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Everything posted by gryph72

  1. The topic of male players using female characters tends to get dredged up at some point on any game forum where role-playing is a factor. That's been my experience, at least. It's one of those taboo topics (or at least it should be a taboo topic, along with religion and politics) because the resulting threads spawned by it are almost always contentious, repetitive and unproductive. I was going to facetiously suggest that the forum mods create a pinned and locked post with a link to that 15 page thread about male players using female characters. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
  2. That's great news! Ne0n still has other mods online in his Workshop. If I had my way, I'd make it so that if a mod creator has been proven to be a plagiarist, all of the mods they've uploaded would be considered suspect and taken offline until the mod "creator" can prove they weren't plagiarized. Faced with the burden of proof for all their uploads, I think that the vast majority of plagiarists would just walk away. Taking their entire Workshop offline can limit the damage they can do to permissions. In one of the comments section of a mod that was uploaded by Ne0n, (that mod appears to be gone now), a user working on their own mod was thanking Ne0n for being granted the permission to incorporate the contents of one of "Ne0n's" mods into their own when it's likely Ne0n never had the right to authorize permission to begin with.
  3. Again, here is the link to the last 15 page thread discussing male players playing as female characters. I think we should just nip this one in the bud. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
  4. I'm almost inclined to say that this is a troll post. But if not, then enjoy your light reading.
  5. I was reading the comments for one of the mods (Argh! Can't remember for the life of me which mod it was! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif) where the author warned those with Dawnguard installed that his mod inadvertently turned the crossbow into a melee weapon. Yeah, I know... Not much help if I can't remember the mod's name but just putting it out there that this is likely a mod conflict. Can you post a list of any mods you're running?
  6. Wow... You have to be pretty pathetic to bask in praise that you can't earn yourself. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif If Steam isn't going to look after the interests of mod authors, then why should mod authors contribute to Steam's interests by stocking their Workshop with mods? In my view, this lack of timely enforcement by Steam staff to deal with plagiarists is a good reason why mod authors should avoid publishing via the Steam Workshop.
  7. I wish there were more tangible repercussions resulting from the player's choice in how they conduct their character. For example, in games like Fable, regularly performing evil deeds had a cumulative effect that physically changed the appearance of your character and affected how everyone reacted to your character. If Skyrim had some sort of "karmic" system whose effects are cumulative and persistent and had a measurable impact on game play, I think Skyrim's darkly themed quests would carry more weight, and would lend much more significance to the player's choices in those quests.
  8. I think this is to be expected. When you select your weapon/shield, you may not have them drawn but you're still wearing them (shield on your arm, sword in its scabbard at your hip, two-handers on your back etc), so it seems logical for your movement to still be hampered by them in some fashion.
  9. I've had this happen to me. I've noticed that it happens randomly with the majority of items (usually vanilla items) but consistently with one or two custom gear mods. I'm not entirely certain if the custom gear mods are to blame because despite having them installed, the misplaced/wrongly sized items glitch hasn't happened in the last little while. The only things I've done during that period was install/uninstall some non-gear related mods and shift the load order around a little bit, placing most of my custom gear mods mostly in the middle of the load order.
  10. Ridiculous article... Mods have become integral to the Elder Scrolls franchise and is a contributing factor to Bethesda's success. I know I'm not alone when I say that modding, and Bethesda's reputation for supporting modding to a greater degree than most other developers, played a part in my decision to purchase Skyrim for the PC and not for the PS3 or 360. Modding gives the community the option to tailor the game as desired and push beyond certain limitations. They can make cosmetic improvements, tweak or change mechanics and balance, introduce new features and fix bugs to some extent. With mods making all that possible, I don't care at all if mods make the vanilla configuration of the game pale in comparison. I've got 454 hours in Skyrim because mods have kept the experience fresh for me. As for the command console ruining the game, it`s the player that ruins the game experience should they decide to use the console to cheat their way through Skyrim. The command console by itself does nothing. Having the console available allows players to get past show-stopping bugs and glitches, helps mod creators test their mods, helps players create machinima and creatively composed screen shots and so on... If some people choose to ruin their own game play experience using the console, that's too bad for them. For the community at large, the console is a very good thing. I agree with bben46. The article sounds like it was written by a console fanboy who is trying to cheer himself up by trying to justify why modding and the console should be considered bad things. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif
  11. Try one of these: player.additem 0007C932 1 Or for hooded version of the Archmage Robes player.additem 0010F570 1 For Archmage boots (optional) player.additem 0007C92E 1 EDIT: I thought you were given Arch-Mage status but not the gear. Doi! I misread what you were asking. :-P
  12. The console command is "TAI" or "Toggle AI". Bring up the console, type: sgtm x sgtm stands for "Set Global Time Modifier" and it allows you to control the speed of time. (Note: This is not the same as "set timescale to x" command.) "x" is a speed multiplier. So for half speed, you'd use 0.5. To speed up time, use a number greater than 1. Use "sgtm" to slow down time to make it easier to catch the creature in its jumping animation. With the console open, click on the creature you want to screen shot. This will select the creature and show its ID at the top of the screen. Close the console and wait for it to jump. Bring up the console again and type in TAI to keep the NPC frozen.
