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Everything posted by Tzirael
Witcher 3 is not an Open World Game
Tzirael replied to MasterAub's topic in The Witcher's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Yeah, it's not open world. It's multiple open world's. :) And the world's are truly open because there are no loading screens within them. If we are going by sizes then Skyrim which is supposed to represent a whole country by itself is smaller than Velen and Novigrad, which are just regions. CDPR wanted to have realistic scale and I believe at one point in their development they had manual travel to Skellige, which took almost an hour of travel by a boat. They decided to drop the idea because it was simply boring. Saying TW3 is not an open world is like saying Skyrim isn't an open world because I can't hop over the boarder to Morrowind or Cyrodil. The games have different scales. Also a lot of people seem to be confusing sandbox with open world, even one of the reviews for the game said the game does a terrible job of being open world, when it's clear the author was talking about sandbox aspect of open world's like Skyrim. This is a narrative-driven open world, not a sandbox open world. -
After a reinstall bash tags are not adding properly [HELP] :(
Tzirael replied to Tzirael's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Shameless bump. I uninstalled all the mods, I installed the ones with leveled lists edits and updated Loot masterlist again. The bash tags are still missing off mods like animallica, cloaks of skyrim and bandoliers. Guess I'll have to add tags manually if there is no solution. If there isn't one then I am gonna take a few months off Skyrim and return, hoping it will work or I'll have to fix it manually. -
So I decided to delete all my mods and reinstall Skyrim as I have managed to break my game by adding even more mods to it during a playthrough. I was running about 200 at that time including a bashed patch that worked great. I took a much more careful approach to modding the game after the fresh install, carefully reading descriptions, analysing compatibility and so forth. That took me all day today, with the last thing I decided to do today was to add all the mods that have leveled lists/edits. So after doing that I went to wrye bash, fixed up the load order which LOOT gave me and then went on to rebuild the bashed patch. And that's when I noticed the leveled lists were not as numerous as in my previous modding attempt, despite the fact I've added even more mods affecting leveled lists. I noticed a few mods like the Bandoliers and Animallica that were previously included in my bashed patches yet weren't this time around. Examining them in LOOT reveals that they haven't had bashed tags attached to them like in the past. I tried updating the master list and even installing the beta version of LOOT, it did not help. Searching the net seems to bring up no answers. So please can anyone tell me what is going on? Why are the bashed tags not being added properly? I could add them myself but I have never done it before, and I have around 160 mods so going through them to look for mods that will need bash tags added can be a bit tedious. I am a noob, and I don't mind if someone points me to an obvious answer I missed and if there is one, I am sorry to have made this thread. I am just out of willpower right now, it seems that Skyrim mods always beat me before I beat the game. (Mind my last 200+ mods load order was actually working well until I decided to mess with it) Thank you very much and godspeed.
Looking for a mod that removes the ''magical'' visual effect from taking potions such as health. And a mod that lets you aim whirlwind sprint shout in multiple directions rather than it just going forward.
Project Westeros! Game of Thrones Total Conversion Team.
Tzirael replied to DemosthenesAECo's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Amazing idea, as much as I wish it all came true don't blame me if I'm not too certain of a success rate of such an undertaking, but nevertheless all the best to you and I'll be keeping an eye on this. Fingers crossed. -
Looks amazing. I'm so curious about how the rest of the weapons will look now.
Yeah seems like Sharpshooter's has some issues with Climates of Tamriel. Maybe there is a fix for this or maybe not. I followed in your footsteps and changed to SESFX and everything looks fine so far.
http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p41/Tamahome56/2012-11-20_00010.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p41/Tamahome56/2012-11-20_00022.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p41/Tamahome56/2012-11-21_00002.jpg So I've been trying to figure out what is causing this weird looking sun but to no avail. When I disable the ENB the sun looks just normal but when it's on this is how it ends up looking, a normal sunglare is not present either. I'm not sure what is causing this, no solution that I was able to find anywhere, though it seems like a texture problem. If anyone has any idea how to fix it that would be great. I'm using Sharpshooter's ENB and Climates of Skyrim and the only other thing that may be affecting the sky is the Enhanced night but that only deals with night sky so.... :(
I would like to ask a modder to come up with a fix for ED-E My Love my love quest. The problem with it is that it cannot be obtained if somehow you repaired ED-E before speaking to Johnson Nash ( It happend to me ). I would much appreciate and I'm sure many other people will as well.
