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About Davis237834

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  1. Thanks, I believe im using the most recent version of Outfit Studio but ill re download and make sure just in case. Photoshop CS6, using the Intel Texture Works Plugin.
  2. Howdy Folks. Followed the Brain Poof video tutorials on how to rig custom armors for Fallout 4 (Videos can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbi9jDQSPSE&list=PLCW8BYqMR7Ei21WahZciSqRATOEfjw8H6 ) And i was able to get storm trooper armor i made into the game: http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/20160828163844_1.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/20160831153736_1.jpg So not being content with one armor set i went a head and started a conversion mod for the Institute, turning them into a psudo Galactic Empire. The problem is for the hat and rank badges i made for the Institute uniforms they tend to disappear when i zoom too close or rotate the 3rd person camera at certain angles: http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/20160905225052_1.jpghttp://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/20160905225057_1.jpg Not entirely sure what i did differently or may have forgot to do in the process, but any thoughts on what went wrong will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Good read, thanks for looking out for us Dark0ne! I am sorta half dreading the return of paid mods, and hope that Bethesda get their heads out of their ass or their community managers start earning their keep by getting this issue sorted out asap.
  4. Awesome, got it working for my laser weapon sounds, kinda tedious, but amazing. Thanks a lot folks!
  5. The Steyr would be perfect for this game, considering how modular it is.
  6. The alpha isnt entirely useless, your able to pull meshes from the game and ive been using it to retexture some of the armors and such. Pulled the male and female body hands and head meshes which makes it possible to model armor or clothing on top of them for future mods.
  7. ...my Gun models are piling up. http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/guns.jpg WIP weapons of the 40K universe. http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/40k_guns.jpg Any suggestions, critiques or feedback would be appreciated...
  8. So I made a Reikling mounted follower in the creation kit BUT When i go up to him in game, there is no option to talk with him and I cant really activate him at all unless i kill him. I followed this tutorial: What am i Missing? Any Thoughts?
  9. Yeah i set that, i must have watched the video over a dozzen times, following each time, the mesh dosent seem to want to work with the game...
  10. I actually just discovered this by accident. What you need to do is in Nifskope, under the part that glows in the NiMaterialProperty change specular and emissive color to the color you want your item to glow... give that a shot...
  11. Howdy folks! Friend of mine asked if i could make a spear for him for Skyrim, like the ones in 300. Issue is, there is no spear weapons in skyrim, so no fighting animations for one. I know they have spear weapons in New Vegas, is it possible to copy&paste the animations for new vegas spear weapons and put them into skyrim???
  12. Hey folks, I'm at it again, this time starting from scratch and modeling a complete new mesh. I'm still having trouble getting the normals to show up properly: http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/newarmor.jpg the further away from the mesh you are, the more transparent it gets. also in game the mesh doesn't show up at all... http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i373/Davis237834/2012-03-04_00002.jpg any thoughts would be appreciated!
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