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  1. Found a fix today. I'm using EA Desktop and some other applications like that don't allow the mods to work. Whilst using Frosty, you also need to use Frosty Fix. Download here: https://github.com/Dulana57/FrostyFix/releases/tag/v2.2.1 Instructions here: https://github.com/Dulana57/FrostyFix Mine now work :)
  2. I'm having a similar issue where mods aren't loading up in-game at all. Loaded up with Frosty and enabled correctly but not working in-game. Can't figure it out.
  3. Hi all, I've loaded up Frosty Mod Manager and I can get the game to launch without any issues. But my problem is, none of the mods I've loaded/applied using Frosty seem to be working in-game. For example, I have a mod that increases skill points per level and it doesn't work. Tattoo mods don't appear, and a Cora appearance change isn't working either. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I seem to just get the base game without any of the mods working as intended. Any ideas?
  4. These video updates look cool! But there's no interactions or combat yet. Walking around is great, but it's the interactions that'll be the groundbreaking part :D
  5. I agree with the others: no third person, no buy. I really don't enjoy first person shooters; it's a personal choice. As soon as there's a mod for third person gameplay, I'm in!
  6. Just paid for a premium membership to fastrack a few Witcher 3 large downloads and the speeds are worse. Sitting at 130kb/s on a 95mb/s connection.
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