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About jbvertexx

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  1. I actually figured out how it can be done by using an active magic effect on the Actor Alias. I can use a constant effect ability with conditions on the effect set to the stage (using getstage or getstagedone) or even to the quest itself. Using oneffectstart() in the magic effect script, I can send the trigger that is needed and then dispel() the effect. I have tested this and it looks like it's working - just need to work through the details of implementation.
  2. Wow - really nice scripting there! I see you are triggering off the OnLocationChange() event. I won't be able to use this because I will need to take action immediately after the quest completes, and it will impact dialogue with the NPC involved in completing the quest. The closest I have come is to use an Alias on the Actor(s) involved in completing the quest (the quests I am monitoring are almost always completed through dialogue). I then use the OnActivate() event on that Alias to trigger when the player activates the Actor, so it will immediately check to see if the quest is completing. However, it will only check the next time you talk to that actor after completing the quest, so that doesn't quite work. Really appreciate your sample script though, I'll be able to use the quest checking logic! If you can think of another approach for the trigger, let me know. Thanks!
  3. I have a need to monitor when various vanilla game quests or quest stages have been completed, which then will trigger actions in a mod I am developing. My preference would be to have it event driven - I'd prefer not to use the regeisterforsingleupdate() / onupdate() sequence to check. I would also prefer to not modify the actual vanilla quest for compatibility reasons. I have tried OnTrackedStatsEvent, attempting to monitor the "Quests Completed" stat. However, I've found that most of those Stats don't actually work in game (at least they do not trigger the Event). I have been able to use this method for the "Misc Objectives Completed" stat, which actually does fire the Event. However, none of the other quest type stats seem to fire the event. I'm also surpised there is no Story Manager event node on quest progress & completion. I would have thought that would have been a cleaner way than the Script event node that seems to be used for most quest dependencies. Using the Script event would require me to modify the vanilla quest to fire the script event, which I want to avoid. Are there any other techniques to monitor for quest and/or quest objective completion?
  4. Some constructive feedback - Site main page: 1. On mobile - I'm not sure why it's different than on PC, but it leads with News & Updates, then a bunch of tiles, then All of Our Mods, then a bunch of tiles. No intuitive way to just get to a Game main page. I bet 90% of landings to the main page, users are trying to get to a Game, but it's just not there. Menu at the top is of no help, it's multi-layered, and primarily has options of Mods, Images, Videos on a site-wide basis. How many users actually use the website in this manner? - News - drop-down that lists 9 ways to view news. Seriously? Just have something simple that shows the news, then once your'e there, allow for different views, if that's really necessary. I mean, did you guys actually look at usage metrics to figure out what functionality is actually used? - News shouldn't be displayed in tile form, and it shouldn't be front and center. It should just be a highlight feed that takes up less real estate. - ALL OF OUR MODS - Caps, why caps? And how many people actually navigate to nexusmods.com in order to view ALL mods accross ALL games? I would wager that 99% of the people come to the site to view mods for their top 2-3 favorite games. So this is just noise using up valuable real estate. - That's basically it. On the mobile main page, I see no intuitive way to get to what I really want, is to go to my favorite games quickly or to look at site news ( in a manner that takes up much less space) 2. On Desktop - Different experience - I'm seeing the games front and center, which is a good thing. - +1 for the favorite games drop-down. That is a nice enhancement - but's it's lost in all the other crap you have in that main menu bar - and is that the main menu bar or is the menu bar above it the main menu bar (Nexus Home, Chat, News - again!!)? I don't know - 90% of it is unnecessary on the main page. - Overall, it's way too cluttered. One recommendation is to create a couple different views. The main one should just have the basics of what 90% of the people navigate to 90% of the time. You could create a "mod author" view, with all the "My mods, my files, with posts for my mods, etc" - How many people actually look at mods accross all games? Same feedback. Perhaps create a My Favorites section that shows new mods, etc for favorite games. But seriously, how many people actually want to see new mods, videos, etc across ALL games? Getting rid of all of this clutter would vastly simply the interface. - News - why tiles? And with 8 different tabs at that? Seriously? I'd like to see the metrics on how often all those tabs are clicked. News is a single simple feed with perhaps a filter option. Tiles should be used for objects or records. Slim this down to minimize the real estate used by news. Right now, your news is a big waste of space and doesn't present the pertinent info to the user, which is simply the headline - that's it - that's all you need for news. - ALL OF OUR MODS - who wants to see ALL mods from ALL games? Big waste. Maybe give a power user the option, but not on the main page. - Bottom line is you are wasting main page precious space with what you could be using to highlight select featured mods, staff picks, mods of the month, new games, features/promotions, mod contests, really important updates, etc. Who knows, but right now, it's a big blur of useless info that is all a waste of precious real estate. That's my feedback on the Main Page.