  13. Argh! Another reason why I shouldn't play Skyrim into the wee hours. I don't know how but I completely missed the fact that the "ask for work" quest markers are back over the other Companions. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif I suppose I was stuck in the mindset that when you're the top honcho in an organization, you usually delegate the work, not ask for work from a subordinate. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif
  14. I think it's a little more complicated than saying "game X has this, so game Y should have no problems implementing it too." We need to keep in mind when making comparisons like this is that game development is often a balancing act. Developers often can't have their cake and eat it too. Massive, fully represented armies on screen may be possible but only if some other aspect of the game is either simplified or excluded entirely. Skyrim must deal with certain complexities given its design goals that Mount and Blade doesn't have to deal with given its design goals and that may preclude Skyrim from being able to represent an army of hundreds on screen, for example. I do understand what you're saying though. Undoubtedly, there is a (painful) amount of simplification that's done in order to accommodate not only the limited hardware of gaming consoles, but to accommodate the difference in the demographic of the console gamer crowd. I'm not saying that console gamers are simpletons! But their demographic contains more preteens and casual gamers and that makes streamlined, simplified game play more of an advantage with regards to that specific demographic.
  15. I've been lucky so far in that the only orphaned journal entry I have is "Talk to the leader of the Companions about work." But I completed the Companions quest line and I am the leader of the Companions. Does that mean I should start talking to myself? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
  16. I was going to point out the same thing. :-) He's going on about "2008 tech... 2008 tech..." when Skyrim was designed so that it can still run on 2005 game console hardware with a static hardware configuration. That means concessions have to be made on just how complex Skyrim can get. The developers can't be faulted for that. We live in a time where game consoles dominate video gaming, and if studios want to make money, developing for consoles take priority. I don't want to make it sound like I'm a PC elitist but the simple reality of it is that getting a game that's built around the limitations of consoles is the concession we PC gamers make these days. Most definitely. They started Skyrim development in 2008 and had a 3-year development period. Technology moves at a relatively rapid pace over the span of 3 years. It's not always possible, practical or financially feasible to rip out and re-do work that was done earlier in the course of development.
  17. +1 on Realistic Ragdolls especially If you're using an archer build. Seeing the target sent flying head over heels 15 feet from where they were standing, all from an arrow shot is fun for the first few times but it gets a bit much.
  18. Have you tried praying at any of the Aedra Shrines? Shrine of Talos, Kynareth etc...
  19. In no particular order... Post Processing Injector/Wrapper Systems It's hard to pick just one. But no matter which I used, they all helped immensely in making the game world really pop and come to life. On my XP machine where I first started to play Skyrim, I used anFXAA Injector Post Processor. Then I used Realistic Lighting with Customization which uses only the game engine lighting system and no external post processors. When I moved Skyrim to the new Windows 7 machine, I used the ENBSeries post processor at first before switching back to Realistic Lighting with Customization but in combination with Enhanced Vanilla ENB with a further stripped down configuration to provide better shadows, depth of field and parallax bump mapping support. Currently I'm using using Vibrant ENB with the Default configuration and I think this'll be my default post processor for the next while. Climates of Tamriel Climates of Tamriel adds a stunning amount of variation to the weather to the skies and lighting conditions of Skyrim. The mod includes 2,024 unique days, nights, sunrises and sun sets in addition to 506 unique weather systems. It's not infinite variety as in the real world but it sure looks and feels pretty damn close! And it's even more effective when used in conjunction with graphics post processing! SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Predators One of the things that annoyed me about Skyrim was how when you happened upon two groups of animals fighting each other, they'd suddenly unite forces and turn on you. I found this odd behavior to be particularly troublesome after starting a new character and installing mods that increased the number and lethality of Skyrim's creatures! There's nothing like being a level 9 character being chased down by 6 saber cats and 4 bears who've decided to put their differences aside for the moment just so they can really ruin your day. There was the real danger of running into an ad hoc animal army that could rise up at any time to kill me should I happen to stumble into the wrong place at the wrong time. