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  1. Hi everybody, can you recommend a decent mod to enhance the werewolf form? So many mods for it exist on the nexus and they're all years old. I need suggestions based on your personal experience because Skyrim ain't Oblivion and you can't swap mods In and Out as you go. So I'm thinking of getting a solid idea based on what others have played with the most, then stick with it. I promise to read every post. Thank you :smile:
  2. They'll respawn if you stay away long enough. The game world is split on a vast grid of Cells. Simply put, Cells are a moderately large section of territory. Most Cells will respawn in Fallout 3, just not all. For the Cells that do, they'll respawn if you uninterruptedly stay away from them for 3 days (72 game hours). If you come back before the 72 hours threshold, the countdown is reset and you'll have to go away for another 3 days. By default, I don't think any of the Metro/Tube/Subway Cells respawn. Clear a station or the tunnels -> they stay clean forever. But everything on the surface world will respawn in 3 days. Sounds like Josh Burke in the radio interview in Saints Row The Third :tongue:
  3. Hi, I ignore your level of confidence with Fallout 3 and Bethesda games in general, so I'll start with a dumb question. No offense is meant. Are you sure to have placed all mod files in the correct folders? And then more questions, not as dumb: Have you cleaned your mods with FO3Edit? Have you sorted the load order with BOSS? I don't know if LOOT also works with Fallout 3. But if it does, then LOOT is a better choice than BOSS for sorting your load order. Last, but not least, before activating this many mods, have you checked if there are known incompatibilities with one another? Many mods, each cool and dandy on its own, won't like one another when put together. It's your responsibility to pick an appropriate selection. In your shoes I'd have enabled those mods one by one and observe the game for a while before deciding to activate more mods. Having said that, weather mods typically affect exterior lighting and sky appearence (like in your case), so I'd begin by disabling those and see if the problem goes away. Try with turning these 2 off: - Enhanced Night Sky - Enhanced Weather and Snow Umm... weather mods usually introduce custom scripts. To disable these mods without side-effects there MIGHT be a suggested procedure to follow. If that's the case, the mod author has surely detailed it somewhere. It could be mentioend in the mods' readme... or also in the mods web page on the Nexus... or in the mods' comments section. Be sure to find it and do as you're told -- don't just disable the mod or you might end up harming your game. If the problem is cured, you're probably on the right track to find the root of the problem. Then, who knows, maybe there's a fix. In closing, I see in your mods list the "Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch" (UFO3P). If you didn't forget the word "Updated", then you're using the wrong patch, for UFO3P is older than dirt. The "Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch" (UUFO3P) is a better pick since you have the GOTY edition. But here I'm assuming that you have activated *all* the DLC. If you haven't, or don't want to, you can't use the UUFO3P and you're better off with the old UFO3P. Should you be unfamiliar with terms like FO3Edit, BOSS, LOOT... google is your friend. This not to be a jackass. The tutorials on the internet are way better than my words. Fallout 3 is a beautiful game. It can be heavily modded and it can work wonderfully. Don't be discouraged by this little sky problem. You'll sort it out :smile:
  4. Falkreath, morning. After spending the night at the Inn I'm out to sell loot to the smith. It's maybe 8:40 AM when I hear a dragon landing very close by. Before I'd even spot the beast, everyone in town had surrounded it -- guards, maidens, old men, even the priest of Arkay! All relentlessly beating the crap out of it. An execution, I'm telling you. The Frost Dragon could breathe once, take off to land again same spot -big mistake!-, take another beating, then it was dead. Did it last 60 seconds? What, didn't even start the music. It's all true and no mods. I swear. Me? I've hit the thing twice, but had to give up -- in the confusion I could one-shot somebody. I won't look at those NPC with the same eyes again :laugh:
  5. The Legendary edition may be widespread, but don't take for granted that everyone uses all 3 DLC. I, for one, always played without HF and the Unofficial HF Patch. (I'd also play without DG if it weren't for a mod that puts a stop to the nightly vampire attacks on the towns) Is the new, unified, patch design going to force me to use HF? If yes, would you think of a mechanism to INHIBIT anything_and_everything HF-related as if I'm playing without the HF DLC? Perhaps it'd be appropriate to run a poll and see which specific DLC everyone is using. My two cents.
