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Posts posted by LordTenaim

  1. Pacman: Origins




    Ok, I was just kidding with that one but I am not actually "anticipating" any game out there right now. What I am looking forward to is building a new PC and playing my older games on them to see what an improvement they are. Games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, Far Cry and Doom 3. All the games I've played that were "toned down" because my PC was 4 or 5 years old at the time and could not handle max settings.



    Your not alone mine computer is getting towards it's last legs, it used to be part of the operating system of the Guiness site at Park Royal in London!! goodness knows how old! it just about runs Oblivion mainly because of the Nvidia graphics card I fitted it with!

  2. If life is wonderful,

    why do we destroy,

    why do we take advantage,

    of this wonderful thing.


    If life is wonderful,

    should we not care

    for more then ourselves

    are we not intelligent.


    If life is wonderful,

    don't dispair,

    look around and give a hand

    to this wonderful thing.

  3. Ah greetings, For insane comments send for me, I am the insane one for this site, there are probably others but we are all friendly. hope you enjoy being part of the Nexus family.
  4. @facebag: shorter people are picked off by preditors easier


    Actually, not all the time. It has been proven that if in a herd, an animal with a distinguishing feature is always picked off first. So if all your friends are short and you are tall, you'll be picked off first!


    Now that is making me worried! HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!

  5. when the world was young,

    what did it see?

    what things happened,

    was it hot,

    was it cold,

    was it bright,

    was it dark,

    all these things I want to Know.


    when the world was young,

    was the sun bigger,

    was the sun smaller,

    did Sol begget it,

    did drift in,

    when the world was young.

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