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Posts posted by Draco856

  1. I need help figuring out why when I have Homemaker, NX Pro Farming, Alternate Settlements, and a few other Settlement expansion mods, that their categories no longer show up and their items are all bunched up into a random category added by another mod. If I remove some of the new categories the new items stay in the categories I place them in, but if I leave them in their default, mod made categories the new categories don't show up and the items are bunched into a randomly chosen mod made category, from any settlement mod I have active. This leads me to believe that there is a hard-coded cap on new Settlement menus when in build mode somewhere in the files, but I'm a total noob at editing those types of files, and am wondering if anyone can help me. I don't know which file it is that controls the workshop build menu, or where to look in that file, but I'm also sure I'm not the only one who has this issue with all the new settlement mods that are coming out lately adding new and exciting items to play around with. Homemaker especially adds a bunch of new categories, and I don't want to start messing around in that ESP just to make sure all the items are displayed in their proper categories.


    So, if someone could figure out a fix for this, I'd be very grateful, and I'm sure others with the same issue will be too.


    Thanks, Draco.

  2. So, I've heard in the news that it's possible to stay on good terms with 3 factions, and not have to kill them, can anyone give me a guide on how to do this? I'm hoping it's the Institue, Railroad, and Minutemen, but I'll accept the Brotherhood, Railroad and Minutemen even though I don't agree with the brotherhood...

  3. Is it possible for someone to make a quick (I'm assuming, quick) mod that changes the amount of crops a settler can work? For instance, base game crops is a max of 6, I would like it make it double that, or even a bit more like 20 crops. I found a global value in the ESM, and tried to change it in-game with no luck so I don't know if it's possible or not ini an ESP mod, or if I missed something else that was locking the production value at 6 per person.

  4. Can anyone help me with a script? I'm trying to figure out how to make an auto loot script that is dynamic, meaning it can take items from all loaded mods and loot them without having to make a patch for that specific mod, is this possible with the current functions? I can't seem to find much info on how I would go about doing this, I've looked at some all ready available auto loot scripts, but I don't think they are dynamic in the sense I'm thinking of since they still seem to have a few form lists with the base game items in them, if I'm wrong about this please tell me. I'm also trying to figure out a way to dynamically rename items for inventory sorting without the need of plugin editing like is currently required by the sorting function in Project Nevada, which from my understanding needs a container in a specific cell in order to sort the items properly.

  5. I'm having a strange issue when I try to delete a mod that was installed that I updated with a new version, when I try to delete it I get a message telling me it couldn't delete the mod, and when I go to uninstall it I get a message about being over the character limit for my file system. I know I'm not over the limit cause I could install the mod, and I even moved the folder as close to the root C directory as possible. There are no tracelogs for this as NMM doesn't crash when this happens so I don't know how to help solve this strange issue, or if I'm the only one having this issue.

  6. Hmm...they are a cult, and they deal with werewolves, from what I remember, so perhaps have a quest to tie them into a werewolf hunt/hunter dynamic like the Skyrim quest for Hircine's Ring, you can either help the werewolf/werewolves kill the hunters or help the hunters kill the werewolf/werewolves, you get a different reward for helping either side, and you'll also gain points with the gelnmoril or lose points with them depending on the side you choose.

  7. I'm getting this error when I make my bashed patch:


    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (271,)
    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (287,)
    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (321,)
    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (321,)
    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (293,)
    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (339,)
    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (339,)
    ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x2A893490> LLCT B (304,)
    I know what it means from what I could find, it's telling me my leveled lists are over the 255 item limit, my problem is I don't know which lists are the offenders or how I should go about fixing this, do I simply remove some of the larger lists?


  8. I've been installing my mods lately and I've noticed that it's been taking longer and longer for NMM to start up as I get further down my mod list, currently it's taken at least 50 minutes for it to start up the last time I ran the program. I think this issue stems from it having to read what mods are installed as well as all the files in the virual install folder which makes it take an inordinately long amount of time to start up and show the mod list. I don't know if this is fixable or not, but it's not fun waiting nearly an hour to continue installing mods if NMM crashes on me.

  9. I've got a question, is there any way you can speed up the launching of NMM? I have a really, really large list of mods with many large (gig+) mods in my mods folder and NMM takes minutes, sometimes up to 20 minutes (as I write this it's been about 15 all ready) to load up, is there a way we can make it not load the entire mods folder at startup? For really large mod lists like mine, it's really draining, and replacing every archive in the folder with a dummy archive is tedious when you have at least 100 large mods over 300 megabytes.



    Edit: 50 minutes to start up NMM this time...I know I have alot of mods, but no program should take 50 minutes to start up, no matter how much information has to populate.

  10. Managed to fix it by moving the folder, I had an extra \ in the path that was making NMM crash when I tried to change the virutalinstall path, after I removed it, I was able to change the path to somewhere outside the Nexus Mod Manager folder and the offending mods are now installing properly, just something to think about now, might want to warn people to install it outside a long file structure, either in a base folder (Like C:\Games\Skyrim Mods\VirutalInstall) just as a refrence point.


    Edit: Still happening with a couple mods, namely


    Wolverines Automatic Variants Port -- Author is chocolambot

    Wolverines Automatic Variants Port -- Author is Ironman5000

    Wolverines Automatic Variants Port -- Author is LatterOfTheThree



    I'm thinking since the folder also includes where it came from on the nexus it's making the file name too long for my windows file system despite me moving the folder to C:\Games\Skyrim\VirtualInstall

  11. I'm using the newest alpha version of NMM, but I've run into a possible problem when trying to install a few mods. The way the new system works means it's creating a new folder for every mod I install, but the problem I just ran into is that some of the file names NMM is trying to create are too long for the file system, and thus preventing me from installing certain mods, I don't know if this is a fixable issue or not, but I thought I'd let you know.

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