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Everything posted by Cassie363

  1. Ha. Lol. That's not a mod as much as it was my first attempt to get familiar with the CS. It's actually kind of embarassing, and I should remove it. I generally don't share my stuff, since most of what I make is for friends and hardly worth sharing. I do have two large projects for the Nexus that I'm putting a lot of time and effort into. They're unfinished, but I'm working away at a steady pace. You want to brag about your endorsements like you're some kind of celebrity, whatever. That's your prerogative. I may be a nobody in your eyes, but I mod because I enjoy it, I do it for myself and I want other people to enjoy it. I don't care what I get in return, just as long as somebody enjoys my creation. I don't consider this community toxic. There may be a couple comment trolls or entitled whiners here or there, but to label an entire community as toxic because of that, that's a massive sweeping generalization to make, and I think that's actually a pretty damn disrespectful thing to say, considering how many people have probably enjoyed, endorsed, and promoted your work.
  2. Donations aren't a problem. That's fine. It makes sense to support people who put out quality content. I think donation needs to be pushed a bit more, not so much to annoy people who download files, but enough to remind them that the option is there if they feel like dropping a few bucks. Definitely, donations are a great thing and more people should be donating if they can, and the modders are good. My issue is with putting mods behind a paywall. In a community that was built on goodwill and mutual love of the game, it was never about making money. It was about modding the game and having fun with it, because you could. I just think it's kind of betraying the community's trust. Selling out, in a way. It's not something I would do to others. What makes mods so great is that they're free and available to anyone who wants to use them, without restrictions. For someone like me who can barely make rent, let alone afford new games, it's a lifesaver, because I'm able to do things with the game that I normally wouldn't be able to do. I want mods to be free so that other people can freely enjoy those experiences. People's enjoyment may not pay rent, but it's a hell of a lot more fulfilling. At least to me, anyway. I put what I put into my mods because I know the end result of people having fun, telling their friends and sharing my creation is all I'll need. If modders really want to sell their talents, why don't they just get into game development? A popular game mod looks good on a resume. People are entitled to their opinions. If it bothers you that some people think this way, maybe you should get out of modding.
  3. I'm 23, as of a week ago. I certainly don't feel like I am, though.
  4. That's what the Nexus wiki is for. I think this might be what you're looking for? http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php?title=Rigging_skinning_and_dismemberment
  5. That would depend. PC right? Otherwise you're gonna have to search elsewhere. There are ways to mod the PS3 and 360 versions, but obviously there's a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo involved, so it's not really advised.
  6. I nominate Two Worlds. The so-called "Oblivion-killer". Just watch a couple gameplay videos and you'll understand why that piece of shovelware should never see the light of day.
  7. Just because one person monetizes a mod doesn't mean we all will. But I have zero respect for those who do. I just don't think it's the right thing to do. You should mod for the love of the game, the love of the community. Not to make a quick buck. I will never charge for any mods I create, or have created. Ever. I have a tremendous love and respect for this community, and I believe everyone should be able to use what I make, free of charge. This also extends to my art and music as well.
  8. Sure thing. Sea of Ghosts http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1677559 And the Realms of the Daedra http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=15308 there are obviously more but those are the two most noteworthy, IMO. Went to add them today and what do you know: they're already on the list. :D Thanks, I'll check out the rest of his mods. :smile: Do you happen to know if he hosts them on other sites along with the Workshop? I'd just like to add as many mirrors for the various entries as I can. :smile: No, to my knowledge they're only on the workshop now. I don't think he wants them uploaded anywhere else.
  9. Hey, peeps. I was wondering if anybody knows of a creature mod/enemy mod that would add old-school classic RPG enemies? I'm looking specifically for slimes and mimic chests, maybe bats and imps as well?.
  10. Well, there's Brad Pitt: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31402/? And Arnold Schwarzenegger: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5137/? Olivia Wilde, Chris Hemsworth and some of the cast of Game of Thrones: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26056/? Vin Diesel: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43425/? And just for kicks, inFAMOUS's own Cole McGrath: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4992/?
  11. It's great that this is still ongoing, because to be honest, a project like this is essential. The main questline was in dire need of improvement from day one. I'm really interested in seeing what direction you guys will take.
