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Everything posted by Thacker

  1. I'm getting close to finished with my mod but a critical problem remains. I'm making a modified Arcane Warrior, and I can't get Combat Magic's "spellpower to damage" function to work. I've located the relevant portion of core_h and tried to work it into my scripts but to no avail. I'm either getting an undefined variable error, or a no starting condition error, or any other number of errors as I try to resolve those errors. If there is anyone out here who would be willing to walk a newbie through the last bits of some scripting, I'd be very grateful. Thanks!
  2. For what it's worth I fixed my own problem. Since I based it on Might Blow, I forgot to delete a portion of the script immediately below the above quoted that was applying the combat result damage as pure physical damage.
  3. Hello I'm trying to make a simple weapon ability that deals only elemental damage on hit. I've Frankenstein-ed a script together based mostly on Might Blow and the impact damage from Fireball. Below is the relevant portion: float fDamage = Combat_Damage_GetAttackDamage(stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.oTarget, oWeapon, nResult, 0.0f); eEffect = EffectDamage(fDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE); ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eEffect, stEvent.oTarget, 0.0f, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);When used, this applies physical damage AND additional fire damage. I'd like it to apply ONLY fire damage. For example, if a normal hit deals 10 damage, I want the damage applied as 10 fire damage without any fire damage. Is this possible? Any ideas? Thanks!
  4. Sorry to ask a simple question... I've also been trying to modify xcomgame.exe to allow directing reading of the DGC.ini but am I having no luck finding the 0x157D93A hex offset. The instructions on the wiki make note of "patch 4", but as far as I can gather there is only patch 3 out. Is patch 4 the Slingshot DLC? If it is, do you know the offset (or how I could find it) for the patch 3 .exe? Edit: Errr, I guess I found it? I'm new to this hex editing thing and apparently the offsets HxD shows depends on the width of it's window? Who woulda guessed! (well not me at least...) Anyways I think I did it, bed now but I'll try in the morning.
  5. I found this a few hours ago but haven't used it yet. Since these will be available in the game, will they be available in the toolset? Or I guess more accurately, do you know if I the core aspects of the abilities (such as converting damage to spirit damage) can be accessed if I assign it to a DIFFERENT skill? I guess the easiest way would be to putz around and find out, but was just curious if you knew off hand. Thanks for point me towards that though.
  6. I was curious if it is possible to port over some of the abilities (or the entire specialization) of Spirit Warrior into DA:O, either as a standalone Spirit Warrior specialization, or adding some of the abilities to others. I peaked through abi_gxa.gda and passive_abilities_gxa.gda and found references to the different Spirit Warrior abilities. I really just want access to the ability that converts all damage to spirit damage and the movement and attack speed bonuses (though I should be able to get those from swift salve or the like?). I don't know if I can just plug in the values for the spirit damage into a DA:O specialization and it will work, if it will not be able to reference them since they are from Awakening. Anyone have any clues? Edit: Upon closer inspection it looks like some info I (might) need is in the script files for Awakening. But, Awakening doesn't provide .nss files (or we can't access them?) only the compiled files, which we cannot access. Hope this doesn't mean dead end :(
  7. (I just realized I am competing with Skyrim for attention, a losing battle I'm sure. Though hopefully someone might be looking here and knows what to do...) So slight progress, in that I'm pretty sure I know the problem and the general way to fix it... According to this thread at Bioware Social, the DA2 models are indeed slightly different and can't directly be imported into DA:O (startling revelation I'm sure...). So I am now trying to tackle the task of converting the models to the appropriate DA:O format. From what I've gathered, I need: 1). 3d software that will handle the files -currently trying with Blender and the DragonBlender .20 script 2). A way to extract/convert the DA2 files so they can be imported by Blender via DragonBlender -using Tazpn's DA2 Tools I believe the basic steps I need to take are: 1). Use Tazpn's DA2Tools to turn the .mmh into a Blender importable file (.fbx, .3ds, .dae, or .obj) 2). Import file from #1 into Blender 3). Export the file from Blender as an .fbx using Dragon Blender 4). Take that .fbx and convert it into an .mmh.xml/.msh.xml via Tazpn's DA:O Tools 5). Comple those .xmls into the .mmh and .msh files via Tazpn's DA:O Tools Is any of that near correct? If it is or isn't, does anyone have any more specific details as to how to do each step? I've tried puttering around in Blender but I'm not sure if I'm even doing anything. Further, I'm not sure I'm even getting past step 1. When I try to use Tazpn's DA2 Tools, it outputs an .fbx/.3ds/.dae/.obj file, but I get an error that says "unable to open <file>.msh". This seems like a critical problem, since I'm trying to get that .msh into Blender to re-export as DA:O compatible. I think my next step might be pulling out some hair. I'll see where that gets me. If anyone has some insight into this, I (and my hair) would greatly appreciate the help. Thanks
