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  1. So after some Rigerous Hour of testing and uninstalling,fixing,patching The issue turned out to be an FPS related Mod which is surprising as it was meant to be a Fix not a buggy mess which causes crashing at Sanctuary : Thank you for all your help I could not have done it without your suggestion of using F4Edit to look for Sanctuary related queries.
  2. I've Narrowed it downto (*Based upon what I've had no issues with in the past*) SS2BTInt_OptiPhase4DLCVault Tec Historical Preserv I will shortly try uninstalling these specific mods and doing a few tests. Yeah for that reason those were long shots, I've figured how to apply a filter to look for specific words such as Sanctuary so I did so these are what showed up : Sanctuary Mentioned Filter.txt
  3. Yeah for that reason those were long shots, I've figured how to apply a filter to look for specific words such as Sanctuary so I did so these are what showed up :
  4. I "Know" how to use it In THEORY, Like I said I can clean the masterfiles go into the nitty gritty parts and remove things manually But this may be out of my depth I'll give it a little look see if I can find anything but honestly I'm not sure what to look for outside of things that just mention "Sanctuary" Edit : In The meantime using my best guesses I have come up with a list of Potentially Hazardous mods that theoretically could have a problem in sanctuary simply based on deduction of what Mods may or may not have Assets in Sanctuary. ArbitrationBeast Master (Doubt it, never had an issue before)Unique NPCsLore Friendly Globes? (Doubt it)Sim Settlements 2 (Relatively quite a stable Mod.)Better GeneratorsQuieter SettlementsEnhanced Lights And FX? (Unlikely since elsewhere is fine.)Settlements Expanded?? (Possible.)FAR? (Doubt It)Wasteland Imports (Never had a problem before.)F76 Watchtowers ? Fallout London Weapons? (Doubt.)More Uniques? / Unique Uniques?Wild Wasteland?
  5. I headed to Abernanthy Farm as you suggested, got there in one piece combat all working nicely and smoothly no issues there , Didn't crash there at all Fast travelled back to the vault ; Headed into sanctuary - and Instantly crashed at the exact same spot the Entrance just across the Bridge - So its definitely something related to sanctuary (Have no removed The Quieter settlement mods)
  6. I would slowly over time replace most of the Institute Humans with Gen 3 (and maybe even Gen 4 when those are a thing!) Synths, and inter-grate them into society to aid in humanity's recovery. All whilst removing the bad parts of the Institute since after all, The Tech,Knowledge of the Institute is perfect and great its just they're methodology.
  7. I just want to say, Mayor McDonalds is now something I have fallen in love with thank you. Besides that... Theres also evidence that the Institute has actual Cameras around the wasteland in the positions of the Crows
  8. Cleaned your Masterfiles? A simple usually well known trick but just on the off chance you didn't - and yeah sadly BGS games are..well yeah great story telling but awfully interesting bugs.
  9. So I've not modded Fallout 4 in awhile but I've still of course remembered the basics, Clean the Master files using F4Edit,Check all others with LOOT, Compatibility all such as that and for some reason I am still experiencing crashing to desktop when I enter Sanctuary , now I don't know if its BECAUSE of entering sanctuary or if its because of it randomly crashing It may be a coincidence upon entering sanctuary. Relatively speaking I have not got "Too many" Mods installed (Personally in my opinion.. although that opinion may be skewed due to how much I've modded Skyrim in the past!) Whilst I Could in theory go through each mod that would take up a valuable amount of time sadly LOOT has nothing to offer in terms of information, Nor am I finding anything elsewhere about what could be causing the problem so I'd appreciate somebody with some decent experience in figuring this out. [EDIT] : (Load Order) Also to note I use VogueENB's Default settings And my System Specs are i5 9th Gen 32gb DDR4 3200mhz Ram 2060Super Fallout 4 Itself is installed on an NVME SSD as are the mods Staging folder.
  10. Welp it has crashed again, I am not going to be able to find a fix for this so I may just give up and reinstall at some point.
  11. Seemingly my game is not crashing anymore, I believe this has fixed it! Thank you! (Took some time to figure out how to use the Tool but, should be useful in the future for other Bethesda games!) That is AWESOME! My game seems to be MUCH more stable since as well. Down around Quincy, I was crashing about every five minutes. After cleaning, I was able to go thru the whole place, and play for several more hours, without a crash. Played till I exited the game normally. :D Its crazy the things that will fix a Bethesda Game :laugh:
  12. Seemingly my game is not crashing anymore, I believe this has fixed it! Thank you! (Took some time to figure out how to use the Tool but, should be useful in the future for other Bethesda games!)
  13. Might I ask which options you used? There are quite a few and I do not wish to accidentally break my Game.
  14. I have not (FallrimTools correct?) I am not familiar with how to use it either. Though Judging by what the Nexus page says, its suggested not to delete unattached instances in Fallout 4 due to the fact that is how the game runs usually.
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