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Everything posted by nabernas

  1. The TRUTH I fear is That Mr. Todd and Bethesda have a "off the Table" deal with Microsoft to DISABLE PS4 Dualshockers to make them useless, forcing you to buy a XBox One controlller for PC use and I have yet to see or hear any contradicting intelligence to that matter. I know Sony sucks to work with but this is SAD, and depressing, controllers used to be a great option for PC players but if others continue this Bethesda-lead controller seperation, we are f*#@ed.
  2. Login to your nexus account. Go to: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34523 Download the file of choice (the newest main file would prob be the best bet). Backup your Oblivion/Data/Meshes and Oblivion/Data/Textures folders some place on your computer. After you have done this use an extractor like jzip or winzip to extract the files then simply place the folders in the corresponding locations in your Oblivion/Data folder and when the merge files? prompt comes up click OK to merge the files and replace the old files with the new. Since you will already have the backup you can revert back incase there is any unforseen problems. After that launch oblivion. If that doesn't work try googling or posting a coment on the comments of http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34523. For other body mods just use the nexus search for "BBB", "HGEC", "Double Melons", "DMRA" body mods.
  3. What about the DMRA (double-melons round-ass) and HGEC body types?
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