  12. Sure thing. Sea of Ghosts http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1677559 And the Realms of the Daedra http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=15308 there are obviously more but those are the two most noteworthy, IMO.
  13. Any quest mod by Thirteenoranges (a modder who was actually banned from here some time ago) deserves to be on that list. The attention to detail that that guy has is staggering. He's definitely good at what he does. "And the Realms of the Daedra" in particular is very unique. I thought that the travelling to all the different planes of oblivion was really neat and very well executed. Apocrypha was pretty creepy, mainly just because I have a fear of overdue library books. "Sea of Ghosts", though, that one is spectacular. And fully voiced, too. It's also quite lengthy, depending on how much you explore the new areas. It's got a nice piratey theme that just delivers. All it's missing are peglegs and eyepatches. Going to go on a small tangent here and say outright that I don't agree with his ban, or at least the circumstances surrounding it. His endorsements had already reached some lofty values and had quite the reputation from word of mouth alone. What possible motivation would he have for exploiting the system? His mods were good enough already. I think it's probably more likely that some random hater probably framed him, or something stupid like that. But whatever, that's in the past, and it's neither here nor there. Just an impromptu thought.
  14. I doubt the face maps would've caused the crash. Texture replacers generally are worry-free. It was likely the post-injection thing. A lot of those post-process plugins can eat up memory very quickly.
  15. 1. Do the mods have any requirements? If so, are they installed as well? 2. Are you using a mod manager or Archive Invalidation? Using a mod manager may help. 3. Which version of Skyrim are you running?
  16. One english link, courtesy of moi. You're welcome. http://www.sendspace.com/file/0vlngf
  17. Colorful magic is without a doubt, one of the best. Midas Magic (both original and evolved) also add a lot of unique and interesting spells to the game.
  18. Sure thing. Try the following: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20305/? Has a couple swords that produce energy explosions on critical hits. Pretty awesome. All the equipment is hidden, so you have to do a lot of exploring to find them. Or you could just cheat and read the readme... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17536/? Adds an immensely powerful bow to the game that sends enemies flying. It's good fun. You can disenchant the bow and then apply it to any other weapon you want. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32237/? Although it can't be made exclusive to certain weapons, (which is frankly quite disappointing) this mod adds the ability to use projectile attacks with a sword similar to the Bloodskal Blade. Requires Dragonborn DLC. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46902/? This one adds fancy animated whips with a cool visual effect. Also requires Dragonborn DLC. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47988/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45652/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41255/? Adds a bunch of enchantments for various playstyles, all of which are unique. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39825/? Adds some interesting weapons and effects. That's all I know of so far, but I'm sure there are more.
  19. Well, Tytanis has a system for planting crops. I don't know if it applies to all vanilla plants, but It might be worth a look. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1601/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D1601&pUp=1
  20. Just open it up in the Creation Kit and translate all the text that's in Russian Cryllic to English using any old web translator. It's tedious but it gets the job done.
  21. Oh? Are they the same? Voiced and everything?
  22. Companions: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22650/? Thieves Guild: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14157/? Also I remember there was a mod where you could tweak requirements for every guild and major questline through MCM menu. But dont remember the name Yeah, I already have the Companions one, I'm just looking for some for the other factions. Something a bit more... substantial. I'm waiting for Second Son to release on the PS4, so I'm getting back into Skyrim to kill time, but I want it to feel fresh and new, because I'm tired of the same thing over and over again (radiant quests mostly, they're SOOO boring). That MCM menu mod sounds fantastic. Please, let me know if you find it, I'd love to try it out. :D
  23. My advice? Translate it yourself. That's what I do for foreign mods. I'm sure some sites translate cryllic script. It's really not difficult at all.
  24. Wait, the spells menu? Yeah. There's a bug when you eat multiples of certain food items that causes that. Have you tried waiting? If the effects wear off, it might fix itself. If not, try learning a new spell with a spell tome. That could fix the issue too.
  25. If you're into owning property ingame I highly recommend Skyrim Tycoon. It doesn't cover all the options you're looking for, but it might work for you. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34959/?
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