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  1. Hi, don't know if someone asked something like that but here it comes anyway. How about a Female Power Armor like Samus used but a bit more exiting like that one in this picture attached in my request.
  2. Funny got version 1.22 still cant finish it `cause Morvudd is still immmortal and doesn`t stun me. No potions beeing used.
  3. not the only one but i would like to be able to tranfer robot personalities to another body. they are 2 robot companiens in the gae that i encountered 1 at the start of the game (male personality) (some1 could make him look like those terminater looking things) and another i pickuped at a hidden part of the vault 81 (female personality)(it could be a Assaultron) Maybe a femal cyborg looking part terminator^^, at new vegas mods was a projekt like that if i remember it correct.
  4. Hopping for some1 that could make a mod to change morrigans look to the of victoria Johnson like the mod for dragon age origin on nexus Dragon Age Redesigned And make Cassandra look at bit more feminin at lest a bit longer hair
  5. Hi, i would like to request a mod. Im looking for some1 to make 1 for me. i would like to create Katria as a marriageable follower / housecarl if possible in 2 versions ghost and resurrected (if possible after the quest Lost to the Ages instead of making her go to heaven she will stay and be my marriageable follower / housecarl ^^ )
  6. nvm i found the the problem the dremoraracevampire was the problem
  7. hi, hope some1 is able to help me to fix it. All female dark elf's dont move they just stand they can speak but thats it
  8. if u look at nexus u could find a couple mods to expand the radio even gnr too, probably
  9. I would like to request a mod for the new dlc 1st could some1 make a mod that allows to enter zion even if the weight is over 100 and 2nd allow me to bring my fellowers with me plz.
  10. Im looking for something like that, instead of the nuke u could put a skul and the whole thing in silver + the colar
  11. maybe i have it but cant put it as attachment cause its bigger as 250kb
  12. i did the same request here http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/290123-kikais-jewel-and-loxy38-followerextras/
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