Natural Bodies problem.
Tzirael replied to Tzirael's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
No problem :laugh: And thanks for the support ;) -
Natural Bodies problem.
Tzirael replied to Tzirael's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Thanks guys. I've uninstalled NB and checked if the textures matched without it installed .... they didn't. So I've uninstalled every other mod I had (deleted from override folder and used dao mod manager) and still the legs below knees were much brighter then the rest of body textures and neck and face textures colour was still not matching. I've checked it under different lightnings and it did blend in better but if you watch close you can tell that they don't match. I'll try to reinstall NB and see if helps. EDIT: Installed NB again and done some testing. Turns out that when configuring nb the body model , leg model and body special texture have to be NB e.g. NB Leg and NB Medium Hair. If either of those are changed to RL or something else the texture leg mismatch appers. The rest of the options can be mixed and matched. Haven't tested the male options yet to see if I can work out the neck and face mismatch. -
So just downloaded NB and it's really cool but seems like there is a slight problem with textures and I don't know if it's common. 1) Textures don't match up with the face and neck colour ( I assume that it's normal like in oblivion) 2) Female leg textures below their knees are really off Are these normal or is there a solution ? Thanks :smile:
Thank you ! This is amazing :) :thumbsup: The social site just needs a few tweaks and it should be fine :happy:
I believe its been taken down off nexus due to possible copyright issues. I won't give a link just in case, but if you go to the bioware site, last i checked it was still a downloadable project, you'll just have to look for it, someone posted it there on authors behalf. I've looked through the Bioware social site but can't seem to find it :( but thanks anyway ;)
Hi guys! Sometime ago I saw a screenshot with Blood Dragon Armour model from ME2 in DAO but I can't seem to find a mod for it here on nexus. Is there anywhere to download this so I could change my BD Armour into the one from ME2 ? Thanks :)
Thanks! Seems like moving the order of mods removed the CTD's when I go out in the wasteland. But I have another big problem and I dunno want to start another theard :P So now whenever I go near Paradise Falls Ritcher turns and after him the whole town goes hostile. On the other hand Grouse remains friendly even if I wipe out whole PF. I plan on killing everyone in PF anyway but I want to get Clover first :( Anyone has a solution to this ?? I've thought that maybe the Head of the state quest made PF hostile but after reloading it's always the same way even before the quest.
Hi there, Sorry if its wrong section or there was a topic like this before. I'm having a crash to desktop whenever I explore the wasteland. It happens at random. I've tried to find out which mod conflicted but I was unsucessfull :( I'm running version 1.7 with all the DLC'S. Can anyone help me with sorting out this problem? I attached my load order to the message because it would creat giant post :P And I'm sorry for being such a noob :unsure: :( Please anyone help. Thanks I'm using the newest FOSE beta. My comp specs : Vista Home premium SP2 Intel Core Quad 2.4Ghz 3GB RAM Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT 512MB
Thanks for your input guys :) Now I can sleep in peace :P Seems like there is no need for FO3Edit MU after 1.6 and 1.7. I'll give it a try. @OpposingFarce : Thanks, glad to know that my english is exceptional :)
Hi there Sorry if I placed this topic in a wrong section but I wasn't sure :P I have a question about playing mods with all the DLC's and patch 1.7. Do I still have to do FO3Edit Master Update? Because I've heard that after broken steel and patch 1.5 there are many mods that don't work unless FO3Edit Master Update is used. So if I get all the DLC's at once and just update with 1.7 will I have to use FO3Edit? Thanks :) and sorry if my english sucks but its not my first langauge :whistling: