credit for the help, it would be criminal if I didn't.
  5. s So that's what happened! When I was transfering the mod to my laptop I had to change the .esp's name. The fresh install didn't exactly work, so I'm going to try that.
  6. I'm trying a fresh install now, sorry I haven't been replying, I've wanted to hold off on asking more questions until I fixed the game, but so far I mucked up two installs, once by putting all the old game files back in, which caused the same glitch to happen, and again by reinstalling only to see it kept all the files. I'm trying a new install now.
  7. I was able to look into the GECK, there is no Y in the companion's voice lines, only N's,. The .wav file also does not play, it plays in the preview but it only plays the last thing I recorded.
  8. I sadly cannot get the backup thing to work, as I have never made a backup. What I'm going to do is put all the NV files, mods and all in a new folder, then I'm going to do a fresh install,and when that's done I'll put the files back. Sorry I've made this whole thing a lot more complicated, hopefully this fixes this.
  9. So, something else happened, I updated my graphics driver, including my graphics driver, and now New Vegas won't start up correctly. Instead of the main menu, this pops up. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B94sLZuozbfgSUt6QXBYS1FxRUE I swear at this point I could write the book of destroying something while try to do something simple. :dry: So...could this be fixed with another update?
  10. Could you give me a walk through Windows CHKDSK? I've never heard about anything like that.
  11. I used the copy paste method with the right click. I've looked and the files are "Absolute" I believe, they are located right where they need to be. I'm not sure what I did exactly to cause the voice clips to be silent in game, but there one thing I did I didn't mention before as I didn't think they held much relevance, but I'll mention them below. I recently recorded a significant amount of dialog with the GECK's recorder. Also the "icons" for .esp files in the data folder have changed from GECK icons to these weird paper icons with a small green arrow in the center, I have no clue what these are. I'm not sure if this pertains to the situation but it's something that changed along with the clips so I figured I'd mention it.
  12. So, I've been making a huge companion mod for the past few months, I had a metric crap ton of dialog done, I go back in to test some of it and now, suddenly, none of them work. I go into the game's data and look into the voice directory and it's all still there, but they are no longer heard in game. What's causing this? This just happened out of nowhere. EDIT- I just remembered I recently copy-pasted all the voice lines onto my laptop as a backup, could this have caused anything?
  13. I appear to have quoted Sadly I don't think that worked, what was the other Sadly I don't think that worked, what was the other idea? I appear to have quoted the wrong thing, I meant to ask what was the second option for enemy specific dialog?
  14. So, I'm working on an expansive follower and I want her to have special dialog when fighting certain NPCS (Super Mutants, NCR, Legion etc etc...) So far the only thing I've found is the command GetisPCAttackFaction, does this trigger during combat or when the player attacks the faction first?
  15. So, I have plans to create an expansive universe of companions, at least 12, and I want them to be separate mods but I also want them to be able to speak with each other and be connected. I noticed how Someguy2000 uses a custom master file to link everything together, do you happen to know how I could link two plugins via a master file? For example, I want companion #1 and companion #2 to speak with each other when they are close to each other, is it as simple as making a master and just having both plugins on at once in the GECK or will this require fancy scripting?
  16. tHA Thank you so much for the guide, as well as all the other questions you've answered in the past. I do with however, I learned how to add voice acting before I had a voice actor record over 900 lines of dialog, looks like I'd better brew some coffee, I'm in for a long night.
  17. I've been all over the internet, trying to figure out how to add new voice clips (voice acting) and so far, they are really...out of the way. One tutorial said I needed an external program, another said I actually needed Skyrim to add new voices to Fallout, and other said I had to create a temp file, name the new voice file the same thing and just keep overriding them. What is the actual fastest way to add new voice files?
  18. The thing is I already started a new version of the world space that was lost in the very same ESP. So is it just gone forever now or...
  19. Ok, I was working on a mod, building a world space and all and it was coming along nicely, I save every five minutes and all that sweet jazz. But, I come back the next day to find all my work had been erased. I understand it's gone and all but can I do some magic with Fallout NV Edit to get it back? I had been working on the mod for many days, I was able to reopen the worldspace after starting up the GECK time and time again but it just went missing. I was editing an already made plugin file but I had to uninstall and than re-install it for bug purposes, could this have anything to do with it?
  20. Ok, I was working on a mod, building a world space and all and it was coming along nicely, I save every five minutes and all that sweet jazz. But, I come back the next day to find all my work had been erased. I understand it's gone and all but can I do some magic with Fallout NV Edit to get it back? I had been working on the mod for many days, I was able to reopen the worldspace after starting up the GECK time and time again but it just went missing. I was editing an already made plugin file but I had to uninstall and than re-install it for bug purposes, could this have anything to do with it?
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