So I decided to delete all my mods and reinstall Skyrim as I have managed to break my game by adding even more mods to it during a playthrough. I was running about 200 at that time including a bashed patch that worked great. I took a much more careful approach to modding the game after the fresh install, carefully reading descriptions, analysing compatibility and so forth. That took me all day today, with the last thing I decided to do today was to add all the mods that have leveled lists/edits. So after doing that I went to wrye bash, fixed up the load order which LOOT gave me and then went on to rebuild the bashed patch. And that's when I noticed the leveled lists were not as numerous as in my previous modding attempt, despite the fact I've added even more mods affecting leveled lists. I noticed a few mods like the Bandoliers and Animallica that were previously included in my bashed patches yet weren't this time around. Examining them in LOOT reveals that they haven't had bashed tags attached to them like in the past. I tried updating the master list and even installing the beta version of LOOT, it did not help. Searching the net seems to bring up no answers. So please can anyone tell me what is going on? Why are the bashed tags not being added properly? I could add them myself but I have never done it before, and I have around 160 mods so going through them to look for mods that will need bash tags added can be a bit tedious. I am a noob, and I don't mind if someone points me to an obvious answer I missed and if there is one, I am sorry to have made this thread. I am just out of willpower right now, it seems that Skyrim mods always beat me before I beat the game. (Mind my last 200+ mods load order was actually working well until I decided to mess with it) Thank you very much and godspeed.