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif Not only did SkyTEST eliminate that ridiculous situation, it went further by implementing significantly more realistic animal behaviours and proper predator/prey relationships. Should someone decide to make a mod that addresses flora growth, we can have a complete ecosystem! Texture Pack Combiner The author of the Texture Pack Combiner went through hundreds of textures and performed many hours of comparison testing based on quality, transitioning, blending, distance, realism, errors and VRAM use. In the end he hand picked over 1,300 high quality textures from several popular high definition texture packs, and created a batch file to compile them into a single installation. If you can't decide which high definition texture pack to go with, Texture Pack Combiner is a handy all-in-one solution that provides a good starting point. While deciding which texture is better is always highly subjective matter, I can't fault his choices. There's nothing I've come across so far that's glaring and it's an overall improvement over the default Skyrim texture set. Sounds of Skyrim While most of my immersive mod choices have been visual in nature, visuals aren't everything. Sounds of Skyrim adds new contextual sounds that add variety to the Skyrim soundscape. Unfortunately, Sounds of Skyrim is currently offline due to an odd bug that was causing severe saved game bloat for some users. Hopefully the problems will be solved by the author and the mod will be online again some time soon. Lively Inns and Taverns I realize this is a top 5 list but I feel that Lively Inns and Taverns deserves a mention. Let's face it. The inns and taverns in Skyrim are downright depressing. They're virtually devoid of life, incongruous with their environment (the only inn/tavern in a large town or city and it's virtually empty?) and stocked just with NPCs who're only there to give out quests or drop some information for context. While it's understandable that not too many NPCs are used for technical reasons, it's still immersion breaking. That's why I appreciate mods like Lively Inns and Taverns. Lively Inns and Taverns adds patrons (within reason and in keeping with the story) as well as the sounds of a busy inn/tavern that's more befitting of the setting. The mod author even implements sound occlusion! When you're outside the busy tavern, as you approach, you can hear the muffled sounds of bustling activity inside. When you're inside, go into an adjacent room off of the busy great hall and the crowd noise becomes muffled and quieter. It's a wonderful touch of realism. Granted, the player may not spend a great deal of time in an inn or tavern for the majority of the game. But often times it's the occasional details, the ones that aren't always constantly in your face that can still significantly boost immersion.
  20. Maybe some posters needed to raise their Conjuration level? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
  21. I'm enjoying it now more than ever, primarily due to moving Skyrim over to a computer I built for multimedia work (Core i7 3930k, 32GB of RAM). Skyrim runs significantly more smoothly and with far greater stability on the new system. The better specs enables me to use more technically demanding mods that used to crash frequently on my old dual core system. I had almost 400 hours into Skyrim before I took a voluntary break a few months back. I didn't want to get to the point where I started to feel really bored with Skyrim. Granted, the new system has breathed life back into Skyrim for me but knowing when to step back was important too. Since you're experiencing some burn-out, consider playing something else for a while before coming back to Skyrim.
  22. No guarantees this will work but when a particular area was giving me trouble (for some reason, it's usually around Riften, and at one point, Windhelm), this is what I've tried that worked on occasion: - Temporarily disable any mods that add more NPCs, wildlife, enemies (etc) or any mods that modify spawn rates etc... Also disable any mods which globally affect the behaviour of the world space. e.g. Possessive Corpses. Reload Skyrim. If it doesn't CTD, re-save to a new save file, quit, then re-enable those mods (if desired) and reload the new save game. I've also tried the following (sometimes in combination with the above suggestion) with some success: - If Skyrim gives you a few moments before it CTDs, as opposed to instant CTDs, fast travel or use the console command "COC" to travel to any interior location. Sleep or wait in that location for 24 game world hours, then exit that interior location. Upon entering the exterior worldspace, call up the console and type "pcb" to purge cell buffers. Don't COC or fast travel directly into the troublesome area. Fast travel to some neighbouring location, then travel into it the affected area on foot. If you don't crash, create a new save file, exit and reload using the new save file.
  23. I... actually thought the same thing. I thought it was a thread about terrain modding; like making rocks and boulders with better collision meshes or something...
  24. "Crash To Desktop" I've heard people criticizing the Nexus for having nude/adult mods and how the community here is a bunch of perverts because of it. And what do the fine, upstanding, community members using the Steam Workshop focus on in a hair mod? A semi-visible nipple in one of the example pics... of Khajiiti female to boot! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif
  25. I haven't reached that part of the quest yet so I used the console to locate it in order to answer your question.
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