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About warlordmordrid

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    United States
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    Total Annihilation

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  1. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1032885-step-investigates-the-31-gigabyte-ram-limit-and-modding/ May want to check this out before spending money.... Mordrid
  2. help "iron dagger of shocks" 4 Basically, you use quotations.... Hopefully this helps. Mordrid
  3. Hi all, Trying to figure out what type of real - world goat/sheep that Bethesda used for their goat model or did they just completely make it up Thanks! Mordrid.
  4. Sounds like a mod conflict. Running boss is first thing. Since you do not have internet yet, you can always do the manual way of disabling mods until you do not see the problem any more. More specifically, the mods that directly affect those areas that you are having problems. Mordrid
  5. File structure is wrong. Make sure you take meshes and texture folders and place them in the Skyrim/data folder and overwrite the folder. Otherwise, you'll have problems just like the ones you all are seeing. Mordrid
  6. While playing skyrim, my encumbrance/weight flickers up and down and cycles about once a second. If my encumbrance is 100 (example), it will flicker either up to like 140 or down to 80. I am unsure if this is a mod bug or a game bug nor can i determine what item(s) are doing it (if any). I cannot find anything related to this on the forums nor google. The only "flickering" i get pulled up is regarding FPS and graphics problems. Thanks all! Mordrid
  7. player.removeallitems or... player.showinventory player.removeitem XXXX - Remove items manually until weight is 0 Mordrid
  8. player.showinventory player.removeitem XXXX - Remove manually. If nothing is in your inventory...then im at a loss. Mordrid
  9. I didn't see it up top...but i had the exact same problem....Its Ice Penguins A quality world map.... Hope this helps! Mordrid
  10. EDIT : I have someone working on this so i wont be needing anything from the community....thank you all so much for taking the time to read this over :) Request: I was wondering if anyone would make a few items for me...they shouldnt be too hard at all i would think. I'm working on an overhaul mod and having those few resources would be absolutely awesome! I did not see what i was looking for on the Nexus and have been waiting for these for quite some time now. I can create all the stuff for the items in the CK...just need the meshes and/or textures is all! Thanks so much in advance! Items below for all ingot and ore types: Iron, Corundum, Steel, Dwarven, Orichalcum, Ebony, Moonstone, Glass, Gold, Silver, and Quicksilver...i dont think i missed any :biggrin: Half ingot - Regular ingot scaled down to 50% of normal size Chunk - Regular ingot scaled down to 25% of normal size and square block shape (if not thats fine too!) Bit - Regular ore scaled down to 75% of normal size Leather Strap - Regular leather strip scaled up 25% of normal size Leather Square - Regular leather scaled down to 75% of normal size and square (if not thats fine too!) Ruins Cloth - Recolored with the basic ROYGBIV colors plus white and black Kindling - Regular firewood scaled down to 50% of normal size and "skinny-ed" up (if not thats fine too!) Stick - Regular wood log scaled down to 5-15% of normal size to look like a stick Nothing has to be fancy...just something quick and easy. I would really appreciate whoever could make this resource! Thank you! Mordrid
  11. Okay...im still not understanding this...but i may have a fix action. If you cannot save esp's, turn off version control by simply going to the line in the SkyrimEditor.ini file and change version control to a 0. That seemed to work. Im not entirely sure why the reinstall didnt fix this....any who... Case closed
  12. I was wondering if it would be at all possible to create a mod that basically just makes it so if you hit 100 skill level in a tree, all perk points in that tree are automatically given and updated? Basically, even if i have 0 perk points spent into lockpicking, but i pick 10,000 locks and get the skill to 100, since I'm a "master" i should be able to know all the "tricks of the trade" per se. So all related perks in the tree become unlocked automatically. Thanks all! Cheers! EDIT: If anyone needs more elaboration please let me know :D Thanks!
  13. Awwww kk ty vm Vector :D I really appreciate it! Cheers!!
  14. This has nothing to do with saving to an esm...i just want to make a normal esp modifying existing armor and weapons....
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