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  1. http://skyrimmw.weebly.com/skyrim-modding/making-a-basic-quest-i-skyrim-modding-tutorial - will be redone soon http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest - do this first Thank you very much!
  2. Is there an 'Idiots guide to making quests' somewhere? Like, Step-by-step of the "Hello world!" Of Skyrim quest modding?
  3. So I'm learning (Finally) to mod Skyrim up. I've made a few followers to get the hang of making NPC's and keep running into a wall. I was told by a friend who does this that if an NPC is going to use magic they need both left and right hands of each spell. Is this correct? Because some of these are meant to be spellswords, and they're just sitting there hucking lightning bolts and fire from -both- hands. Is there a way to force them to go with a sword in one hand, magic in the other, but mainly rely on magic? Or am I just completely misunderstanding how NPCs work.
  4. Now before you jump all over me with the 'eWP_AnyClass' tag and 'eWP_Heavy' tags, that's not actually what I'm trying to do. I tried that once and it slapped the guns down to 3 rounds per mag for -everyone.- What I was asking is- how tricky would it be to make a 'new' gun for heavies/snipers that's functionally identical to the assault rifle(s) but doesn't hose everyone else in the ammo department? Like, an assault rifle with similar (or a single difference so I can tell which is which) name, triggered by the research that gives us their respective guns of each category, so I can have that flexibility?
  5. Is there a way to scale -overall- damage in FO3? I've lately run into this situation when I get to endgame. Me: "Oh no, I see a Deathclaw." Deathclaw: "Aw no, I see a protaganist!" Me *draws large missile launcher* Deathclaw: *readies... uh... death claws. I guess.* Me: Fires missile into Deathclaw's face; direct hit Deathclaw: "That was mildly annoying. Look, I lost about three HP." *charges forward, smacks me hard* Me: "Aw dammit, my armor's going to break again, isn't it. Well, I might as well go get something to drink realside." *leaves, gets drink, returns to keyboard* Deathclaw: *still whacking at me* Me: "All right, I REALLY should do something about this guy." *switch to sniper, fire several dozen rounds* Deathclaw: "Stop tickling me! I'm ferocious!" And so on and so forth. Seriously, both my char and the enemy will have such LUDICROUS amounts of HP that even minor skirmishes take forever. Dropping the game to easy or whatever makes them die faster, cranking it up to hard makes -me- die faster, but I just want to crank BOTH options up at the same time. Is there a way to do this short of editing -every- weapon in the game?
  6. I know this is possible, since there's other mods that do this- one on steam that's no longer supported, and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9378/? that thing. The catch is they all have lots and lots of extras that I really don't want. All I want is the ability to marry more than one person. Would that be easy to make? Could someone? Or, if it's too much to ask, could someone at least point me to the right part of the CK? I'm willing to learn, I'm just new at it...
  7. Honestly I'd love this. I've no idea how many times I've switched to my bow only to have it auto-equip some useless single little iron arrow instead of something much more powerful.
  8. That's odd, I've never run into this bug. Any chance you have any other crossbow/etc mods that might be futzing with it?
  9. So, I don't know how one would do this- but would it be possible to say, switch around where some of the rooms land in Hearthfire? For instance, I almost always build an armory and bedrooms- but I don't need a trophy room, storage room or alchemy lab at the north end of the house. It'd be -great- if I could stick the contents from the library in say, the alchemy tower, for instance. That I might actually use. Anyone know if this would be easy? Or even possible?
  10. So... I've just bought the game. Initially I played at a friend's place and now that I had some spare cash, I wondered why I never got it. I bought it from steam, have windows 7, and got through the character setup... and went to equip something. And now all I can see is this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/05t7wlahpzfxs62/FalloutNV%202013-04-02%2020-53-52-00.png HELP! I've tried verifying everything, I've disabled everything but nv core... no luck...
  11. My personal feelings ran like this. At first, I was all for a "Death to the Empire, Freedom or Sovengard" rebellion. The stormcloaks do have merit; they and their kind went off to war with the Empire and then their god got banned. There was no conquered land, no real rewards- they got called up, there was a war, they got sent home, and they lost a god. That's pretty painful. Also, you have Thalmur hunting the countryside for people to abduct. (mind, why they never staked out the Shrine of Talos is beyond me.) And then there's the Imperials, apparently happy to decapitate anyone who gets in their way. But on closer inspection, the imperials are trying to hold together a large empire in the wake of a great war. If the empire shatters- and losing Skyrim will definitely shatter it- there'll be no large power to oppose the Dominion should they try anything. It's admitted that the Imperials didn't actually enforce the 'anti-talos' ban until AFTER Ulfric started raising cain- in fact, it was a response, due to Thalmur pressure. Had Ulfric not kicked over the apple cart, the people of Skyrim would've probably been allowed to worship, quietly. And then there's Ulfric's "Duel" with Toryyg. Now, I'm not an expert on the lore- but last time I checked, a duel doesn't involve planning on running away, or pre-establishing escape routes, does it? From how I understand duels, you announce your challenge, the parties fight, and then it's over. And yet Ulfric shouted the king down, killed him, ran like hell, and abandoned his follower to get decapitated. Nice guy. While we're on the topic of Ulfric- Skyrim for Nords sounds like a great battle-cry until you realize that means non-nords'll get treated like second class citizens, if lucky. The slums in his headquarters are already pretty pathetic; there's a good chance he'll spread that, or worse, to the rest of the country. For me, the choice is simple; Imperials. To quote Alvor, Hadvar's Uncle; "Skyrim has always been part of the Empire. That doesn't mean I support everything the Empire's been doing lately, but Nords have never been fair-weather friends." EDIT And one little comparison I'd like to show; On the 'escape from Helgan,' Hadvar says, upon detecting the Stormcloaks, "Maybe we can talk to them." and says, to them, "Hold on! We only want to-" Ralof says; "Maybe we can get the drop on them." And attacks on sight. When detecting Imperials. Just based on followers, it seems the Imperials will be the less bloodthirsty rulers.
  12. Long story short, I want to know if anyone can 1) remove that tassel from the orkish helmet (It looks so weird to me, especially since it doesn't move.) and 2) fix the gap where the arms show through, on the male armor? Thanks!
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