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Everything posted by killerx267

  1. I've played Morrowind through Skyrim, and before I start this topic i just want to say all three games are fantastic and great. I've spent 200+ hours on skyrim, 300+ hours on oblivion, and around 80 hours on morrowind. Now to begin, At first morrowind, to me, was a little overwhelming. I had no idea what to do first at all and at times the journal wasn't organized well enough for me, but I ended up loving the freedom of it. Taking over someones house, the spell possibilities, the uber treasure loot. I went back to it about 3 days ago and installed the graphics overhaul and I am completely immersed again. Morrowind was just a amazingly content filled and quality game. Now for Oblivion, in my opinion oblivion got it just right in content. wasn't overwhelming and wasn't underwhelming. I loved the guilds and was glad the fighters guild wasn't pretty much a mercenary and assassin guild. I could keep track of all the quest and loved the game world more than Morrowinds, but I lost my guy who didn't belong feeling with Oblivion. Sure, spears, thrown, etc etc was removed but in my opinion a bow was just fine. There was less freedom, but I feel the magic system was just right and balanced. Sword combat was drastically improved over Morrowinds. Balancing system was great until around level 20. And for skyrim. Skyrim is amazing and I love it, Graphics on PC were extremely lacking imo, but when I did the STEP overhaul it was fine and beautiful. I felt magic was too dumbed down, melee combat was improved in some ways and dumbed down in others. The world in my opinion was alright. I didn't love the world but didn't hate it. Just snow and mountains isn't my cup of tea. The cities sucked, Solitude is tiny compared to the average cyrodiil town. Guilds completely sucked. The stories were good but each guild was only around 3 hours while morrowind and oblivion guilds were 8 hours and up. Now this is just my view on the franchise since morrowind. If people want to go back and play morrowind for the first time but find the graphics unbearable just download the graphics overhaul, its amazing. I hope in the next elder scrolls they can get a combination between oblivion and morrowind. I would like classes and attributes back because that adds to the replay value of the game. I know there have been many topics such as this one but I would like a fresh view on the topic seeing as the initial skyrim effect has worn off now.
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