  5. In response to post #55669781. #55673186 is also a reply to the same post. Constructive feedback is that the new one needs to be thrown out and started over - not sure how that's not clear by the overwhelming response. The new design was well intended, and something I looked forward to, but in the end it was poorly executed and needs to be redone. The specifics are all contained in this thread - there is a wealth of feedback. Do the right thing for the customer.
  6. In response to post #55731251. To answer your question from my perspective, playing Skyrim is 100% at the desktop for me. However, about 85% of my time on the Nexus is on mobile. I travel extensively for work and precious time at home I want to game, not read the Nexus. Even when I'm home gaming, I'll check the Nexus on my phone, well, because my PC is running the game, duh. So I am constantly on the Nexus while mobile keeping up with new mods, posting, watching videos, etc. Mobile use for Nexus is essential IMO.
  7. I'm in agreement with the group that the new layout is poorly designed. The only major thing wrong with the old layout is it didn't work well on Mobile and the style was somewhat dated. Otherwise, it was very well designed and functional. The new site is responsive on mobile, but I agree the design needs to be vastly streamlined. It's way too cluttered. I mean, it just took me like 60 seconds to figure out on mobile how to get to a mod-page's discussion tab. The tab is selected using a drop-down box? How is that UX best practice? There are so many poor design choices, from the all caps mod titles to the vastly over-cluttered game main page. A well designed website should draw the user in. This website now just scares me away every time I land on it. Honestly, I was looking forward to the redesign because I felt the old one, while well designed, was somewhat dated. But you guys really missed this one, and it needs to be fixed before making it permanent. Just saw in the comments about the old.nexusmods.com being available for now. Will use that for now.
  8. This finally worked for me - post by ArrowAriel over on the LL forums: For everyone, who is interested, I noticed that running OblivionLauncher.exe as administrator in Windows 10, prevents OBSE from working. For smooth working in Windows 10, the best settings are: 1. Steam client is run as Administrator; 2. OblivionLauncher.exe is not run as Administrator (critical; all the Compatibility tab is unchecked); 3. Oblivion.exe and all the rest of programs are run as Administrator. Cheers
  9. I also having this issue. I was following Bevilex's guide (I've modded Skyrim for over 4 years and am just now trying Oblivion). When I get to the ENB install, I get a CTD as soon as I start the game from the launcher. I've tried: - Installing both Injector and Wrapper versions. With Wrapper, I get a CTD when launching into the game from the launcher. With Injector, the game starts, but the ENB does not activate. - Reinstalling base Oblivion, with just the 4GB patch. - All AA, etc settings are turned off at NVIDIA Control Panel - Steam overlay and streaming off - HDR on, Vsync - Deleting Oblivion folder in "My Games" to remove saves and have Oblivion.ini regenerated. Does anyone have ENB working on Steam-run Oblivion on Windows 10? Specs: Intel I-7 5820K, Nvidia GTX 980ti, Windows 10
  10. Why does skyrim.nexusmods.com not work anymore?
  11. In response to post #24882324. I agree. Donating at download is not the time and place. I like the list of mods that you have previously downloaded that pops up once in a while. Perhaps offer the option to endorse and donate in this list. It is a good, well placed, and well timed reminder.
  12. Nothing like writing a post on the subject that says you're not going to write any more posts on the subject.... It probably would have been more effective to just post an update on the community manager position. Actions speak louder than words.
  13. In response to post #24882379. What you say is only partially true. The Creation Kit was created, not as a "gift" but as a way to add value to the game. Skyrim would not have sold half of what it did if it were not for the open ability to mod the game and the modding community. So modding was very much part of the business model in selling the game, and likewise, part of what people bought when they bought the product was the expectation of using mods. That said, I wholeheartedly agree that there should be no expectation that modders should just do stuff for free. They do, and the fact that they do is pretty awesome, but people mod as a hobby. If someone decides to take that hobby to the next level, then that is his or her complete prerogative and should be respected. There was such an uprising of "entitlement" mentality and hate toward the modders that participated that was just disgusting to behold. Like it or not, monetized modding is coming. Just like other industries, if implemented correctly, it is going to be a way that empowers talented content creators to freelance, do what they love, and potentially rely less on a corporate job. Valve and Bethesda just royally screwed up this implementation.
  14. @Dark0ne - you need to figure out how to recognize people who donate. You have "premium" and "supporter" for those who support the site. People who donate to a mod author should get recognized as well.
  15. In response to post #24820724. Edit - reply posted to wrong post.
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