  8. Ok, so after doing some digging and reading, I've made some progress. I made a new (extension?) greatsword_variation_<mod>.gda that pointed to the models from Adonnay's file. Placing that .gda into the override folder, the new weapon was selectable as a variant in the Toolset. Unfortunately, no model shows up when it's selected. I believe I have the .gda is set up correctly, however I'm wondering if the naming scheme that Adonnay used (since this was a DA2 mod) is incompatible with DA:O. Looking at some other weapon mods I have installed, I saw that they all have "gsw" listed for the MODELTYPE, whereas Adonnay's models use different names ("lbl", "wbl", and "lsb"). Can DA:O not handle these MODELTYPES? Apparently DA2 can, since the install instructions say to just point the .gda to the files as is (i.e. using "lbl", "wbl", and "lsb"as the MODELTYPE). Assuming that was the case, I tried simply renaming the .mao, .mmh, .msh, and .phy files from "w_lbl_ad01.xxx" to "w_gsw_ad01.xxx" and adjusting the .gda. However the model still did not show up in the model view in the Toolset. Is there some referencing to eachother within the .mao, mmh, .msh, and .phy files that needs to be edited manually if I change the filenames? Any other ideas as why the model is not showing up? I've attached a screenshot of my current folder structure for this mod along with a view of the .gda. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks
  9. (I originally posted this over in Mod Troubleshooting. But that forum doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic, so I am trying again here. Apologies for the quasi-double post.) Greetings I want to try to use Adonnays Assorted Armoury in DA:O. I realize it's a DA2 mod, but I think I've heard that it's possible to do so. I've spoken, in brief, to Adonnay and he agrees that in theory it should work. I've tried porting the method for DA2 installation to DA:O (editing the <weapon>_variations.gda with the new model) but that has proven unsuccessful. I've likewise just stuck the .erfs in the override and folder and looked to see if the new models became available in the Toolset, but that was a dead end as well. Considering that the file types are the same between DA:O and DA2 (right...?) this should be possible to do (right...?). I'd greatly appreciate any help with this endeavor. Thanks.
  10. Sounds like you don't have some (all?) of the mods listed under Requirements. If you don't want to download them there is an optional vanilla only morph of her face, it's listed under the optional files section for download. If you've done/tried all these and her head/hair is still missing, then I'm at a loss.
  11. Hmmm, the plot thickens, but in a tasty manor! Following chucksteel's advice, I made sure that when I imported the .nif I told it not to import the animation, and that when I exported it I also told it not to use the animation. (thanks! kudos to you!) On top of that, I followed Nadimos' advice. I went to the logic panel, selected "Dynamic" and selected "Triangle mesh" for the bounds. (thanks! kudos to you!) In game, the object now behaves properly when being manipulated by hand. However, when I drop one from my inventory, the model still hangs in the air for a few seconds and then appears on the ground. Interestingly I hear the "clank" of it dropping to the ground almost immediately, so it seems like it's just some graphical glitch. Even more interesting (I think) is if I drop a second one after dropping the first one. While the first one hangs in the air for a moment, the second and any subsequent ones I drop DON'T. The fall immediately to the ground. I think I could live with this, but, I'm kinda thinking of releasing this to the public, so I'd like to have it as spic and span as possible. Any further suggestions? Attached is the newly redone model that exhibits the above.
  12. You know I kinda thought of this. The first aid kits do open when you use them in game right (I can't recall)? I unfortunately, don't know really how to use nifscope very well, though I would think a search of "remove animation with nifscope" or the like should be able to point me in the right direction? Thanks, and if you get a chance to look at the file, even more thanks! I'll have to try this when I get home in a few hours. I"m not sure what you mean by just the "static" (or how to even distinguish it from the other stuff), but would Mr. Silka's tutorial be a good place to start? Thanks!
  13. Do you just need to know how to add new recipes to the game? or something else?
  14. Thanks for the reply rausheim, though it doesn't really help me :P If you haven't, you may want to try out using Blender, LHammonds is really very good.
