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About alb22

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  1. Hi, I'm looking for a mod that replaces a shield with some weapon - like a dagger. It doesn't have to be a "real" two-weapon fighting implemented, a model/mesh replacer would just be enough... well.. if it's possible.. :unsure: However some mod that does the real thing would be much greater of course! Hm. Just noticed that Do not ask 'Does this mod exist?' thing. Sorry about that.
  2. So after all it doesn't really matter in this case - good to know. I'll continue that save game now and wont bother anymore reloading a dozen times to get it done without murder count... :rolleyes:
  3. Hi, i just entered the oblivion gate at Kvatch and after killing the latest Dremora Churl I suddenly got a message that "someone has taken note of my actions", followed by two (yes, two) murder counts on my list. I'm not using lots of mods - just MMM, OOO and the Unofficial Patch. Anyone experienced the same?
  4. Or try "XFO epic pacing". Considerably progressed it takes a zillion of dead muties to reach the next level.
  5. Maybe the easiest way is the opposite of what you want: Make yourself faster. FWE for example gives your character a limited AP based "sprint". (Or was it FOOK2.. ?.. sorry lost the overview :unsure: )
  6. Hmm.. I'd guess the Talon mercs just fulfill the purpose evil minions are made for: Killing (or trying to kill) anyone from the "good" side who runs danger to interfere with some devious plan made by the guy they work for.
  7. The sudden approach of creatures from dark door openings.
  8. Hi, a small question here.. does the FWE "Alternate Travel - Wasteland Motorcycle" plugin actually contains a driveable motorcycle? Thnx
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