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About ymnyv99

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  1. Thanks for the swift and helpful replies guys! Sorry I took so long to reply, been fairly busy recently. I will try out the above when I next get a chance. Really appreciate it.
  2. Hi, sorry for re-posting this - my previous post topic title came out wrong, and I couldnt figure out how to delete it With the vast number of awesome weapon/armor mods available, I was hoping to let the random encounter npcs (bandits, thalmors, etc) have a chance to spawn these mod items I installed, simply to add a greater variety to the appearance of these npcs (especially with mods like warzones etc where lots of npcs will be randomly generated). So for example, perhaps one of the bandits spawned will have the "Lilith's decapitator" or wear the "warchief's armor" etc Also some armors are gender specific (male cleric armor for males, cbbe armor for females) - is there a way to ensure the armors spawned are appropriate for the right genders? Thanks in advance for your help guys! If this has been answered before, please kindly point me to the right direction. Thanks!
  3. Hi, with the vast number of awesome weapon/armor mods available, I was hoping to let the random encounter npcs (bandits, thalmors, etc) have a chance to spawn these mods I install, simply to add a greater variety to the appearance of these npcs (especially with mods like warzones etc where lots of npcs will be randomly generated) Also some armors are gender specific (male cleric armor for males, cbbe armor for females) - is there a way to ensure the armors spawned are appropriate for the right genders? Thanks in advance for your help guys! If this has been answered before, please kindly point me to the right direction. Thanks!
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