  15. Hi I'm creating a mod that creates a usable first aid kit (just like the Doctor's Bag that already exists). I'm using the model for the first aid kits you find attached to the walls. After extracting it from the .bsa and assigning it to my new item, I found that if I dropped it from my inventory it just floated in the air. I realized this might be because it has no collision data or otherwise designed to interact with the world as a dynamic object, so I followed LHammonds Convex Collision Model Blender Tutorial (I've successfully used his method once before to import another item, so I atleast know somewhat what to do). However my results have been mixed. The newly collision-ified model in game acts strangely. When I drop it from my inventory, it floats for a moment, then drops to the ground. I thought this might be lag/framedrops initially but I tested with other objects and it did not occur. Further, while the object can be picked up and manipulated the physics of it are strange. When you pick up every other object it acts as it would if you picked it up in real life, i.e. if you pick up an umbrella by one end, the other end naturally points towards the ground. My first aid kit does not do this though. No matter where on the object I pick it up, it maintains a perfectly flat orientation; it doesn't "dangle" like a real object picked up by the corner would. Does anyone know the reason this might occur? Obviously I'm doing something wrong in Blender, but I am blissfully unaware as to what. It's not "game breaking" by any means, but I'd like to be able to fix it if possible. Attached is the .nif (note: I've scaled it down to a smaller size). If it's easier, I can attach a basic plugin that includes it so you can more easily see it in game. Thanks for any help!
  16. Thanks rickerhk, got it to work. I was just sloppy typing in the code :D Thanks everyone who replied!
  17. Hmmm, your code makes perfect sense, rickerhk, but for some reason the damn thing isn't working for me. I'll try tweaking it/checking it and make sure it's not something I mistyped or the like.
  18. No prob. I guess I was being overly paranoid and trying not to tip my hand, since (far as I know) this mod hasn't been released for NV and I was hoping to get it out there as my debut :happy: Begin Gamemode If condition1 Showmessage message1 ElseIf condition2 Showmessage message2 ElseIf condition3 Showmessage message3 ElseIf condition4 Showmessage message4 EndIf End The code as written works for my purposes. The problem is this is a quest script that is running constantly. Thus, every time it is run, a message appears. I would prefer for the message to only appear the first time one of the conditions are met, and then when a new condition is met, for it's message to only display once, etc. Hope that makes sense.
  19. I'm running into a problem with my current script. I have it showing a different message for each of 4 different states. Whenever a state changes it correctly shows the new, relevant message. Unfortunately, since the script runs every 2 seconds, the messages are showing up every 2 seconds. It's not game breaking, but it is annoying. I tried making the messages show only once by doing a If MsgToggle == 1 ShowMessage Message01 set MsgToggle to 0 But the problem I run into is resetting MsgToggle at the start of each state, thus resulting in MsgToggle always equally 1 and the message always showing. I'm pretty sure there is a fairly simple way to do this. Sadly I cannot figure it out. Thus, help would be most appreciated. Thanks!
  20. Nice, thanks MadNuttah! I haven't tried yet, but would this allow you to also run multiple instances of the same GECK (FO3 or NV)?
  21. I too, would love to know if this is possible. Or as an alternative, if there is some way to export the "Details..." info on the data load screen, or some other way to be able to see what needs to be changed aside from lots of scratch paper and screanshots :blush:
  22. I might help us if you told us WHICH mod you are trying to install. If the mod has game models (textures or meshes) then you were right to place those folders inside your "data" folder in NV. However look to see if there is anything else in the zip, maybe something that has a name similar to the name of the mod, that should be the .esp plugin file which will activate the mod. If it has an .esp, you need to put that in your data folder as well. Then when you load up NV and click on Data Files you should see the name of the plugin. Click it and the mod should work.
  23. I'm currently trying to create a mod that would remove the skill component (via fDamageSkillBase and fDamageSkillMult) from the damage calculation for guns, but leave it for melee weapons. Doing that wasn't too hard, however I realized that since I did it via modifying the above game settings whenever I had a gun equipped, that effect was propagating to everyone in the game (right? call me on this if I'm wrong). So basically, whenever I had a gun equipped, everyone else, regardless of what they had equipped were doing full damage (minus penalty from condition). Ideally the calculation would be done on an actor by actor basis. So if I have a melee weapon equipped, and Mr. Mutant has a gun, then my melee weapon damage will be scaled based on my skill, but Mr. Mutant's gun damage will not be scaled based on skill. Sadly, I don't think this is possible since guns and melee use the same game settings for calculating damage from skill. However maybe I'm missing something? Can anyone think of a solution to this problem? Thanks.
  24. I'm a fan of both versions of Fellout, but it seems that Fellout NV's night aren't as dark as the nights in Fellout (for FO3). Has anyone else noticed this? To the point, what is the simplest way to modify this on my own? It looks like quiet a few (all?) of the Weather, Image Space and Image Space Modifiers have been altered, but I am not familiar enough with those to know what to change. Could a new Image Space Modifier (via a new .esp) just be used that does an overall darkening of nights above and beyond Fellouts? Thanks!
  25. I was under the impression "Sight FOV" was the value to manipulate, so not sure why it isn't working for you. For reference, heres a link to another thread asking the same, maybe it will give some insight.
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