  6. Thanks to everybody. Allow me a quick reply to each. @ BlackRampage Alright, then I'll go with disable :smile: I've met a few random dragons already and they all vanished correctly. I like to think that Mirmulnir is an isolated case. My previous game showed signs of corruption at the 500 play-hours mark, and I hope this one lasts at least as much. @ notmyhome I should have known that it was a known problem! I'll keep that mod in mind for the future. But for this game I prefer not to alter the mod list unless absolutely necessary. @ Hyacathusarullistad Aren't the effects of markfordelete permanent? I prefer the disable, just so it can be reversed if I ever need. @ niceguy Don't worry, I make use of the (USKP) Unofficial Skyrim Patch and its companions, the DLC patches, already. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  7. As the title says. I started a new play of Skyrim - Legendary Edition. I use USKP 2.0.8a, a few trusty + clean mods, and the bashed patch from Wrye Bash. The other day I killed the quest dragon Mirmulnir. Days have passed (in game) but the skeleton persists. I'm being stalked by it. Every now and then it'll pop in and bounce over the ground, every time getting a lil' bit closer to Whiterun's main gate. Why, with the latest save the creep always spawns onto the very doors as I step outside Whiterun! Even the guards posted to the side occasionally get hurt by it Mirmulnir outlived its welcome. Can I disable it for good -- or is this dangerous for the savegame?
  8. Installed patch 2.0.8a and waited. No luck :sad: I made 2 attempts. I noticed two small differences. 1) The first time I re-visited Gallows Rock after placing patch 2.0.8a, I noticed that the place had respawned _completely_, including the 2 or 3 patches of fungi that refused to do so up to this point. The second time, though, the place didn't respawn as thoroughly. and 2) the quest marker no longer points straight at the ground, now it's placed mid-air, I'd say at about head-height, as if an NPC was there under it. Other than that... again I can kill the leader all I want, but the marker won't move. Do you have other ideas?
  9. !!! NECRO !!!! (as promised) R.I.P. my GeForce GTX 770 2GB. After one month and two weeks of wait I get notified that my card is beyond hope and I'm offered a full refund. I grab the refund and buy with it a GTX 970 4GB. The 970 costs me less than the 770 did and with the saved money I'll purchase the warranty extension. So... I can play Skyrim again. And my problem with the quest pointer glued to the ground *stands*. With my GeForce 9800 GTX I could play Oblivion real good. In this time I learned of Wrye Bash, of bashed patches, and of the benefits of playing with 'clean' mods. Those are all things I have not done with Skyrim, ever. That is: no Wrye Bash, no bashed patch, and no clean mods. Guess I'm mighty lucky that I could play for 497h 14m 13s without trouble (barring the occasional flying mammoth! But hey it's an RPG -- extravagant beasts are accounted for). But now I do have trouble, and I'm told that the USKP should fix/prevent this specific issue I'm having. Well, it's not. I wanted to try the new USKP 2.0.8, clean my mods, and make a bashed patch to see if this could fix my problem (or otherwise ensure that the USKP would apply properly)... but then I've read that any change you make to mods will only end up baking more problems into the savegame. <-- Arthmoor's words, more or less. I'm on the fence. What should I do? I'd rather not trash 500 hours of my time. But if it's inevitable, then I'd like to know how to ensure that it won't happen again.
  10. I have. It didn't help with the use of the 'setstage' command. I'm not familiar with tes5edit. But now I've read a bit about it, and I understand what you mean by 'to clean'. For the record: I didn't clean my mods. If I'm not asking an idiotic question I would inquire about why the mods are not clean already? ---------- :confused: I must leave this topic be for a while. My gfx card has defective fans and I had to return it since it's still covered by warranty. i'm using an ancient nVidia 9800 GTX at the moment, and she can't handle Skyrim without melting. I'll necro this thread once I can play again. Bookmark it, ok?
  11. No luck. I have 2 kill-the-leader quests: #1 -- Kill the leader of Uttering Hills Cave #2 -- Kill the leader of Gallows Rock (both quests received in Windhelm) Any use I make of the 'setstage' command affects #1 only. As for #2, after clearing the place I stayed away for a month to let them respawn. Then I stormed the place anew and killed everybody, again. But the quest marker continues to stubbornly point at the ground. I also learned that the Ref Id of the Gallows Rock leader to kill is "2516D". Just to try something, I have resurrected and killed him/her many times. Not once did the quest marker point at him/her. Last note is for the USKP. I have it already (logged nearly 500 play-hours with it). And it is correctly installed. ..... Or so I thought. You said it should prevent my bug, But it isn't doing it in my game. How do I know if I made a mistake with the patch?
  12. I was in Windhelm, at the docks. From a ship captain I got a quest to go kill the leader of the bad guys at Gallows Rock. At Gallows Rock are the Silver Hand people. And I had killed these guys a long time ago (many game *months* ago) during a quest for the Companions. So now I have killed everyone again, including who looked like the leader of the gang... but the quest marker is pointing straight at the ground where nothing is, instead of marking anybody specific. And the quest won't advance. I've shouted the Aura Whisper all over the place to reveal if anybody is stuck into a wall. Found nobody. Looks broken to me. Is there a workaround?
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