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About Joporai124

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth you can find it here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46722 also it turns out it is both the Dark Sky and Dark Fog weather effects and even though I have disabled both through the mod they still seem to happen.
  2. Try posting this on the Buffout 4 mod page as they understand this kinda stuff better and use spoiler tags for large list. Also the mod Author has specifically asked for people to post their logs on the mod page so he can help people fix it and further the development of the tool.
  3. I recently updated from NAC to NAC X and have had nothing but frame drops and issues since the change and as the mod author has not enable posts on the mod page I have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. One Current problem the other problem I am having is flickering of light outside and sometimes inside. The only reason I changed was because of Buffout 4.
  4. I fixed this problem by using the conflict detection feature in FO4 Edit.
  5. Try loading all your mods in FO4Edit and then use the Apply Filter for Conflicts Option As Shown Here. I had this same problem and found that Another Green Mod was conflicting with the FPS fix and I fixed it by putting the FPS Fix esp above Another Green mod esp in my load order.
  6. Hey guys I have recently started using the Fo4FI_FPS_fix mod and I am having a problem where parts of building are disappearing all over the place and all people are getting is this is not this mod it is your load order, but I have followed the mod authors instruction of putting the esp at the bottom of my load order and it seems when I uninstall this mod the problem stops I previously used the Boston FPS fix and had the same problem but only in downtown Boston which is the only place the mod effected, again all people are getting is "this is a mod order problem" and there is no other answer which is just useless. Load Order for what it's worth:
  7. I love Sinead I used to use her along with Cailin and still do just without Cailin.
  8. Hmm that's concerning. Well out of both the mods the one I miss the most is the Cailin Follower that was a great follower.
  9. Surely they could find the people responsible and report them for not getting permission especially on Patreon.
  10. I don't quite understand why these 2 mods at least could be pulled for violation of Rights considering Full Plate Armor is still up on the LE Nexus, but normally when people pull their mods they at least leave a reason.
  11. Hey guys I have been playing and modding Skyrim SE for years but at one point I had to completely reinstall Skyrim SE and upon rebuilding my mod list I have noticed a lot of the mods I used to have have disappeared without a trace. I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to them, Mostly out of curiosity really. Cailin Follower: Possibly one of my Favourite Followers I ever had. Full Plate Armor: I had to use an image from the LE version but I used to have the Skyrim SE CBBE Version. will update with more later.
  12. No I followed the tutorial found Here actually. I can see your new here and I am not a retard so I would appreciate it if you didn't speak to me like one I have been part of nexus for several years.
  13. I mean I can't see how Textures would have anything to do with crashes caused by a Mesh really?
  14. Hey guys I have been trying to convert KD Circlets Redone by zzjay to Fallout 4 for personal use. I have followed the Skyrim to Fallout 4 armor conversion tutorial, but when I go to import the finished Mesh the Fallout 4 Creation Kit Crashes and I was wondering how to fix it. I have no idea how to use nif skope so if I need to do something with that someone would have to explain it to me. I have tried using the nif optimizer to fix the crashes but it has had no effect.
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