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Everything posted by New0Nexus02021

  1. Would anyone know how to make an alias fill for if an NPC is using the FollowPlayer AI package? This would be different from filling the alias from a companion (see below for dynamically setting a companion)
  2. I'm in the same boat. I can only generate .wem for NPC dialogue but have found nothing about creating new WWize events that you could call from a script or anything. You can create the Soundbanks successfully in WWize, then try building the Soundbank with the Audio function CK but it doesn't seem to recognize it. Also tried extracting the BA2 files, but it seems like (similar to voice lines) they're referenced by an ID. It seems you would almost need some third party tool to inject your new data into the .json and place it back into a ba2 file for the CK to properly recognize it but that's way above me.
  3. If it's a player dialogue scene, usually you need to go into the upper right corner and assign an Alias. If it's ONLY dialogue, I've had problems with it initiating with no cause other than maybe a bug in the creation kit.
  4. So I'm trying to run a 'moveto' idle marker, however, when compiling, I run into an error "IdleMarker is not a variable" and "type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a idlemarker to a objectreference"
  5. Hello, Assigning an NPC to use an idlemarker is easy, but does anyone know how to do it for the Player Character? I'm unable to find a script or fragment for this.
  6. Thank you so much! I can't begin to describe how much time I've spent trying to figure this out between the Skyrim, Fallout 4 & Starfield Creation Kits. I've been working this since the beginning of June. Thanks again! #NotAllHeroesWearCapes
  7. After some review on this topic, it seems like fragments can not do actions such as "MoveTo". From my understanding, the only thing fragments CAN do is set different quest stages. This leads me to another question: How can a dialogue be achieved, move you to another stage where that stage runs a script from the "script" tab? If fragments do nothing else, how do scripts know when to activate? Would there be something like an "at.stage.2. run init?" or something to that degree?
  8. I've been working on a simple script of moving the Player Character after dialogue for 2 weeks, but there seems to be no way to do this. METHOD 1: - For example: I created a script that goes as follows: - Additionally, went to properties, selected "ActorBase" and selected "Player" Second property: went to "Object Reference" and selected "XMarker" - Went Back to "Scenes" found the NPC response, clicked "Run Fragment" dropped down to use "AH_MoveToScript" and saved - Loaded game, spoke to NPC RESULT: NOTHING HAPPENS METHOD 2: - Used the same script above - Went to "Scripts" - Opened "Phase 3" - Tabbed "Run Fragment" and dropped down to "AH_MoveToScript" RESULT: NOTHING HAPPENS METHOD 3: - Opened NPC's response text - Clicked "Run Fragment" (on End) - Typed: Player.MoveTo(XMarker) - Click "Properties" - Add "ActorBased" and typed/scrolled to "Player" - Add another Property as "ObjectReference" > "Selected Reference in window" - Go to save/compile, and receive the following error: RESULT: DOES NOT WORK *Conclusion: What is the point of giving these options, selecting properties and etc if none of them work or do anything in the game? What is going wrong? Is there a step-by-step tutorial on how to fix this? Does anyone in the modding community know about how to do this and would be willing to share (dummy proof, step by step, literally). I just don't get it and get a headache everytime I mess with it. It just doesn't make sense to me why it will not work.
  9. I'm trying to do something similar: - Upon dialogue option > teleport the player to a location. Can you be more thorough on how to do this for a noob? I see something about "in an empty state" where can the empty state be found? I attempted to use the Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() myPlayerMarkerExit.MoveTo(PlayerRef) PlayerRef.MoveTo(myPlayerMarkerEnter) myNPC.MoveTo(myNPCmarker) after opening my quest > entering "Scene" tab > double clicking response to cause teleport > Pressing the "Run Fragment" bubble in the "OnEnd" section This leads to the compile failing; additionally, it won't allow me to set a property and reference the marker in the reference window. What am I doing wrong here?
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