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About gurgelstock

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  1. I am having a similar problem which started out of the blue and that I am trying to fix. In my case, I suddenly have some kind of ice crystal under my players feet that emits the frosty mist. If I turn into a vamipre lord and back into human form, the artifact will be gone. If I go into first person now, it will magically reappear. I am trying to find out if a mod is causing this, will post a screenshot later. Are you using a custoim race and/or footprints mod?
  2. Just stumbled across this and though it was pretty funny http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/114910-Skyrim-Fans-Uncover-Insectoid-Conspiracy
  3. I had a similar issue when using "no bowlegged jump animation" and updating to the latest game vesion. I had to remove the mod to fix it.
  4. I assume that's because you speak neither czech nor russian... ;) I can't use them either but that doesn't render them 'unnecessary'
  5. I like this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9676
  6. I can only recommend More Hotkeys Please, it is easy to configure and works like a charm!
  7. Could be conflicting mods aswell. You will haver to go through your mod list and disable esps one by one to find out what is conflicting with Dance of the Death. Once you know, you can try fiddling with the load order... Texture files go into Data/textures. Use NMM to install mods so you don't have to worry about correctly copying files manually.
  8. I read that people were getting ctds with this mod active but I had been using it ever since it came out and never had any problems. When it was combined with More Dynamic Shadows to More Dynamic Shadows with Striping Fixed, I switched to that one and I am still using it today, with no ctds at all. I honestly could not play without both mods, the shadow striping was just too annoying (and removing the mod shows that it hasn't been fixed..) and the additional dynamic shadows turn most interiors into truly atmospheric sceneries.
  9. Usually it's not needed. It simply tells WryeBash what it's dealing with. Some mods shouldn't be merged, etc, that's for example what tags are used for. You shouldn't worry about it though
  10. Please share with us the mods you did find - thanks!
  11. I have one aswell: how aobut people finally start accepting that just because they mess up their game by installing countless mods on their main save without proper testing, Bethesda isn't to blame? I have a whole bunch of mods running and I don't experience any ctds at all...
  12. player.setrace REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ACTUAL_RACEvampirerace Note: Not playing a custom race either but using a khajiit body replacer. After accepting the gift from Harkon, turning into a vampire lord and back to human -ehrm feline form, he would recognize me as a vampire but everybody else in the castle wouldn't. Changing to a vampire lord in front of anybody besides Harkon resulted in them attacking me. I had to use the above console command before beeing able to talk to anyone besides Harkon.
  13. Newer skse versions also include a 'scripts' folder that will override vanilla script files. I am somewhat reluctant installing them...
  14. If they died a while ago, just using resurrect will most likely not be enough. UESP: So 'resurrect 1' and then 'enable' should be the saver method :)
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