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  1. Thanks for the reply, but after some tries. It only bring me more confusion in fact. This is extremely annoying especially after it affected by dark NPC face bug. Here is what I try: 1. Use CK to do the export texture (Ctrl-F4) thing. 2. Enter skyrim with ESP overriding the HouseCarls' face. 3. Select my HouseCarl, (in console) "resurrect". The NPC is resurrected ... with old setting. Then I have to try: 1. setnpcweight <weight> 2. resurrect The setnpcweight seems to update the hair style, and texture loaded normally. Only after this, "resurrect" will work with the setting from ESP.... but for this time ONLY. I try to save this, but next time it will fallback to old settings. :wallbash:
  2. Hi, Recently I gave CK a try to make some change to the HouseCarlSolitude & HouseCarlRiften by a ESP file. But I found I want to polish it a bit. This is where SHXT happened. I tried to make some change, but it DID NOT take effect in game. What's more, It was affected by "Dark face bug!" So I did the "Ctrl+F4" fix, but it WON'T work neither... ( I did make sure the textures was correctly exported. ) According to the author of NPC editor, the record of NPC will be cached in the saves first. I selected the NPC and tried: "disable", "markfordelete" before I save and exit the game, and do "player.placeatme <id>" or "enable" or "resurrect" next time I start the game at ALL arbitrary order. BUT my HouseCarls' face DID NOT change any bit... :wallbash: May anyone tell me how to "REMOVE NPC record from existing saves COMPLETELY", so that I can enforce Skyrim to load my esp's setting of NPC, please? Thank you.
  3. yeah... I totally forget that!! Because it's not required nor provided in MMD. I will proceed to generate them. Thank you.
  4. First of all, thanks for the replys. well, it was a MMD character that I take only the clothing part of it. The original texture was in BMP or TGA format, and I convert them into DDS. They're loaded fine... at least in NIF skope The piece look like this in NIF skope. (yeah, I bet you know whose stuff it is. My friends and I saw a face of character replica for her, so we think she might need her equipment. It's not so complete, because I want to go through the whole procedure to make sure it will work before the tuning of all details. ) About in game screeshot, allow me to take some "handling" on that later because of the nudity..., and I usually work in Linux while I do modding in windows :facepalm: Thank you all.
  5. So... Do I need to add more description or something else? Please let me know. If anyone would love to help, I'm very willing to listen to all your suggestion.
  6. Hi, I try to port a armor by myself this time by Blender 2.49. I made few armor into BBB before, they all exported normally. This time, everything looks fine in NIF Skope. But it's quite horrible in game. Clothes of upper body is probably vanished. The character is half naked. The cloth of lower body isn't well either. It looks like broken. What's more, the whole hands, which are completely covered by the gloves, are invisible as well. I went to NIF skope to check if the alpha value is wrong. But it looks like normal when compare to other armor's mesh. Does anyone experience similar problem can shed some light into this? Thank you.
  7. Hi, I downloaded the Cute Elves race - Mystical Unicorn - new v135. And decided to tune the default face in TES_CS. But something wrong happen in race edit dialogue. The preview face in "faceGen data" tab show a "black head." Only the ears & eyes show up with the texture. The rest, including skin and hair, is totally black. It's odd that I tried to edit many race before. But this didn't happen to me. What's even more weird: The race works fine in game. Is there anything I miss here in order to make the texture loaded in TES CS? Thank you.
  8. Hi, it's working here. Thanks for you suggestion :wink: Although I'm now bewildered by why it look fine in Blender, but not in game...
  9. Hi, I was loading some nif along with keyframe file in order to check if the cloth or skirt might collide body. ... But something horrible happened. After I load the nif with keyframe file. The whole body, cloth twisted into a chunk and collapse on the ground. (z=0) And playing in timeline mode make the "meat chunk" lurk like some disgusting worm... :facepalm: The kf file( walkforward.kf) includes BBB motion indeed, but the nif is also compatible with BBB. ( I tried it in game.) It's just the cloth colliding the leg so I want to import it back and try to tune the armature. What mistake did I made? Any body has some idea, please?
  10. Bolzenschuss, I'm to report your approach solve the same problem for me. Thank you SO MUCH!! :thumbsup:
  11. First of all, thank you both. It seems I ask for something too far too soon. According to Sir PrettyMurky's post, I now guess that means the NPC's AI is frozen during PC is in bed, doesn't it? Then about the "SeeYouSleep" mod, does that remain the processing of NPCs in the dungeon ? I would like to know if it could be real-time updated. If not, I would like to switch to another topic as soon as possible. Anyway, thank you for all the keywords. They are all very useful for me. :thumbsup:
  12. Hello, I want to try something like "make hostile NPC try to assassinate PC if they are near enough in the same dungeon," which could make it more realistic, I think. I tried a few times but without any success. Then I came to draw a question I never thought about before... "Are other NPC still behave according to their AI package during PC is in bed?" Thank you.
  13. Thank you. How stupid I am to follow a object script guide to do that... I really appreciate your patience and help to a noob like me. Happy modding to you.
  14. Hi, I tried to do some script. something like begin OnAdd/OnEquip works fine for me. But something HORRIBILY wrong here... Before you ask, I'm following EVERY steps mentioned here. I did enable the new esp file, checked in BOTH OBMM and OblivionLauncher, and put it at the last of the loading order. scripting tutorial my second script But the trivial GameMode script like: ( yes, I did set it to "quest" type) ScriptName HorribleMessageScript Begin GameMode MessageBox “Thousands of useless messages!” End Won't take effect in game. I thought it was my fault without calming down. I tried to wash my face. And try again but failed. I went to jog 30 minutes, take a shower. And return to try again. But still failed... :wallbash: What could be wrong here? Is there any possibility like race condition or other script blocking it?
  15. Hi, I looked over obse and official function wiki. But nothing is found so far. Is it possible anyway?
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