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Everything posted by veteran75

  1. Hi there can somebody tell me the correct console command for finishing who dares wins(broken steel) as my game is corrupted as soon as i go back to the citadel in the vertibird,lyons will not talk to me and im stuck,i cannot move i understand i have ti type this completequest xx0011ADxx? what numbers do i put in the xx spaces? do i type it in with spaces or not? thanks for any help links to mission http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Who_Dares_Wins console commands http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_console_commands
  2. i had this problem and i disabled most of my mods and it worked ok,then i just re-enabled my mods after broken steel started
  3. Hi there can somebody tell me if i need the fakepatch while using the offiicial 1.6 patch please? thanks
  4. Hi there can somebody tell me if i need the fakepatch while using the offiicial 1.6 patch please? thanks
  5. Hi there can somebody tell me if i need the fakepatch while using the offiicial 1.6 patch please? thanks
  6. i have the same problem as you except that i only have to kill autumn,his goons are not there...TRY THIS IN THE CONSOLE COMMAND.... completequest here is the link to console commands http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_console_commands you will also need the base id after the completequest command... http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Form_ID the above site shows all base id's i dont know wether this works mate,i just googled to try and answer your question
  7. hi i cannot get into the mason street bank,can somebody tell me where i get the key from thanks a lot
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