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About ryegauvin

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    Skyrim, Dishonored

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  1. After getting dragonborn I went though and ended coming across Stalhrim armor and weapons. which is cool! Until I realized that Skyre doesn't recognize the new armor as being... not crap. The base armor rating I have for the light version is 61 points. While glass armor gives me 152 points. So you know, its hard to just overlook the 'minor' difference. So I have two questions, is this just me? And if its not, do you know of a fix, or can you at least tell me that I have to wait until they release an a Skyre update? I took a look at "Balbor and Steelsouls SkyRe ReProccer Project" And that didn't change the stats. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27092
  2. SOLVED! Thank you! Buried deep within the comments I found the answer. Heres a copy paste. My speed bug is fixed by console. Type stopquest xx065469 startquest xx065469 xx065469 is ID of "xxxCMInit".(xx of xx065469 is Load Order.) Looking in the NMM, my load order places the combat module at 38. so my ID was 38065469.
  3. After I got dragonborn I went to whiterun, killed the cultists, then went to the windhelm docks. And then I noticed that I'm running too quickly. I'm going about sprinting speed as a regular walk, and then faster when I do sprint. I tried playing around with my mods, but my game just crashes when I load it without my big mods loaded, IE Skyre, and frostfall. And no matter what I do I can't slow down. My other saves have no problem with it. all walk at the same speed. but this one save! I can't make it work! I did do an update of my mods while it was downloading. and I got Frostfall footprints deadly dragons Immersive Patrols Kace's auto loot realistic ragdolls and force reprocesser WATER and Skyre I figured I might as well. and seeing as they need compatibility patches, why not? Probably not the smartest idea. And it effects my old save too. from about 7 levels ago. Again, console commands don't work (player.set(or)modav speedmult x) And I have no idea what to do. And as far as I can tell. This only effects my running speed. not anything else.
  4. Oh I know, I have a bigger list! but to just sit there for hours and install one after another? That's a lot for one go. You know what I mean?
  5. OH! I didn't see *custom*! Oh ok... that's different... (but still look anyways) I think theres a section in the creation kit that you can check to make that not happen. somewhere
  6. I don't think there is such a thing. Because I have never had that problem before. I've never had a companion loot anything. Not even when they're standing right next to something that is clearly better than what they have now. I would say that you need to check your own mods for things that monitor npc's or specifically companions.
  7. And to go along with all that you''l need two things. the nexus mod manager. and the skyrim script extender. first the SKSE. just do a websearch for it and download the file package. Then maybe take a look at youtube for a tutorial. make SURE the video you look it is a new video. not from a while ago. and that's the hard part. for the next part get the nexus mod manager. Download it. set it up. link it to your nexus account and then when you're looking at mod page, and click the files tab, then you just hit download with manager. and you're good to go! No problem mon! Then just double click the mod you want to turn on and it will set it up for you. you don't want it anymore, uncheck it. And trust me. you do NOT want to handle mods on your own. do NOT do that! I say it again. DO. NOT. And then that was the hard part! Now modding is so easy for us it doesn't take more than a second to get some mods downloaded and activated. And you never have to use the file explorer on your computer! Seriously though. Don't handle mods without the manager. and make sure you SKSE install skse properly. Happy Modding! And I give you an hour before youre addicted to to skyrim for two hundred more hours and have no intentions of stopping!
  8. well that's a ... long list... I'm sure hes not going to put in all of them. but heres my list. a few items, that will TOTALLY make skryrim 1000% percent better! (and yeah, three zeros) Skyre - Skyrim redone Ultimate favorite mod of all time. hands down. the description on the site does it best. But what it does it that it re does everything. Everything. Combat, stealth, enimies, leveling, everything! And it firkin rocks man! Frostfall - Hypothermia A new recent second favorite of mine, it makes weather a factor in skyrim. (so no running into winterhold wearing your nickers!) And it makes the game so much more, real. And in a good way. And that goes along with adding new items and mechanics to the game that they all WORK! ^_^ DEADLY DRAGONS! Third favorite! It adds new dragons, new AI and makes them stronger! It was geared in mind to stop the dragons being complete pussys... Now they really are powerful enough to bring out the end of the world as you know it! And first the first time being Dovahkiin means something! The dance of death A killmove mod that adds more killmoves, and what not. Muy Bueno baby! And then FINNALY SKYUI! Ohh man! This is the very best, if you have a PC, this is what you need! its beautiful! Gorgeous... Its an overhaul of the User Interface, making it to be designed for keyboards, its got a better layout for things, a search bar, and now you can see a list! It also had build into th main pause menu so you can change the settings for mods in game! You can edit the settings for frostfall, dance of death, and deadly dragon (hmm what a coincidence... three out four... and one doesn't have settings... hmmmm) (also these mods require skyui to function. see next section for why) So that's MY list. If you take the three of these, youll make your skyrim so much better in so many ways. especially for a veteran like you. you'll kick yourself in the head for months thinking why you never did this before! (seriously, invest in a helmet)
  9. Oh, I didn't know you could quotes! That makes MY life so much easier! But you don't have to do player.additem. use the mouse and select your character and use additem. that works too better in my opinion. but if you target another NPC or container you add that item to that container. That's how you can give other characters equipment that you normally wouldn't be able to interact with. such as when farkas turns into a werewolf he drops his greatsword and never picks it up. so I just gave him another.
  10. going along with above. be. patient. I am not patient. Hence why I have no mods. Don't be me.
  11. oh and you can also try player.setav. but I don't know what the difference is. Its says theres a difference but I can't see it. Check the uesp.net 's console page to make sure though.
  12. Well it could just be a problem with the mod itself... (Or require skyre?). but if you really want to know if its possible. you can type in player.modav smithing 250 (Or any other number that's big) and try it then. What that does it just makes your smithing level 250 (where vanilla is max is 100) and then it should just default to legendary. but really it would make it so legendary its retarted. But then after you MUST load a previous save. it messes with your game, and it just sucks having a 200 level of smithing. it does. But as a test to see if its broken or not is all. (contact the creator?)
  13. AHH! Thank you very much! And I did also notice that its a problem with skyrim itself, and sometimes it just happens. And it is entirely possible it really was green from day one! Thanks for sending me a mod link, probably wouldn'tve found that on my own
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