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Everything posted by SwearNSC

  1. Thank you for doing this. Hopefully the new provider will be better.
  2. Until this week I've had no problems getting downloads to start with using the "DOWNLOAD (NNM)" button. Now all I get is the little square with the dashes, then no bigger window asking if it's okay to run program. And yes I am logged in on NNM, and I have updated NNM. I haven't changed any settings on the computer, and I don't think my wife has either. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Thank You Guys, that did the trick.
  4. Ok, I'll try to get my question across better this time. Do I have to be a premium member on Nexus to download CBBE, UNP, or SeveNBase body types? Every time I even try to go to the pages for download I get told I have to change my content setting (unblock content.) Hopefully this will get me an answer. Thank You for Your Time. Swear
  5. I'm talking about on the Nexus, not in game. My game runs fine. What I was after are the CBBE body types. I don't remember having to check boxes to allow content: such as, skimpy clothing, breast size, things like that. Thank You.
  6. I'm a registered member, so why am I not able to unblock content? Any help with this would be greatly appprecated. Thank You.
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