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Everything posted by lambtonworm

  1. Hi Everyone, I've looked over a couple of different tutorials on how to set up fish hatcheries for a mod that I'm making, and I seem to have hit a bit of a wall. I've gotten everything pretty much built, such as having the NPC in a separate cell and linking it, placing spawners around the hatchery, and editing their script properties to include all of the fish lists in both the spawners and the hatchery script. It all technically works, in that I can place an item into the hatchery, wait a bit, and something will spawn, but everything spawns at random. So if I place a histcarp into the Spawner, I'll get a mudcrab for instance. I can reload and retest, and if I place the histcarp in there again, I'll actually get a river betty or a dragonfly. It's just random, and seems to affect all ingredients I put into it. I haven't modified any of the baseline scripts or anything, just the properties to match it with what the tutorials say and what it looks like over at Windstad. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? Thanks a bunch, Lambtonworm.
  2. I've been having some very frustrating crashes and save game bugs with skyrim lately. First, it seems that almost every other mod crashes my game in a very specific way. I install a mod and it seems to be working fine until I move to certain areas in the game (which is no where near where the mods alter the game) which then crashes. Every time I go to that spot, the game crashes and I am unable to move passed it unless I uninstall the mod in question. This is not just one mod that is doing this, almost any mod that alters the world space (such as house mods) will cause a certain area of the game to crash once I enter into it. The second bug that I encounter is that whenever I use NMM to load the game, it gets to the title screen and crashes. If I keep loading it, it will finally load properly, but only after a few crashes. Not a big issue but annoying. The third is that I have been having troubles with saved game bloating, where my save game will rise up to about 117 Mb and starts to stutter, but it does not seem to be related to the other mods crashing because those mods crash irregardless of the save game size. What I want to know is if there is a specific flaw that causes most of these mods to fail such as the recent patch, because it does not seem like just one mod conflicting with another, its almost every other mod I download and install that seems to have this crashing issue. It's kinda making me paranoid about any mod that comes out. I am currently using the very latest patch available, and I'm not a stranger to using mods. For those interested here is my mod list. Let me know if you see something suspect: Active Mod Files:
  3. I also have this problem myself, being the huge lore nerd that I am. You may not require blood ties, but in terms of lore it would not be likely that a khajiit can use a form of nordic sorcery. (not saying its impossible, it's just a really big stretch to make it fit play style wise). It would also be kind of awkward to be the nordic savior and be a high elf or something. It was the same in Morrowind when you were the Nerevarine, it was kind of hard to be the Dunmer hero of prophecy and be an argonian at the same time. It just did not feel genuine to me. Same as joining and ruling one of the great houses, Hlaalu you could get away with it but the others would be kind of odd. It wasn't like this in Oblivion. Cyrodiil was so cosmopolitan that being the hero could mean you could be any race or any background. It was much more vague as to who you were and Martin was the real hero of the story. That's why in Skyrim I have all leaders of each faction be a different character of the proper race and back story, with only one of them being the Dragonborn able to use shouts ( and either he's an imperial or a nord). As for Elderscrolls lore though, you could as easily be an Imperial as well as a Nord since most of the known "dragonborns" were actually the Imperial Emperors not any nordic hero. And remember that there are many nords who are still very loyal to the Empire and probably wouldn't think too much of an imperial being one of their saviors. So if you didn't just want to play as a Nord you could easily make the lore correct transition to playing an imperial as well, but probably not any other race. Maybe a breton since all of the Nords, bretons, and Imperials came from the Nedes. In all likelyhood the first dragonborns were probably Nedic in origin depending on how far back you go. Other than that though it would probably break the feel of elderscrolls lore. Maybe in the next elderscrolls game you can be another vague savior like in Arena, Daggerfall, and Oblivion. Maybe we'll get really lucky and we could actually choose not to be a savior, but that might be asking for too much.
