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Everything posted by Bealgun

  1. Hey there, i just combined some diffrent meshes using Outfit Studio (BodySlide2). In the oufit Studio everything loks good, but ingame lots of parts are missing. For example there are no bracelets, the necklace is missing, etc. I added some Pictures to make clear what the error is... I just overwrote the mesh file of another armor with my own one. Could the Problem maybe be caused by the Body Slots the original armor is linked to in the esp file? I would be glad to know what i'm doing wrong since otherwise i can't Progress. :/
  2. Hahaha, sorry... i already wondered why you would name yourself "fan". :'D And yes, that's the main Task i've done till now - Fixing the Building. Sure there are also other interesting Buildings which would be of better use. But i have to admit that i like the cliffs edge Hotel a lot. That's why i chose it.
  3. @Fan: I already saw the Video you posted and did everything the guy did the same way. ;) And no... i'm NOT trolling... why would i waste my time with that?! Oo My PC was able to copy the whole cliffs edge Hotel. Of Course it took him some minutes because of all the tiles. But after removing most of them which were unnecesary there isn't now any Problem anymore with the CK. And yes, i am a newbie as you said it. Additionally...i've Chosen a Location with no quest related actions. Except the relay Tower and the random Encounter. I know that it would break the game if i would edit those quest relevant Things. I will take a look at the Workshop scripts and i will also search for the rad scorpion marker. Didn't know that the yellow markers also could cause spawning.
  4. Hey, as the titel it already said my idea was to create a new Settlement. I already got a few Things done like placing the work area, adding a workbench, placing the map marker, etc. I also copied the cliff edge Hotel from the far Harbor DLC into the place because i want to use the Hotel as a giant "house" for the new Settlement. But unfortunately there are lots of Problems and i don't know how to solve them. 1. I haven't found a way to add materials to the workbench yet. (If i want to build something in the new Settlement i have no ressources) 2. There seems to be a random Encounter in the Region. Despite the fact that i placed this Encounter somewhere else, there still spawns a tank with 3 gunners inside of the Settlement. How can i solve this? 3. The NPC's seem not to realize the new Building... they run against walls, won't use stairs, etc. 4. There seems to be a spawn Point for a rad scorpion but i can't find/remove it. At the Moment the scorpion also spawns inside of the Settlement. Does someone know how i can remove the scorption complete? 5. There is a relay Tower in the area. But even if i place it somewhere else, the Tower itself is at it original Position ingame. How can i move the Tower so that it will remain at the place i want to have it? Of Course there are some more little errors but these ones are the biggest ones i need to solve. I would be really pleased if someone could tell me what i did wrong/ how i can correct those Errors.
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