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About IceDragon987

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 3
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3 Baby!

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. You reformat every 6 months? Sounds like fun >.> I, too, don't like to run my A/C. I use a liquid cooling system for my CPU, GPU's and Harddrives. The 600 it costs for the cooling is worth it (depends on what you get that will make the cost rise or fall)
  2. No offence to anyone, but "rudeness" is only given power by the person who recieves it. Someone can yell "shut up" at me 100 times but I don't give the words any power and just tell them to go away. The only real way to tell is probably e-mail a photocopy of your ID or something showing you served.
  3. Search powers in FO3 nexus you may turn up something, of course this requires you to think
  4. As soon as you have the little gecho as a follower you start seeing Geico signs everywhere. Weird? :P
  5. All MODS that are not Official DLC's are free. If you find any that actually require a "donation" or payment report it to bethesda immediately as it is a breach of contract with the GECK. Unless the Modders have a legal aggreement that they may charge.
  6. MMM is a wonderful mod in my honest opinion What MMM does (Depending on your .esps you use) will make traders tougher so they won't die to mole rats >.> MMM adds a variety of aniamls such as *Spoiler* Night Ghouls, Wanaingos, Worm thingies, and geckos to the game (fallout 1 and 2 creatures) MMM also increases spawns per spawn. Lets say you enter a camp that normally spawns 5 enemies. MMM will kick in and spawn 1-3 per spawn instead meaning you have a chance of stumbling upon up to 15 enemies. Cool no? It's best used with Fook (http://www.fookunity.com/main/) or FWE (Found on FO3Nexus)
  7. http://www.fookunity.com/main/ It's a shocker what GOOGLE will find. . . wait you have to do it yourself to see what I mean. >.>
  8. i Love, hate, joy, sorow and every other emotion doesn't matter. The biggest equalizer of them all is Death. Nobody can actually out run Death. Everyone meets their end. Until science finds a way to cheat it indefinantly death is the utlimate equalizer. Be rich poor, happy, sad, strong, weak and any other comboatioan we all die.
  9. Granted but you've just been banned from all forums on the internet old and new! I wish I could rob a bank
  10. take a look at Fallout Wanderers Edition or FWE. They have those mods incorporated into theirs.
  11. Granted but your workload for the next 2 years has increased 10 fold. . . Good Luck! I wish I could make a lot of money.
  12. I seriously cannot wait to help create what you invision Tony. On a side note, the Pre-Faction Vault isn't completed due to the fact a friend of mine bought Crysis for me and I was hooked. (never played it before) I'll finish at least some parts tonight. IceD
  13. Your wish is granted but due to the paradox you provided you have died. I wish I could pee out of a spaceship!
  14. Herculine, the picture in your signature freaks me out. I don't know why! Anyway, I've seen what bullies/celebrities/high power people can do to affect someones moral disposition. A personal friend of mind started cutting because she was stressed out about looks because some guy wouldn't pay attention to her. Thankfully I was able to resolve it with her but its just one of those moments where you realize how messed up someone can become over something so silly.
  15. Spirits are not effected by time and raditation. :D
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