  4. I've looked on UESP and it does not have a page on the spell effect Fortify Magicka Multiplier. I was wondering if anyone knew the formula on how this spell effects your magicka.
  5. I am going to make an update of my Golden Perch Inn mod to fix a few errors and bugs that were brought to my attention. But one potential issue that I encountered was the necessity for my in game scripts to take a few seconds to update their values. Most of my script updates come from dialogue result scripts, and they work just fine, but I noticed that if I make two or more value updates in the same dialogue session (or when the game runs the quest script and the player's action moves quicker than the script) the game sometimes does not register the updates properly. Either it skips the value or updates it when the value should be something else. I know that this is caused by not giving the game enough time to process the values, and I myself have no issue with it since I know where to allow the game more time to process the value, but for other players of the mod this may be problematic for them. Is there a way to make these dialogue and quest scripts update faster so it will register the proper values at the proper time, or is it just a game limitation that I have to make other players aware of while they're playing the mod?
  6. I was looking for a secret passage door to use in a mod that would work well with the underground basement sections set that comes in vanilla and I found an unused secret wall in the Basement sections of meshes that was categorized under the door tab in the object menu. It was called ungrdltraphingedoor.nif and it only appears in game in the testbasement cell. It seems like it was meant to swing open, but they just never added the animation to it. I wanted to put an animation on it, but nifskope would not open it under the error code of: ""invalid array size for array" "Old MOPP Data"" ""invalid array size for array" "Old MOPP Data"" ""array Old MOPP Data invalid"" ""array Constraints much too large. 1869571173 bytes requested"" "failed to load block number 5 (bhkRigidBodyT) previous block was bhkMoppBvTreeShape" "failed to load nif from 'C:/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data/meshes/Architecture/BasementSections/ungrdltraphingedoor.nif'" I don't think it has to do with conflicting versions of nifskope unless this particular mesh is really, really old, but I'm no Nifskope expert either. Has anyone ever seen or used this vanilla mesh? Or if anyone knows how to fix the error code? Or at least knows a thread where this was already addressed?
  7. thanks for this, it at leasts adds realism to cheydinhal
  8. I was playing around as a thief character recently, and I was bothered by the fact that when I steal things from the game world (i.e. Havoced items placed in plain view and NOT taken from the containers) they never seem to come back once I swiped them. Obviously, after a period of time the cell resets all of the loot in the containers and does reposition havoced items that have fallen back to their default position, but havoced items taken from the game world don't come back. I steal something from someone, like silver plate, and they never "replace" what was stolen. I was wondering if there was a mod that did respawn stolen items taken from the game world? of Course there are some items that should not come back, like quest objects, but it would be nice to have a mod that would replace that pearl I stole from a castle. Anyone know of such a mod?
  9. A player recently brought to my attention a problem with the land disappearing in the Forest of Arcana World space. This flaw comes from the Origins of the Mages guild patch that I made and is most likely due to the Curp and Cyrodiil resource ESM files and the ESM land Bug. I have fiddled around with the load order of both of these ESM files, but the problem persists. The typical solution to the ESM land bug did not fix it and I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this issue outside of the typical load order solution. I think the primary reason that the usual fix does not seem to work is that the world space for my mod is linked to oblivion.esm and that the curp and cyrodiil ESM files alter it directly preventing the load order from fixing it. If anyone knows that would be a big help, even if it means I'm screwed.
  10. I've been looking around the different modding sites and I have not been able to find what I'm looking for. I was wondering if anyone knows of any oblivion mod that effectively finishes the main quest for you. There are a lot of mods out there that require you to finish the main quest and I would like to test them more effectively in game, but I don't want to fool with going through the main quest to test them. I want to know if there is a mod that sets all of the main quest stages to completion, removes and adds the various people, places and objects accordingly, and wraps up all of the loose ends to make it look like the game is finished naturally without the bad buggy stuff that would come from the console. I know that there are mods that allow you to delay the main quest and i am not referring to those. And I am also not referring to saved games, I want to be able to create my own unique character with the main quest completed. If anyone knows of such a mod that would be great. (If no such mod exists then it would be a cool one for someone to make. Especially if you make it to where some npc finishes it instead of the actual player.)
  11. I have been playing the elder scroll series for quite some time now, and I have enjoyed the modifications that were created by the community for both Morrowind and Oblivion. But I feel that something must be said about the visual style that has plagued the Oblivion mods for quite some time. These mods are usually focused on appearance. (i.e. races, armor, weapons, clothes, some houses, special animations etc.) And all of them look like they came out of a Japanese comic book. Now I may be touching a few nerves, but hear me out. The individuals who made these mods are obviously some of the most talented 3-d rendering artists that I have ever seen. But there creations seem very out of touch with the game world. I think final fantasy and kingdom heart characters (and the like) are cool. They look cool, they are complex characters, and yes they can kick some tail. But I find that placing them in oblivion seems weird. I do not know what Jauffre would be thinking if an elf that looks like she came out of the Gundam universe tells him she's here to save Tamriel with a gunblade in one hand and whatever that arm weapoon was on Vash from Trigun in the other. Now granted, to each his own. If that is what others want in there mods I have no problem with that, but why is it that those mods are really the only ones of any quality? Most of the artistic modelers out there have their feet planted firmly in continuing to make more girl elves with bigger boobs, bigger eyes, multi-colored hair etc. Now I understand full well the challenges in making really new and creative races. Body meshes must apply to all races and a change in them would be a change in all. And face meshes must be tailored in such a way so that it can be run through the game engine and face gen. But there are excellent mods that do this, though one can count them on one hand (eg. slofs xivilai, soqui race, vexend race mod, Han, skyrim khajiit). These mods are fully unique races without the trappings of a super cute femme fatale. So my challenge to all the modder's out there is to stop making these hotties and start making monsters. New beast races and daedra. Start making clothes that fit into the elderscrolls lore. Most of Cyrodiilic culture and style in oblivion is taken straight from the late medieval period, and there are good mods out there that already have a good start (though most of them exist as modder's resources), but there must be more advancements in this area. I personally would very much like to play a sload, built from the ground up (though I think that a sload would be the most impossible race to make). Perhaps someone who makes good creature mods could make a sload creature and then attach the nif file to a clothing item that would bip the whole body of an imperial. Then have it set to the tail slot and scripted so the character cannot remove it, much like how the lich mods work. Though I would like to add that anyone who would attempt such a feet please do so knowing that N'Gasta from Redguard wore robes! (that is one mod that should never be made, a nude sload mod. Yuck!!) Anyway this is my rant and my challenge to all the great modders out there! PS: If you must make more armor and clothes mods that have the japanese comic book style, I would very much like to see all of the Judge armors from Final Fantasy XII made. The ones that belonged to Zargabaath, Bergan, Gabranth, Ghis, and Drace. That would be very very very awesome (Aren't I a hypocrite).
  12. Thanks for your help. I tried it without the mip-maps still does not work, but considering the high failure rate of birthsigns you mentioned I'll probably release it without having the image. Thanks a bunch
  13. I have made a brand new birthsign mod and almost all of it's components are working properly (i.e. I can select my new birthsign from the Chargen screen and the emperor says his bit about my new birthsign.) The abilities and spells all work, except the new image of my birthsign does not display in the chargen menu. I have placed the texture in the menus/menu50/menu80 sections of the data files and it would seem that I adjusted the images for the appropriate resolution size in each one, but it still does not appear in the chargen menu. I have already tried the procedures in the birthsign article in the CS Wiki and it still does not work. I'm at my wits end and need help. I don't know if I did something wrong in the resolution sizes or in the naming of the files, but I am not sure. I am using Gimp to alter the resolution sizes. any ideas would be welcomed.
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